<br />'
<br />You may Pay all or any portion of your Lin paid accu kin I balance at any lime without incurring any special or rots FINANCE- CHARGE,
<br />however, any FINANCE CHARGE which has accruod to that time under the above Penodic Rate may be billed on a later periodic. slatement
<br />Payments mailed to the First Federal Lincoln Financial4ard Carrier will be credited to your account on file elate received. Payments
<br />mailed to or Duda at any First Federal Lincoln office will bo credttad to your account no later than five (5) days after receipt.
<br />(2) Other Charges;
<br />(a) In the event that you become delinquent or default in the payment of any amounts due and owing, First Federal Lincoln has the
<br />right to Initial collection proceedings and may collect all reasonable attorneys fees, collection and court costs.
<br />IW Overhaul Fee: A charge can be nnpoxa d for every billing cycle in which your outstanding balance (including unpaid FINANCE
<br />CHARGES) exceeds your credit limit. The foe will be equal to THREE PFRCFNT (3%) of the amount by which your outstanding balance
<br />exceeds your credit limit, or $25.00, whichever is greater. The charging of the Overlirnil Fee shall not create any right to be Qvarlimit nor
<br />constitute a waiver by First Federal Lincoln of any of its rights upon Cardholders default.
<br />(G) Credit Life Insurance: (Optional) The cardholder whose name appears first at the lop of the page (1) can be covered by a Group
<br />Corodift Life Insurance Policy through ape 65. The charge for this coverage is $ Oga per 5100 balance shown on the monthly periodic
<br />s€akstment-
<br />Joint Credit Life coverage is available to the cardholder whose nacre appears first at the top of page of f and one other designated
<br />calrdiftolider signing this agreement, The cost of this coverage is $.163 per $1100 balance shown on the monthly pehodic statement. Any
<br />coverage is subject to the provision contained in the certificate of insurance picividect at the closing of this agreement.
<br />Coverage will automatically be cancelled for any insured when they attain age 66 on either of these coverages described.
<br />6. of the Account
<br />A. First Federal Lincoln will grant you a secured personal line of credit with a maximum dollai limit as determined by First Federal Lincoln -
<br />The Security for this line of credit consists of Real Property as outlined in Section 7 This Im id will be indicated on your bining slatement.
<br />Subject to the terms of Ihls Agreement, YOU may Ilse your Card and Checks ilo apply your r:frrdil ffom First Feriefal Lincurn to make. purchases
<br />and obtain cash advances which do not exceed your creTdif broil at any time.
<br />B. You will receive a monthly pilling Statement periodically 1 normally monMivi Your Payrnenf is due welt n 'r5 days alter Vii Riving pate
<br />on your statement.
<br />C. You may pay your New Balance each month, or you may pay in monthly inslallments If you decide to pay m monthly mstadmanis, you
<br />must pay at toast the Minimum Payment shown on your Billing Statement. The Minimum Payntont will bc: 1 "I of 1 h New Balance, bu no less
<br />than $25.00. The Minimum Payment amount will be rounded down to the nearest dollar If the New Balance is less inan $25 00, you must pay
<br />the New Balance. In addition. you'll be required to pay any amount that is past clue.
<br />A. If your card is lost Or stolen, or you suspect that it has been used without your perrntssion you must notify Firrsr Fedfiral Lincoln
<br />immediately by telephone and confirm by mail. Ploase cail4 73.6428 (in Lincoln) BOO- . 42 -7505 (other Nebraskan. and 800.558 -Fi678 tout of
<br />Nebr a). Marling address: First Federal Lincoln, Financial Card Center, P O For 132501, Lincoln. NE 68501
<br />Your maximum liability is $50 for unauthorized use of your card prior to the time you notify us.
<br />E. First Federal Lincoln will disclose information to third parties about your account or me!ransfers you make ; ri when: it is necessary for
<br />comp4otmg transfers, or(u) m order to verify the existence and condition of your account for a third party, such as a f;redd bureau Of merchant,
<br />or our) in order to comply with a lawful order of a government agency or court orders, or (iv) it you give us your wnf ten permission
<br />7 Rest Preffeefty Security. Cardholders obligations under this Agreement and the Account are or will be secured by a deed Of trust (the
<br />Of Trust") on the Property Identified above.
<br />A. Cancellation Rights; If the Property is Cardholder's primary residence, then as requued by federal law, each person having an
<br />ownership interest in the Property will be given the opportunity to cancel the opening of this account. within a three 131 day period. in
<br />accordance with the Notice which shall be provided at the time you sign this Agreement The issuance of your cards will be delayed until the
<br />'
<br />thriso -day period expires and each such person notifies First Federal in writing that he or she has elected not to exercise the right of
<br />cancea8lon. Such persons will also receive this Cancellation Right it at any time the Credit Lanit is increased, or if Cardholder agrees to
<br />r
<br />increase the amount of the Deed of Trust on the Property.
<br />S. Solent Property on Default: In the event of any default by Cardholder under this Agreement, First Federal Lincoln may have the right to
<br />forecroser and sell the Property under the Deed of Trust, in satisfaction of the obligations under the Account.
<br />C Safe or Encumbrance: As material consideration for this Agreement, Cardholder agrees to notify First Federal Lincoln in writing of any
<br />a �
<br />proposed safe of further encumbrance of! he Property and surrender all plastic caidsi suedandunusedc: hecksat '.theAccount,atfeastthirty
<br />(301 days prior to the recording of such sale or encumbrance. Cardholder agrees that the Property will not be conveyed or encumbered
<br />-
<br />without First Federal Lincoln's written consent, and that such consent will not be granle..d unless: (if all plastic cards and unused checks have
<br />been surrendered to First Federal Lincoln at (east thirty (30) days prior to the delivery or recording of the deed or other instrument; and (ii) the
<br />entire unpaid balance of the Account, including FINANCE CHARGES and Over6rmt Fees, has been paid in full. Cardholder agrees to disclose
<br />to First Federal Lincoln all Transactions made on the Account since the most recent billing statement, and to instruct any escrow holder in
<br />connection with such sale or encumbrance to disburse any available proc%eds to First Federal Lincoln, up to the entire balance of the
<br />Account, before making any distribution to Cardholder. In the even! of any such sale or encumbrance. the Account shall terminate
<br />immediately and an unpaid amounts, including FINANCE CHARGES and Fees, shall become immediately due and payable
<br />D. to the event cardholder wishes to pay balance of account in full and to have lien of Deed of Trust removed. cardholder must surrender to
<br />First Federal Lincoln ail carr$al and checks together with written notice 30 days prior to release Upon meeting these requirements,
<br />cardholder wilt be provided a signed Deed of Reconveyance
<br />8. Account Agreement. Based upon the terms of the Account description above
<br />A. You agree to:
<br />(1) Pay First Federal Lincoln for p1 credit obtained by you or any person using the Card or Checks with your permission; (it) credit
<br />obtained through unauthorized use of the Card or Checks prior to the time you notify First Federal Lincoln of the loss, theft or rmsuse, of the
<br />Card istritiffeCt to a maximum liability of $501; and 0u) any FINANCE CHARGE properly charged to your account
<br />1.2) Advise First Federal Lincoln immediately it your Cards) or Checks are lost, stolen or used without your permission.
<br />,.
<br />(3) Notify First Federal Lincoln promptly it your address changes.
<br />� l�
<br />(4) Return all Car(AS) and Checks issued on your Account it First Federal Lincoln requests you to do so.
<br />(5) Stay within the Credit Limit First Federal Lincoln assigns to your Account
<br />(6) Provide First Federal Lincoln, of you authorize First Federal Lincoln to obtain, such additional mformabon as is reasonably
<br />necessary for the continuation of this agreement.
<br />B. You also agree that:
<br />(1) First Federal Lincoln may refuse to extend credit to you or anyone using your Account
<br />(2) First Federal Lincoln may require you to pay at once the entire balance you owe on your Account, even if the balance is not due yet
<br />(3) Card(s) and Checks are the property of First Federal Lincoln. F -lrst Federal may cancel your Account arid terminate your use of the
<br />Carus) acid Chocks at anytime without notice or liability for cancellation. You must surrender the Carol s) and Checks either upon the request
<br />of First Federal Lincon or any VISA Financial Institution or Merchant.
<br />(4) If you decide toterminate your Account, you must give First Federal Lincoln written notice and return Card(sl and Checks issued on
<br />your account 30 days prior to termination.
<br />15) First Federal Lincoln will not be liable or responsible for anyone's refusal to honor your Cardtsl or Checks.
<br />(6) First Federal Lincoln may change the terms of the Agreement Ac any time by giving you thirty (30) days notice.
<br />(7) FOREfGN CURRENCY TRANSACTIONS. 11 any Card Transaction (Purchase or Cash Advance) involves an exchange of foreign
<br />currency, it sheaf be subject to the exchange rates and international monetary regulations in effect at the time and place that the i ransachon is
<br />settledorotherwiseaccounted for by First Federal Lincoln or its agents, This may result in a billrnll or the period slatement in an amount in
<br />U.S. Dollisfawhich isgreater than theamountwhich would havebeen due it the statement had been made at the exchange rate in effect at the
<br />date and place the card transaction was made and regardless of the amount set for on any ;ales e;np of receipt given to evidencta, the
<br />trait ,, on. Anycurrencyexchangeshallbesubjecttoanylocalcustomsorcondilionsgovernmgthe: rateofexchangeorimposihonolspecial
<br />•" ° " °' "' ' °'"
<br />chaigift Checks issued will be to U.S. Currency,
<br />g. tiaiteYtt
<br />A Everltsof Default: The Account and Cardholder's obligations under this Agreement shall be in default upon tree occurren<.w M any of the
<br />koowft
<br />(1) Cardholder's failure to make any required payment when due
<br />(2) The Account wing Overload at any time.
<br />(3) Any "ant which constitutes a default under the Deed of Trust or under any other Deed of Trust o the ll,olaorty
<br />S. First Federal Lincoln Remadafs: In the event of any default by Cardholder, First Federal I- n of , nai 1. t tiny or all M !hu inu,�win�
<br />(1) Refuge to extend credit to Cardholder 6r to anyone etso using the arcoum,t.
<br />(B) Ternrfrettethe Account that is, terminate the Cardholder's right to use the Cantor Checks. writ or without payment of
<br />the rtrrtire unpaid tlalence of the A(xounf).
<br />(3) RequirepaymenlOfpartorallof theunpaidbalanceoftheAccount, includingwithoutI ,m , tntmnfotherlNAN( ;f CicAld[,i.,,n,3Fa•ea
<br />14) Exercise off rights and remodels under the Deed of Trust, including foreclosure and saie or the Ihrpwty
<br />15) Bring legal artion against Cardholder to recover it monny )udyment to, ail ct iw rdue and inr1,M 'hi raycwnir � pn�.t ;,ny.
<br />other tormourtfs to which First Federal 1- mccrin may be entitled_
<br />10. your StftffV flights iwfti w5o appear On reverse lord" of prich ponorite ittatemeol!
<br />�
<br />thY Information about you, rigisha and our rE9$j,KSPl�thiiihff� .r n,d r,r th , i cj,, l +1 fr�ljir l ,-1 I ti ='v ! s•i> ?iq�, ,
<br />mfg"r% run fhe f ee side of your monthly pericdre. tstamerit
<br />IN CASE (if f "FI(AIS OR 4)(JESTIOW5 Af;flliT Y()UF4 011.1,
<br />to y Arhfnk your b0ot tot wrong, g, pi if you nnrT(1 fmfjirS inlornie lion ,, w ti iretlG l• t.i ire Jri Q
<br />