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That the said Mortgagor, for and in consideration of the awn of Twenty Five Thousand Six Hundred and <br />n®lt0o OoNars (s <br />paid by the Mortgages, the rscW of which Is hereby admowledgsd, has Granted and Sold and by these presents does Grant, Bargain, $0, <br />Convey end CorAbm Loft the Mortgagee, Its successors and assigns, forever, the k4wing-described red estate, situated in the County of <br />Hall , and the ate of Nebraska. to wit: <br />Lot Eight (8), in Block Fourteen (lit), Schimmer's Addition to the City of Grand <br />Island, Hall, County, Nebraska. <br />of the VAth paindpai MMtdtea, ConpMdng in al city property arras according to government ervey: <br />TO MAVE AND TO HM An premises above described, with aN the appurtenances therauno belonging and including nit hating, pkm*hg <br />wW 11100V 11fa s and stfadporertt now or hsraffer attached to or used In connection with said red estate unto the Mortgages, and to its <br />successors and " essigns, ibrsnrer. The Mortgagor represents to, and revenants with, the Mortgages, that the Mortgagor has good right to ad <br />and cow" acid pranha; that they we free from oMmbrawe; and that the Mortgagor wa warrant and defend the same against the few ut <br />darn of d pwsons whoreower: and the said Mortgagor hereby ran ha ait ruts of homestead, and sit menial rights, either M low or in <br />equity, and M' corer congrngent Into a of the Mortgagor In and to the above-described premises, the intention being to convey hereby an ab- <br />sokdo Off. in foe skr4k. inctrding dl rights of homestead, and other rights and Interests as aforesaid. <br />PROVOW ALWAYS. and these pnreents we executed and dared upon the folowing conditions, to wit: <br />STATE OF WORASKA <br />04W - Ai14W f %M <br />1W7 <br />�Vva? M 0040" _ <br />