My commission expires:
<br />Farnham
<br />The undsrsigned Harry J. Farnham tl Sally L. I hereby certify and acknowledge that, before signing and executing the
<br />below Dead of Trust, they did read and sign this Written Acknowledgment and, by virtue hereof, the undersigned understand, and understood
<br />before signing said Deed of Trust that said Deed of Trust is ,a Trust Deed and not a mortgage and that the power of sale provided in said Dead
<br />of Trust provides substantially different rights and obligations to the undersigned than a mortgage in the event of a default or breach of oblige-
<br />tion under the sail Trust Dead, including, but not limited to the Geneficiatys right to have the Real Property sold by the Trustee without any judicial
<br />proceeding or foreclosure. The undersigned represent and warrant that this Written Acknowledgment was executed by them before the execution
<br />N the Trust Deed. This Written Acknowledgment is appended as a preface to and made a pert of the below Deed of Trust.
<br />Barry J. Farnham , TRUSTOR Sally L. Farnham TRUSTOR
<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST, made this 29th day of June AD 1987 by and between
<br />Harry J. Farnham and Sally L. Farnham. husband and wife,
<br />of the County d Dou las and State f Nebraska hereinafter called "Truatoe' and
<br />-
<br />James I, a erg Hall
<br />of County, Nebraska hereinafter called "Trustee ", and
<br />ork
<br />- - - Corporation, having its principal
<br />Office endpata�Ke eesat 1285 Avenue of Americas, New York, New York
<br />hereinafter called -Beneficiary':
<br />WITNESSETH, that the Truster, for good and valuable consideration, including the debt and trust hereinafter mentioned and created, and the
<br />sum of one dollar to him paid by the said Trustee, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, does by these presents, irrevocably
<br />gran, beiWlo and sell, cony, assign and confirm unto the said Trustee, IN TRUST, WITH POWER OF SALE, for the benefit and security of Gene-
<br />116". under and subject to the terms and condition of the Deed of Trust, the following described real property situated in Hall
<br />County, Nebraska, to-wit
<br />The South Half of the Southeast quarter (S /2 SE /4) of Section One (1), Township Ten (10) North,
<br />Range Twelve (12) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, except for certain tracts con-
<br />veyed by Warranty Deeds recorded in Book 163, Page 663, in Book 78, Page 311, in Book 78, Page
<br />269, in Book 100, Page 409 and by Condemnation recorded in Book 3, Page 341; and
<br />Excepting a tract described as follows: commencing at the Southeast corner of said SE /4, running
<br />thence along and upon the East line of said Quarter Section, a distance of 360 feet, thence pro-
<br />ceeding West along and upon a line parallel to the North line of the SEA, a distance of 240 feet,
<br />thence proceeding South along and upon a line parallel to the East line of the SE /4, a distance
<br />of 360 feet, thence proceeding East along and upon the South line of the SE /4, a distance of
<br />240 feet to the place of beginning,
<br />TO HAS AND TO ► ,D We same unto the said Truslss, his suC4ea @nrs and assigns, forever. IN IAUST HOWEVER and WITH POWER OF
<br />SALE barratry tativessly granled uMo the said T hd sumilifteprij, and sjujV4 lot the piirpose of wring
<br />