<br />TN" 1111101,10111111 Es
<br />s (Tr nl tmOFOoMiftol the doaurlant thrill the Borrowers are aAOUt to #%scuts to a PoiddlotTruill artd a motto _ afl9 that the plawer pf prey .
<br />tot In of Trend piev flatly ford rfghts hoer obligations to tha Borrowers than a moil in "event of a 4etauM of [breech of tabltgafirl" unow ow
<br />Postal of Ti f. neafuding, but nat Orreftell td, 04 1,ondirits, ight to have the Real Property oald by the Trustee without any pidliciol procissioling or foreclosure. Bdrroveno
<br />repaiddled said warrant that thromikadefforalsormIrM was stemcgsd by Womb .. rs tfM foxtsautDSri W (ha Stead of Trust.
<br />('Ti, Borrower Hunbrarfd)
<br />rower
<br />(Ronnie ?. Aguilar, Wife)
<br />COMMA MW Person ONLY B the rHd properly AesedM/ "no" of INDIVIDUALLY LY OWNED A #MXTL#XAL. WWO.
<br />N appkaW, ebmpNN ONLY ONE NNNS A, S, or CI
<br />13 A. OF RMff TO DE/tONATE 110110111fTEAD:
<br />The ®orrerarorisl acknowledge that they are about to intacuto the following Dead of Trust upon the real estate described therein Tom Borrowerts), and each of them it
<br />masts than am. do hereby dtactoem their right to designate a homestead pursuant thereto. No part of the homestead of either of We Borrowers) is presently of wtlf to the
<br />fidweba6itaaerrt upon said feel estate T he Borrowers l understand thidd either astatilishas a homestead on an y pail of said real estate during the time the Dead of Trust
<br />ahtsd WWa lion upon said real estate, there shall be no tight to make a designation of homestead in the event eta foreclosure of trustee's aftiewith heopeato
<br />seld Deed of Trust
<br />The Barrower(aP acknowledge that they are about to execute tan following Deed of Trust upon the reel estate described therein The(1orrowiti aria each of them 11
<br />more than ono, do hereby waive their right to designate a homestead pursuant Ihareto The Borrower( %) understand that they have Ina right to make a designation of
<br />and foest by executing this waiver, May are waiving rights otherwi 5o available for the pu rpose of affording them the opportunity to retain their homestead in the
<br />event of a default upon the Deed at Trust.
<br />® C 0981*UATMU M HOMESTEAD
<br />Pursuant to Fite Farm Homestead Protection Art (Section 7F3 -1901 at see Revised Statutes of the State of Nebraska). the Borrower(s), do hereby designate the real
<br />progeny described in the "Designation of Homestead' attached hereto and incorporated heroin by this reference.
<br />Borrower
<br />Borrower
<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST. is made as of the 8thday of .Sept metier 1997....- . by and among the Trustor. .-. _�a•)_a._.i�Q111..1.1�i.._..._.
<br />and Bonnie J. Aguilar, Husband & Wife
<br />whose mailing address is _ P.O. HQX, 99,_-A1das_._4 68810
<br />therein Sorrowed me Trustee W11_llam_G, Blackburn,- member
<br />t?f the NQbr�lSk�._�^t -�1 �_13�r
<br />- --- - -- -
<br />whose marking address is P.O. Box 2280, Grand Island NE 68802 son.
<br />— (Harem °Trustee).
<br />sot the Bsnofrcisry, Five Points Bank
<br />wftase matte address is __.P.O. Box 1507 Grand Island NE 68802
<br />rig ._.. _ _. ..... .. (herein "Lender' )
<br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, including the indebtedness wentdied herein and trust herein createn . inn receipt of wtiich is hereby acknowledged, Borrower
<br />thereby irrevoeabfy grans t. transfers, conveys and assigns Its Trustee. INTRUST WITH POWER OF SALE lot the benebt and security of Lender, under and subject to the
<br />, ern.: end Conditions hereinafter Set forth the teal property. desaibeo a5 follows
<br />The West 551 of Fractional Lot Two (2) in Fractional Block Eight (8) in Gilbert's
<br />Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, and its complement.,
<br />to –wit: Fractional Lot 'Pwo (2) in Fractional. Block Two (2) in H.G. Clark's
<br />Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />Together wdh all buudmgs. improvements fixtures, stfeets allays passageways easements rights prrvdeges and appurtenarices located thereon or in anywise
<br />ponar g thereto, and me rents. 1asRes and pfofrta. reversions and remamdem thereof rncl Udinq bin not rim +led to heating "I'd ronimq egtupment and such personal
<br />property that is attached to me improvements soas to conshtut. a f,xfurn, anU IGgethar wish Ina n. r}rnnslund or rnarrtar inlay eat s. rf any, which int�rc sits are harehy Ibieasbd
<br />died Wanted, do of wti including replacements and addd,ons thereto . is hereby di,clarad to be a part of (tae real aslate Secured by the lion of this Deed of T rust and all of the
<br />feragiraing a" r4ferre3 b herein as the 'property'
<br />/This Deed of Trust shalt secure ter) the payment of the prior 'Pal sum and interest evidenced by Borrowers rote and or credit agreement dated _. - ......__..... _.
<br />having a maturity date of _ 91812002 _ , to the original principal amount of s 102,.794.33__ and any and all
<br />owlensions; and renewals thereof or thareto and any and all fulure advances and readvances hereunder pursuant to one or mote promissory notes or credit
<br />Wi ta(h*Mn catfed'NOte`I,(b l the payment of other Sums advanced by Letide r l o ptolec l the sec or y of l ha Note.(cl the pedornri all covenants and agree ant
<br />aN r f loath and (d) all indebtedness and obligations of Borrower to Lender whether direct, ind,recl absolute or cnnt,ngant and whether arising by note.
<br />aiRty, overdraft of attar emor
<br />err , to pfote>i the socuiatt of this Deed of Trust covenants and agrees with Lender as lonnw5
<br />I fx M/MNteff.Borrower Shoff promptly pay when due the principal of and fineres ton, and any lees ur charges provided in the Note ui mutt%
<br />Deed of Try.
<br />1. Tin. owtoww 40 "M owner of the Property, has the figfit and authority to convoy the Property . anti warrants that It'"her r:raatad hptabvis a lost andprrnr nbn on
<br />We lonowlty, arrow as may ottMnvic" be sat Iofth haraffi . and the execution and delivery (if this Dodd of T rust doe %not v,olate Any co,mact or nth., obi ygation to which
<br />owmillivar N Subject
<br />3 Testa% . To pay *bait dtta erg lease. Spatial asssaarmialb and all other chargers against the Property and upon *,me, demand by Lande, . la pay to
<br />h WWWO may bs eunma ifml to enable the Lender to pay such taxes.. aSaesemenla of nthar charges as they beconto duo
<br />a Ta keep 6n@Proparfq inauredagainat damdba by lira. NaEaribs muhxtsrl within the lean .e,lendad covniaga and foot .tt ,,ilhar haFafds wet andar maY
<br />r - a. m water rdmpanwA K&Wobfo io Lander, and wdh toss payabla to the Lander ui cam nI loss urtdtrr sur,n pdpheie9 Ise Lnndar %a„na Eed b: adni %I
<br />bwPI9QaF is6d RBxhpdgnaR{ .erecIts +a tPNttaunffi&n and inati have Ihp nptfan ul app)Yrng ailrat part of the uixurahcwproc«ia,Is(,1 toanyrnffabte*tnesa Sac ur rid r�n.ahy are9 �n st,<h
<br />nI ' as Lei May dratormmif, fill to the Borrower to 60 ukad for the rardi" or rastoranon tit the properly it h„I (or tiny oP,ar l i I?"%n ur s niec t Aito to J,ny
<br />� k�4altafr rlt fh64 Lfs`ed Etf'tltfat ltd tftefl3h amotinl aa4�Ufed hateby haldfa sold payiY,enl aver l(, 1v {ilal,. $cry A{rl)Ii it ,t. �?t n'r.:FN ifs l,+i „rJ fli++�s r.taafi ahgi!
<br />nal ex8aard of idoripand "M due dale w any payrnenls under the Ndta w corn any dailawu maraun.fnr br nr.rwu „tar
<br />s iaA cdamsoleadis oath Les. M£3rfow.r %hail keep Iha ,,,l h,r r-
<br />"4y DO dam” at destroyed .ahafi r,of 'immrlor tAny w#Rla cn attrlarcirvn,i�,uhg lr,ntrn iv .r, +r •..1 .wr yin -: r., -4. ,In•,iia�ir sn.r
<br />�y cry tPSa,errRmm a$ ±rf�Frr3ety,sFaelf obi kqunm,t xuNer ur p(p+n'nt any artt.rttg dinner, rumr. inn fi
<br />�°e'F�Vt.+ad ptr§taapPfq d3Naf�a3 A f err. r�. ro.,r Ln t, , s «I. ,, 3 aw - 7 f ail e, _„ „
<br />bT^,rrr5wef ac€�lar,d a.ixan� all €fi.9nk .nr,unsiir ones an€ rn g. ,,.p.. as. . i.r, v_,, .. ,1., i. ..
<br />