<br />from Railroad to Lessee of the filing thereof, and shall indemnity and save harmless Railroad against
<br />and from all costs, liabilities, penalties, and claims, including legal expenses, resulting therefrom.
<br />14. Either party may cancel this Lease at will on thirty (30) days' advance written notice, in which
<br />event Lessee shalt remove ail property of ifnprovernerit,.., not owned by Railroad (regardless of who made
<br />them), including, without limitation, all foundatiom-,,, and fences, and Le.i.see shall clear the Premises,
<br />including filling in and leveling any u�xravations and festoring the ground to as condition satisfactory to
<br />Railroad, within said 30 days. If LesseO, faOt to remove <ai 1 pm;, eity of iqnproverrient5 within the above
<br />lime limit, Lessee hereby grants, Railroad the! --ibsoiutf, right t) keep, (,onv(-,,y, defAroy, of otherwise dispose
<br />of !hem in any mariner Railroad ind, in addition, 4 e,,,,oe i)gree,-s to pa, any net CoStS incurred
<br />by Railroad in doing so, within 10 da,,, of feceql of Railircau'!; 3!atement therefor.
<br />15. If all or any part of the PteeTllso�, t,'il, inn wvlor ermnent domain laws, this Lease
<br />shall termenale from the thme lj!/ °ro ont;!y, with prepaid rontals pro-
<br />rated. Lessee a( rees that it i�� nor lli!hod 6o h,r��[jy J� inn� any award niz)de for Such taking,
<br />g I I — I 'I I ,
<br />excepting amy an award isstwd sFl(,1 fc,), li,e 1,akiri( 'j of personal property
<br />or buildings owned or
<br />16, Nothdng in this Lease ,hah 't"re"orli 11111-o,id, fl..ni ";ewice over any railroad line
<br />or lines by which rail -wirvice n ay t)e )rovwed 111, Vw';vw-s-�,
<br />17. All notices to be given lay tea Rallfroad sha!l bt. civen b , it t!er, 1.9.S. mall, postage prepaid,
<br />addressed 'o ob fill-
<br />M__ )'10i ce zk,') I�e given by Railroad shall
<br />be similarly given, addFessed at than addre,t. cjiir,t-, !r; the aLove. it is the Lessee's
<br />duty to notify Railroad, prompt;y if', vwfili!'�g of any c 3flgi m ;iz, ad(iross it fails to do so, any notice
<br />from Railroad sent to its last kiiown ,address shall be t,,ife0ivc,, 4h(,Jh(,,F or not, ;eceived.
<br />18. It this Lease is a reissue as provided in Item 11 of the above Applk;ation, it shall supersede
<br />and cancel the previous LEast or Leases described thora:J5- vvithout p.rpjudice to any liability accrued
<br />prior to cancellation,
<br />This LeaSC.- Shail i•lijrf !o '110 (A ar,,:j t)e t)jt)<jmIj eipor, tries iierelo and their heirs.
<br />executors, administrators. successors and assigns.
<br />1055 No. 115th Street, Suite 206
<br />Owba, NE 68154
<br />