<br />87-105758 PsgeB0'2
<br />(c) The repslyfmml in full by Trustorls) of all amounts advanced by Beneficiary, at Its option, to or on behalf of Trustor(s) as protective
<br />advoncos aalhowlxed hereln, in the loan sgreamefltlal, or in other Instroment(s) which may be g(van to evidence such advanced, plus Interest
<br />on all such sloveneea, lmyebM as provided in the notelsl, loan agraamantls► or other Instrument(a).
<br />(d) The payment in full of any and ail otio r past, present or future, direct or contingent. debts and liabilities of Trustor(s) to Beneficiary 01
<br />any nature whosseawr.
<br />This True Deed will be due or upon the payment in full of all sums sflcured hereby.
<br />TruatoryN hereby warrant Mat MW hole 1" NmnPle title te IM aMw dasaribd property, that they haw good and lawful authority todalA and encumt»r eMaame,
<br />that sled property is hell aid clear of let two and encumbrances, except encumbrances of recaM, and Mat busy will arerrant and 001111110 Salt PfOWY again; ale
<br />claimants whompewr. Truaorla) Nee hereby waive and relinquish NI rights of dowar, hemeetaad, distributive Orate Midsxemptlon in and to Me above dow*"
<br />property.
<br />TaaMmla) all call N Mara htgaer eeeetaM wad ages imrah Bnmeeafary as faslev10:
<br />(1) To pay altllem, wdgmenN Or~ ANSeMIMM" to agrinsta "Tri�ENele, and to Pay wMndWOlumm, 101110, FmOfGlUKgM upon soldTrust Elmlkaorunder
<br />shy lea", permit, Hesnes or privilege pNgnod led Beroaelery es additional security to this Trust teed, Including those an public domain.
<br />121 To howe all keep Wowed buildings and other imprav0n»nta now on or horeanW placed on cold Trust 9%M o nw setlehl W" Of BeMfblery. Such
<br />Iraunuice shN1 be ipprOvedby aid deoelfad with OrmhOlM, aidwWoaad with Io"Vot"noa "yaON►a BMNfoisry. Any sums eoraOOvadby NwwkWy may
<br />be weale pity forroconstruCtIOn Of the d "IfWM intprov0menhi or 11 not so Applied may, st tle Orden M tMBshWiciary, be sppMd In payment olony IndebledraM
<br />matured or unmaufed secured by M10 Trust Deed.
<br />(9) To keep M buildings. txtur" And Older IMWOwrnents now on or WOMW Wooed on saes Trust EOMM MXIPW amt In 9000 repair, mMribnan" and
<br />oonotfon all to nether commit net pamh any sets of WSW or any impairment of Me value of the Treat Estate. Berieflowry, may emw upon to Trust Eofaq to
<br />msoW tte erne of o perform any aces &~zed heroin or in the ben agr"mer"
<br />(4) In Wisevont Truslor(s) fail to Pay OPY Mm, ludgff*M, &oowgffwft, Ulsft, r@M, fen or charges or me~ any Insurance on #*PfOPWIY. bufloingo, fixtum
<br />o improwrmmts"provid•0 hereto or in the loam agreemen (o). Beeaclery, may, at Its open, mate such payments Of Provfd0 Uwurelos, manMnan" Or (010"
<br />and any raoutkf paw tharefor OM Become pin of tin pdrtotpW indebledeM allowed hereby, be kmet9M ft due shed payable and bear law" from We do" of
<br />Payment n Provid" in tin nets) or bin agr40nent(al. The odvwm nt by 11110offeMry of any such amounts 1111411 1" no mOhFw M* tw right NOarNksiay b
<br />declare Tr o) in default or amarcNe any of tiMaablay's other rights and relrhWlM.
<br />(S) IntMweM6snNmiaryisa party toMyMitsManallao "theSWUtyotMNMNMbTn* DOW, including aWw /WnbYtfahNklaYh+armf�MhTnxn
<br />Deed or any suit in which ftne loUry to nshhed a MIM7tlat (including condemnation and bankruptcy proceedings) BenNicwry may Inoue OXWO" aW "Vance
<br />payments to elf~ fees, snono"f s(es wptroth. atantprohibitedbytsw ),coals,axons",sppnmw lace and ~otwoosamdahr amounts 80advanced
<br />Out become Pat of Of phncfpal O49bN9e" second hereby, be Immediately dad and payable aid beer interest "provided in tte roan aroomem(s).
<br />(a) Any4srawmodeloTru* Wls) or teirwa"w nbytMexaci" ofemment domain an hereby a s" ndto gone Kgory:amdtiMehcorynMrebyautnore d
<br />to collect and apply tin esnle in payment of any indebtedness, matured or unmelurod, "curd by this Thal Deed.
<br />(7) In the swot Trustons) default In the oyrent when due of any gums secured hereby (principal, interest, edvencements, Of protective alvinceeb Or 101 10
<br />perform or ob"rw any coverwnts and cMOmbns contained Main. in the noel.), loan agreem0nt(s), or any other InslrumMri of any Proceeding is brought by or
<br />age" Trustw(s)underanyBankruptcy ova. Bwwficiary may, at Itsoption. declare theentire IndaWde"secured ereMto be immadNWydteandpayable and
<br />base mutest W the default rate " provided in tin noels) or loan a9roenen11a) and Beneficiary may Immedatfay sutnori" Trustee to exercise de Power Of Bale
<br />grentsd herein in tin manner provided In tin NeM"ks Trust Daeda Act, or, et tin option of the Beneficiary. may foneciceethe Trust Deed M thelewRner provided by
<br />cow fee ill foreclosure of mortgages on Mal property. including the appointmat of a Rec0lvw upon ex parts application, notice being hereby exp(Maly mWlyad,
<br />without regard o tin vMa o tin PMFWtY other Sufficiency MOFMA to dwchsega tin Indbtsdness "cured hereby o 1n tin ban egrOMOMM(s). Daley byftw"ry
<br />in exsmAin9 its n9no upon defau11 snail not be conalrued as ■ waiver thereof and any aci of Sefeflolery wanting any aootic default Mall not be o0eiruld "a
<br />waiver of any future 0~, If the proceeds mxmwe such MI4 ortoreciwure are fnwticont to pay tin total mdebtedne" herby "curd, Trustorfs) do hereby agree
<br />to be personally band to pay tin unpaid balance , and Donallewry shall be entitled to a deficiency lodgment.
<br />(Of Should Beneficiary Meet to exerclee tie Purer of Sale granted Mrefn, a4nWbiary snail notify tin Trustee who awl record. p~ she dMrar to Tnolorls)
<br />such "Ito ef Defa &nd No""of SW"then required by Ism and WWII in the manner provided by low $01Via Trust EMNat the two and piece of nut fix" in the
<br />Notice of Sets, Mtheresa whnb Orin toperWe low. petiole or Items end In such orders* the Trustee Wok 0401 expedient, Any Person may bidet theeste Including
<br />T to ueles or Baiehcmery.
<br />(9) l)herebyrequestecopy of any NOtlw Of DWaultor N011p of Sao MreunWrmoWrteitedmo themsttM eddrees(Mlmwt bran heroin byoattled mall.
<br />(10) ceteut. BMeticesry, ether m person or try agent. will or wiMOUt bhfping any edioh or pfoeesdhp and wtli or wthout regain o the wIW of tin
<br />(H sire ttorwmeeftM TrunMenmdncany acts erexparw MysumakdeetM mmewesary or deunbleo0reteet or Dresenwahe wlireefthe Trued Editser
<br />any Inleregl Iflerein, Or ineeee" tin xnC011me there}rom; and wth er without Wifrmg pnaeeesbn Of 1M Truel EststelewthOli"d lo sIN 10t d Otliaflelas GMISM 11e/Mts,
<br />owes, Crops. proltg and iemeore thereof, inrstwing time" P "t OW and unWW. and aPWY 1M some uPdn any indebwdroes "durd mwnbY or m Me ben
<br />o9reemeMls)
<br />No renWdy heroin conferred upon or maervd to Trustseo aenaficory is Intend" fit be esclumm W any other remedy heroin or by lots provbdor permtnea,
<br />but Been Null be cumutstI". Nell be m addition to every other remedy 9wen hereunder or now or "M tWr 4xWMp at low or in putty or by sWtuts, and maybe
<br />exercised concunenity, trMeonAentty Of arwseMvety
<br />(11) TftMwfs) acknowledge MW the duties and obligations of Trusty Malt be defermied solely by the expr"g pfOvwbns of this Trust Deal or the Nebraska
<br />Trust Deeds Act and Trustee Max not be fable exoWt br the performance of such duties and Obligations "are epaotfwify sad forth twain, and no Imphed
<br />covenants or oafgetons elWll be imposed Loon Trustee, Trustee Map not be liable for any action taken by it in god forth end reasonably Moved by it to be
<br />guMaud of Will" tin dwoNbn of rights of powers conMred upon It by thus Trust Deed or lute cow.
<br />(12) The Into" and responsibility of to Trustor( s) consitutse a pan of theconsfd4ratbn toe thenoligations secured hereby. Should Trusor(s) soil. tremNro
<br />convey tin property descrMod twain. without prior writfan conaeril W Beneficiary, Banefblery mad, at Its opt ion, declare the OWN Indebtedness imfndk"y tlus
<br />and payable aW may peoceed in ell enforcement of its rights as on any other default.
<br />(13) Aesigruent of Rants hmcbdtno PMOPS" of Mterel Lease. Tnollor(s) hereby transfer, sit over and convey t0 6anefbwry all rents, royalties, bonus" and
<br />do" mafeys tot may from timeto the becotw due ace poyeble under any tool "tote lease or under anyou, gas crot er mineral lea "N ary kind nowexis ing Of
<br />met "my her"ha come into existence. covering the above Trust Elute of any Pen thereof. All such Wren 50 rewired by Baiefblene " be applied o the
<br />indebtedness secured hereby, or saut Beneficiary may, at he option. turn ova and deliver to the Trusor(s) or Moir sucaasofs M Witter", any or et of won sums
<br />without tMludbe oanYOf BenvhcWYI rfpfwb we MO retain future Burns, and without prejudice to enyof Its other rights under this Trust Dead. TMtrw*W and
<br />conveyance hereunder to BerwhOory of a" ran", royalli ", bonuses and dewy moneys Mail be construed to be a provision for the payment or reduction of the
<br />debt. subject to the Beriefkwry's Option M hW*M*fOes "Wed. independent of tin Ivan on said Trust Estate. Upon payment In full of few debt and tin
<br />Moonwyamq of thus Tow Deed of record. this wmrganos Male betoe i A"Mrw and W no lur#w force and oneol.
<br />(14) T te contained in lhw Trust Dead WWII be doomed to be "wrabq; In the went that any portion of thus Trust Deed to dsterminod to be void or
<br />roo-anOO nW.NNCt th0 validity Of tin remaining portions of the Trust Deed.
<br />re raps c - rausc r.
<br />floretn F. frausch
<br />•.
<br />Nall
<br />)
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<br />)
<br />On this _M6Y of SerltemhPr A.D., 19 _$1 —, before me. a Notary Public, Personally appeared
<br />Alfred F. Trausch and Florence F Trausch husband and wife
<br />to me known 10 be the person(a) named In and who executed the foregoing Acknowledgment and Trust Deed, and acknowledged
<br />that _ t� executed the same as .A i r voluntary act and dead. -
<br />y 1
<br />(SEAL) MIU4� 111 D6a' n Ba r j i c nano Una? a9nalwe)V
<br />My CMntnypfon BKplrea Notary Public in and for said County and State
<br />O
<br />ors
<br />r
<br />tr.
<br />fr
<br />