<br />8j...fJF- RECORDED 'coo "
<br />05660 8/-104910 Pa" Raft
<br />(c) The repayment in full by Trustor(s) of all amounts advanced by Beneficiary. at Its option, to or on 13phalf of Truslor(a) as protective
<br />in the loan agreemorit(s), or in other inah-unkent(S) which may be given loovi4pricasuch advarionts, plus interest
<br />on all such &Ovarian, payable as provided In the nollefs), loan oproetykent(s) or other instrument(s).
<br />Id) The payment in full of any and all other past, prowl or future, director contingent, debts and liabilities of Truotor(a) to Beneficiary of
<br />any nalwe whigifillosties.
<br />This Trust Do" will be due Januita I I M05 or upon the payment in full of all sums secured hereby,
<br />TnMostsi, hnereby werrMl Mlel thW hall lea BW4*title te My abew proprty, Mai tfyy hew g end lewful aMthanly tp stilest eyed or"fribou the Mme,
<br />"M a" property is thin am Color at an it" am encumbrances. awow onicumbransmi *I record, and that they will worrairif and! 0ofsho sold PfQWY sigalmilsill
<br />clounentewhismaosharr Trussw(s) also hereby waive 04 relinquish all ritimis of doemi. hCff*OW. 041404114 ft Vista and exemption in and to Me above d000rlW
<br />Pfc""Y
<br />TnW"S) east seself of Wasen k~ eseeaam lad W" West sseeaaW 1 as
<br />(1) To payoff hem, Wrigments or other-fts"motoold Trust Castle, &W lopoy ~ 00049 1"", "if. tomorcharges upon ssild Trust 9MIsor under
<br />any lama, Permit, hosom or prwftp sw9nee to ftnefisawy " sod#**" security to this Trust Dead, including "W" an Public OW"M
<br />(2) TO IMIN" and kOOP insured DuOOW46 AM ~ now an of hw"fW placed on "M Trust ISO" to the saillefoolkin of 15"Iciary. such
<br />Insurance ahaff bit ossaminatialoyanse depoeraml with Donefickary.and or4of"d with loon "rounOW POY"90"rmowiwy. Any gains so 19901011010 by 000$fiowfy May
<br />bit used to pay for resionsaruchan fit"'A On"Yed improvomonatior If not 6oispipNed may, at the colon of ley Beneficiary. be Applied in psymentol any Indebtedness
<br />motional or unmanned secures by Mis Trust OW
<br />(3) To keep an butaings, textures and ~ improvoinente now on or heirstafter Wooeo on sold Trust Estaft occupied -no in good repair, maintenance, and
<br />condition a" to norther commit not permit any soft of want* of any Impowment of the value of the Trust ERNM bmwhoU" may enter upon the Trust Estate to
<br />Maniacs the some or to perform tiny Wea authomfed he" of in "in loan agreement
<br />(4) Inky even Trustice(el I" to pay any hems, judgments. moseentestall, tome. rents. #swe or charges or maintain any ~ons on the property, buildings, fixtures
<br />or " prowtslad h~ or in the loan ilgreahemltej• ftsiond" may. at no option, make such perverse or provide Insurance, inswitansindo Of napalm
<br />And My WROufft paid OWWW OW became Pon Of "In Pfir44* ft"$Odf#M WAH" hereby. be "ff*00* OW slid payable am bear WAN" from "to dato Of
<br />The odhatiminiont by Morieftlary of any such amounts OW In no Morinar ftft kin right of DWoliciM to
<br />O*cW* Tn~*) in it~ ar everosm my of beneficiary's Other name WO roffoOn
<br />(5) in ley event assraftlaryni sparty I* any litigation affecting ina security or the Non of ins Truss Deed. ifickid"any action by filoneflowy towdom lets Truss
<br />Deed or any Suit in ~ Deflationary a nomad a defendant lincluding conoominotion and bankruptcy proommings) Monellotery, may Maur 4nip"Mash advance
<br />psyrrionft for Goolfaeft fees, sMor"n" #M ("*WIG the"1141111 prohibited by awl. come, expwwn, appras" tone a" other oners" mid any smour"09 advanced
<br />~ became part of the panotpol Widebtadn"s "Cured hereby. be immediately due and payable and beer inlorsaft as provided in the Wan *qr*onmM(s).
<br />(6) Any awards monsto Tra~sI of eminent domem are herebyss"hed tollieneficiery; and Memeliolory In hereby summand
<br />to G~ and apply the am* in payment of any indairlsonom. matured or unmeturod, "cured by this Trust Deed.
<br />(7) In the event Truacels) cofti in the payment when due of any sums secured hereby (principal, Internet, adiamcamorits, or protective advances), or fail to
<br />perform or obnervin any co"nervis and conditions contained hassun, in the hotels), loan sightemant(s), or any other wisitruments or any propossfing 0 brought by or
<br />against Trustons) under any Bankruptcy lows. Seneflatery, may, at its Option, declare the entire indsibletiftese secured hereby 10 bit W~iohOy due sod Payable and
<br />bear intense at the datoulif fate Go provided in the notelet) or loan agroomont(s) and Sonsificlary may immodishirly suatiorim Truants to Games Me Pow of Sol*
<br />granted nornin in the mar~ provided in Me Nebraska Trust Deeds Act. or. at the option of the 8"iclory. may 10feclose, the Trust Deed inky moniker provided by
<br />law for the foreclosure of marigissits on real property, including the appointment of a Recorvor upon ox parts oppliceltion, notion be" hereby siqlsoalaly waived,
<br />without regard to the value of the property orths, sufficiency thereof to discharge the Indebtedness "cured hereby or in the loan aq mim (a). Delay by Soneficiary
<br />in exercising its name, upon defoult sholl not be construed "a waiver thereof and any act of Beneficiary waiving any specific default Omit not be construed as a
<br />weNv*r*fanyfujufsdqI*uft It the proonaft under suchosto or foreckieuro are Inouffickiril to pay the total Indebtedness hereby secured, Trustor(s) do hereby lights
<br />to be personally bound to pay the unpaid balance. and ftnefictery *Nil bus entitled to a deficiency judgment.
<br />(5) Should Bonshicierysect to exercise it* Power Safe granted Herein, Beneficiary shall notify the Truss" who shall record, publish and deliver to Truslorls)
<br />Such NOUCO 010~ and Nation of So" an then required by lowand shall in the manner provided by law sail me Trust Estate al ma tea and placeol sole fixod in the
<br />Notice of Stan, ~"a whoa or In somfele loft, wools or items and in such onlisir as the True%* shall Osain expedient. Any person may bid at thitosse Including
<br />TrusW(s). Towles or0onsficiary
<br />(9) TfuoW(s) hereby request a copy of any Notice of Default or hoffios of Sale hereunder to be matted to themes the sddrms(ssI M forth hor" by corlifled mail.
<br />(10) Upon 6*11sult. sonsificlory. ~ in person or by agent, with or without bringing any action of proceed" and with or without regard to the value of the
<br />property or the auffiCienCytharlof lodisiCharge the indebtedness "cured hereby, to surtborized and emitted Ioonlov upon and Oaks possession of the True Estalsin
<br />its own name or in the nome of the Trusessiand do My sets or expend any sums It dooms necomoryor desirable to protect of preserve the value of thsi Estotoor
<br />any internal therein, of mores" the incometheralrom; and with or without taking posimmon of the Trust Estate isauthofisoOto No for of offierwimocileetthe rents,
<br />Issues. Crops. Profits and income thereof. including those cast due and unpaid. and apply the some upon any indebtedness "cured hereby or In the loan
<br />agreemsint(s)
<br />No remedy her" conferred upon orreserved to Trust" or Beneficiary is mlemded to be exclusive of any other remedy herein or by low provided orpermitleO.
<br />but each "I be cumulative, sell be in addition to every other remedy given hansurickst or now or horoafw *xM" at low or in equity or by WaWle, and may be
<br />exarclood Concurrently. independently or successively
<br />(III Trusisof(al acknowledge that the dution and obligations of Trustee *NN be "WmlnO solely by "express provisions of this Trust Deed or the Nobreaks
<br />Trual Doode Act and Trualses Nall not be Noble "opt for the performance at such dull" and obligations " are speolf"tir W forth therein, end no WWW
<br />coveneints, of obfigialons shelf to Imposed upon Truss"; Trustee "I] not be Noble for any action taken by it in good #a" and reasonably "*#ad by It to be
<br />authort"d or within Via discretion or rights of powers conferred upon It by this Trust DOW or stole low.
<br />(12) The Integrity and responsibility of the Trussof(s) constitutes apart of the Consideration forths, obligations secured hereby. Should Trustor(s) "I. transfer or
<br />convey the property osecriced hemn, without poor written consent of Beneficiary, Beneficiary may at He option, declare the entire indoo"Kiness, Irlimedistoly due
<br />and payable and may proceed in the enforcement of its rights an on a" other default.
<br />(13) Amignmerm of Rents Including Pr0000ds of Wnsinal Lome. TnOW(S) hereby transfer, M over and convey 10 80nerhoisfy nit rents, royaliNes, bonus and
<br />n,
<br />delay manning OW moryfrom time 10 flea become dusand payable under any real estate "" or under my oil, for OgwffHrwol lases ol any kind now existing or
<br />that way himm"w come into exiiialince. covw" the above Trust Estate, or any pert therstoC Alt such sums so feoalwad by Misinisficiary shelf be applied to the
<br />Indebtedness, "Cured honti or s" Sonerficistry may. at Its option, turn over and dakew to the Trustor(s) or Ow successors in Interest any or all of such sums
<br />without proludice loony of ftneficustry stighisto take arts retain future sums, and without prejudice to any of IN otherrighas undarthle Trust Dead. The tran*W and
<br />Conveyance hereunder to 11"Iciery of sold rents, royalties, bonuses and delay monerifs 0all be Construed to be • PrOvalcin for the payment or reduction of the
<br />debt, auefect to the bWV*tiC4&fY'S Option a$ hW"VWOr* provided. independent of the lien on mid Trust Eau". Upon payment In full of the 6W and the
<br />recorway"ce at thin Trust Dawd of record, this conveyance shell become inoperative and of no turthistr tome am affect,
<br />(141 The Covens is contained in this Trust Dead shall Pe doomed to be severable: in the event that any portion of this Trust Dead is daterminecl to be Vold or
<br />�i�Wuio~l shall deemed
<br />unonlo"xmVa*).hal defortrisnatior, oftalt, of me remaining portions of the Trust Deed
<br />)f
<br />�Ld
<br />Le Hard E. Graf Mar,/ U. r4,raf
<br />as
<br />On thts .'day of A.D., 19 2, before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared
<br />7r,
<br />to Me known to be the p9r2On(8) nomad in and who executed the foregoing Ackridiniletigment end Trust Deed, and acknowledged
<br />that l i exec~ the same as LLLL� voluntary 80 and dead
<br />a 11
<br />(Type or print non" un0of ograture)
<br />Notary Public in and for said County and State
<br />M
<br />