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FORM W430 <br />gaga <br />an a", 01 suzltI roplacleprivi-It of halpars: and that the Swiliso Party inspecl <br />- <br />located (7) <br />aga lf"I3 t IQ", as h, ?.p r is!", il, Y I ho ft, (,oill N a "n') oA I en I)(*($ Covr'l a, ge, with I <br />and will o-,id,-f-,lAnddehve, At i rrid Pat t� <br />liulcl. ;'v 51t,ljnty orpla('vior; the <br />CollWwal Iind may pay for "N' repare o a rydanla�„o �r inji,iry to -or forthp. p,,mefva! (jo and of the 6alitefai, 646�far 4oe3 to <br />'almr,"A4, 'APjMyd'n 'j�-fnaInd i",;Ir iey: payMor.',,,." vxpeww Six!urefi Noy pursuill-11 lo wk,,, #o,4going ar)-horization. Uniii <br />from dat(, of pify,nont unt4l' rerimbwa I t�e t, <br />wCh '"An,' ifiQ r'f alq piiymorit, wlnl) Hies r,,st I> pria"ded �f, <br />o 6v Delf)Iiii arld shall be 50(�Jfwi �,v ft , stjeeomfmi, fgy ;last Cobturwill kot die9le m <br />ghaifl.wl <br />- 'r Ail Pay P�iwy any and �l'! cvN afoi ifl <br />rental nrrf &Iltlel! (10) Deblu in <br />,ocuvwinf; possesoc;n ,,f Ilre Cw!x,.r;d drid !:(; i ;r"',r 41 �,-Mor .ing this al lh ' i"'we "Sh-Ill h�' Sot wCul by ihit <br />mc,"Ilisten, WlIll arty I of; 1'.su; anc.0 qie"ro ' and upot'"JI! Paz I v 'I o;! itm, t'7ji,oxiiaw, r;Ul'i III Qf <br />gj, <br />n <br />DERTORSHAU BE. !Nr,)F'AIJL, <br />0111111-If this Agreement up"m the happilning t)f ivivof the fnllrjwing ov ant. or conu4i!ldns (I'l Jp4awlt <br />arty wa frat-T. ty, rep; �ei'I at ion f) r St War rlefl' alAdC of i U Vl I - hflfl ID F3W; LI f"d Pil; vj or on to ha 11 Of Dobtor proveii to ha vo been fal v; I;) <br />j iallurity tit the inflebludoe. -� of Doh. to, <br />)MOm wider " indenture. <br />afjjregrsio,3 11 i-q j,jeerlakiog; f4) Zos,5. 11ii,"li, damag". Ie"'trur tion sale or ericullibrance to or of any of the <br />4aterof, or tho Maki rig of a fly levy, iteiz u ru s,� 1 stoic 1 Imer"I I lle'C'A or t 11,frao � I (5i <br />rfra�st�tura, afipoiri[rnr,r.a .rfa rein: :_.,E say part of tha propaarry vt assigns r� °,r:.. f.�r ?trat,onetii szt craditrira by, .:r •he cot -r :enrcn �.:+r <br />.IC H D.FPALiL,T 31111 at any tir-, !(;Prclaftq-.r, Or if ;t icawrtu i!SOI '5Q�;ured pailytjoy declala'all <br />i&trtely due Will pay,3'.Oe std TI -cljr,, ,,:arty' nduf Iflo ljmf I in commwciM Cr""'�' secwo�-" Party <br />af !ijr�d;l hil e ofww!;"�" of "i �'(: _Cj J <br />defiverord'lakp it A,� <br />0 a typq <br />sold0h a rorogn4ed IT,.,.irkfl Serurod Parly will giv.. Oeblo, r,Q0r',Gl ofthelitoe and f'Iublif. sme Nleffof <br />D"afte"which any pfivair, S816 ,, any Utho, !hereof is to be made Pic ie ' quiramentil of reationablo no <br />iY 11,111 fl: l -it, J,' I <br />pr,� I oil !10 'v:n da� <br />or diriprrtritli^ . <br />r bl, Securcd Par dof ar+ ,t, cult Vlak ope, M6 asa haiver r,fry i i 0hor dvll il"'it of of the 3aw, C"'fill't or" fl !o" 'IrQ 'he <br />a' Itifff ttm he hrlpasrz dnj nr­te' aecw' ity said S"er.; I ffid po"rt V, may Y I "Y"io., o' het omte 6,; , qui'rt flh tt e <br />(-it ohy sock additicifial 5IOCUrity Waive or Impwr thillsWrifilly aqrrietmrsm: biffsaid <br />maydolito proper, and notwillfistanding any doll6liermi Secuirify, Se"-wi <br />m'oemov <br />otStih;eirad Pilirlyherieunder 3hatl murelo tht, benofflofits and all pmmi%" oln<ldWfvsol Debto, shall <br />W10medutbrs or aram"istlatom or NIS or its Succissisofs or asaigns, if thIsfis be more thrIn Oile 1)000i, liloll' hilt'110105 hGfUU'ldQI` <br />w"On. $halt 6se6 nal, eff orrave wf rt tf by b4i;ter" <br />