<br />M- FrAY NT AMP �WCRUAt, OF THE FINANCE CHARGE. F"ven though I do not have to pay mote than the rr@,ularvchvduSad ounubly lutyuaexst.1 have the fight
<br />net yy rite whale aFrutnm [soon$ ttr yaNl in frill at any nne+n it) part flat {If Ilnry Ira itilte• If tits Ienlln� m %Ltlnlrian +N bank IPtat hays my 1'rafnPAVI "STn lid Float a £h f' x
<br />fitly, i knsaw mr ttnAncc chaor�m will 1?e less if t make an early pay uwnt. and it will be higher if F pay Aly; 1 Also retognazy that ,arty net. easary atFjustnwnr to my, I,4A f)n lee
<br />clergy wilt F flevterf in my iinAl bdF t also ki ,w th a d s amounts shown un tllu reverse stile !tar fire Finaocc charge, `(:oral of liayowntw. aced the TsRAI gaits Fifers ire ayli-
<br />s rm iFw aesun atuei thug you wail rrl.eivy yacR of rile ptAymsnta exactly on its dire data: and i know the there will he nn retinel aft prey bVcause tf #M Fs rtsR#ysttag
<br />ti tf I un chargs�l +tl a da�tyy" b *rs. It tits )erulmk insriruUon i r 6Ank free eriN erimpute the finance charge daily, mul if F prepay the whine an tit, YIN will round
<br />fo tip axe n arf tow f7nAnes Charge t mtaee f) fay !hit aces utalpu �attetlrree known as
<br />life ueittarial rlwlhod9 And the ammorat of g will F of on Out
<br />dAies Aneernfs td my mcau4 ky payment sort] r1r?f ran the actual ea Aitd amounts ol'tie, prepayments that F pay et yaw- 1 know that a refarraaf of its than $1.00
<br />wFFi hs rst�Fs.
<br />ill) Ihave mad, in R, tfesepararv', lo- YFARHNifpFDWARRANTY•' made, acumtpgnissthisa+ mtract. Ofo" oplsnwNseconditiuusaa +sdeuevmriswicgro
<br />:Rwhi—cbownumf4,wmdpRxhwiN will ire repaired o mplaticd. t take rtes of the limitations on the warranty, rout I particularly recogmre that any implied warranty which
<br />apths %itaihs" u ' �ttt) yAs king a sirsewarrarryofvcrvicccontract,
<br />40 1 have read, in grail. the %cpAratc "I.IMITFiD INS I'AH,ATlt}N WARRANTY" which, if made, accompanies this contract. It explains the conditions a rd cir-
<br />cumnstairricars in whic•httw installation of thr lading will he fedone, i take mace of the limit«:: ;ms on the w•arramy, and I particularly recognize Ihaf any iniptied warranty which
<br />attlattiftinfle, i fallatiiru s .can ,' as keng As the w arrainy or ,sry ice cunlraa: t
<br />SPECIAL -ORDER GCHKNt: I know that you have measured nay house ant its openings %u shat you can make the products to tit my particular howsc. f take nllice that the
<br />gcxxix that are manufactured for my specific house pnbah1% will not fit Any odwr house%• and under such conditions, 1 know that I cannot cancel this contract at any iime
<br />Af€er the psrkuF tit tiros given to tire" in taw, in which tocancal. After that legal period of time, I know that 1 have du- odoligation W pay ytu an full the anrcwtu owed.
<br />01HAGAT17NS PERTAINING TO PROPERTY INSURANCE AND MY RF?AL F:.STATF:: 1. 1 promise it) keep any hose in good repair and m keep it insured for
<br />at least g of its replacement value by buying afire and extended covers , e msulance paolacy • The insurancc compan� must he a rfoved by you, amF the policy Musa have
<br />a beneficiary a which says that you are lit he paid if there is a loss, 'f lie anwmlae company mu%t agree that it Will not cane Illy pl >lacy watluaut taut tolling you. 1 au-
<br />damirs the insurance cortrpany to pay you directly for any loss. You can ch+ut%e to use this insurance payment to either repoy:any aanounts I owe you offal repair my house.
<br />1 have the option of providing put riYv insurance throng t an existing I dicy of through a p lacy index ndentl nMained atxi I aid for by ore. '_. I silo prmnise IFtui I with non
<br />Allow Anyone else to place any liens oil my real estate without your written pernio %lion, 1, 1 promise to pay al taxes, assessment% and other charges on my real estale when
<br />due. 4. 1 promise hr anise]% maje aR paynicns on my prior loans secured toy my real estate I also promise that I will nor extent], renew or change prior locus without your
<br />written pet Im", i m. 5" If 1 do not insure my htutwc of t all It11 my other obli ations to my real estate, then yon, an do it fir tare of you want flint you do nor have to), If you do
<br />ppaay any of these otdigetinns fur me, I agree to pay you hack on demand plus interest at the highest lawful contract rancor interest. Until l pay you hack, there amounts will
<br />be Added to my ch:M to you which is secured by toy real e;taic and house. 1 know that it you decide to buy insurance fix one that run donor have to obtain any homeowner
<br />ax fusibility Insurance.
<br />-
<br />SALE OFMY HOUSE:1 promise not to sell. Icase or give my house to anyone until i have full) repaid my debt toyon,
<br />RUE ON SALE: If 1 sell, lease or give my house to anyone before I have full paid all I owe under this contract, you can declare all that I owe tuukr this contract payable
<br />at once and I agrce to immediately pay you that amount.
<br />FAULT: I will bs an default under thiscrrntraf d.
<br />I . I dim't make a payrrw tit when due: or
<br />2. 1 break any promise I mare to you in this contract: or
<br />3. Something else happens which causes you I,, believe in good I atilt that Itht nor intend to pay yokin %promascdtur
<br />4. 1 default on any obligations fur which I Am using my h.00nc• as ct•llulerai; or
<br />5. Something happensto my hwu which threatens kour rights, if any, in it.
<br />IF i AM IN DEFAULT: I understand that you hava the right in foreclose de Morlgage i have given to vuu and have my house sold to repay any amounts I owe you if 1
<br />am in default under this contract. Before my (louse +s sold. sou will do everything that the law requires If "you hire an auurney w assist you to xll my house, w, to sue Inc.
<br />or, to protect your rights, 1 agree to pay you for your reasonable Aluwreys"fee y and for other relaters expenses such as corn r:osa, title searches and money you expended
<br />to -t myhu-sc,dy+ua: eatl owedtucr ,llectsu.:hnnwtunta. bylaw .
<br />OTHER RIGHTS: War can chtrose not in enforce any (it the rights under this contract .0 (if en as we want without fusing them. Ck, we can delay enforcing any of the rights
<br />wifinrm]rising them. We can also use any right% now grin the future given kiu% by law.
<br />FLAYS: 1 know that you watt nee your te, cffoff, to anstatl the pnxlucts 1 am purchasing on niv house, but I also understand that in some situations you may encounter
<br />diftlarylat #w are by strikes, weather coachtwns. delays you have in otraanang materials, tar for other reasons that are beyond your control" I understand t ai you will
<br />Abe liable fm such delays .
<br />ARBiTRATION: If 1 have a dispute cv ilaam ooh %oou corkerning the quantity. quality cr pert rmance of the products, l understand that my dispute may be submitted to
<br />%rap serfland Wcc fsrag to the arredii ausa- arhitratiaTn pr,Train that inns have de%ckaled in my comrnumly. i also know that any decision made by an atbnirator(s) would be cn-
<br />tered in the cowl he%mg junsdaclasm over ore ant you
<br />SALVAGE VALUE: 1 knils that the windrows. woodwork. sitting. Mick and other material that have to be renoved by you for this anstallatiun have NO salvage value.
<br />When you remove theist. ytu can have them folwhatever purpose you wam
<br />AL 41ITUATIOW. ikw to the uniqueiress or s force ut the pnxlucts that you sell, l understand that in special situations that your Regional Office may have to review
<br />mid acct thils Lciterw, 1 also and that this talc occury'ed on niy to nee and that your and I may not have had all the correct inti m atmon impcmAnt k; transition
<br />kt four flnaeraips I give you my coonwent t. :�.r, r< t arav',+,"'u, "", ihai" t,h.rve"ccurmd when tMH inks in the% rrmirt, I were roninlered.
<br />a
<br />