105Q0 ^.
<br />document, Trustor shall comply with and shall cause any and all
<br />guaraAors of the Indebtedness secu-red hereby to comply with, or be
<br />in compliance with, the following financial covenants: (This
<br />paragri ph shall not apply if covenants and requiroments are not set
<br />forth herein.)
<br />151. Schedule of Leases. Within ten (10) days after demand,
<br />Trustor shall furnish to Beneficiary a schedule, certified to by
<br />Trustor, setting forth all .lease:: of the Trust Property, or any
<br />portion thereof, including in each care, the name of the tenants or
<br />occup,a'nts, a description of the ,.;pace occupied by such tenant or
<br />occupant, the rental payable fro- such space, and such other
<br />Information and documents with respect to such lease=s and tenancies
<br />as Beneficiary may reasonably request.
<br />16. Covenants of Trustor with P,aspect to Leases. Without the
<br />prior written consent of Beneficiary, Trustor shall not, directly
<br />or indirectly, with respect to any lease of space in the Trust
<br />! >roperty, or any portion thereon:, whether such lease is now or
<br />ho- reafter in existence:
<br />(a) Accept or permit any prepayment, discount or advance
<br />o •anent of rent hereunder in excess of one month.
<br />(b) Cancel or terminate the came, or accept any cancellation,
<br />termination or surrender thereof, or permit any event to occur
<br />whic=h %ould occur thereunder to terminate or cancel the same, othe=r
<br />than termination tor nonpayment of rent,
<br />(c) Amend or modify the same so as to reduce the term thereof,
<br />the rental payable thereunder, or to change any renewal provisions
<br />therein contained,
<br />(d) Waive any default thereunder or breach thereof,
<br />(e) Give any consent, waiver or approval thereunder or take
<br />any other action in connection therewith, or with a lessee there -
<br />under., which would have the effect of impairing the value of the
<br />lessor's interest thereunder or the property subject thereto, or of
<br />imnairi.ng the position or interest of Beneficiary therein, or
<br />ff) Sell, assign, pledge, mortgage or othr.xwi.se dispose of, or
<br />encturl -f',r its interest in any said lease or any rents, issues,
<br />prefilr: issuing or arising thereund ^_r.
<br />? Waiver of Statute of Limitations. Time is of the essence
<br />in al:i of Trustor's obligations and duties hereunder; and to the
<br />rxtent permitted by law, Trustor waives all present or future
<br />st<.tutes of limitations with respect to any debt, demand or
<br />oi>liaa.tion secured hereby and any action or proceeding for the
<br />purpos- of enforcing this Deed of Trust or any rights or remedies
<br />c:oio aih?od therein.
<br />18. Assignment of Deposits. In the event construction of
<br />im;.wc vrments is contemplated by the loan evidenced by the Note
<br />sece.cred hereby, as additional security therefore, Trustor hereby
<br />trans£crs and assigns to Beneficiary, all right, title and interest
<br />to i-ny and all monies deposited by or on behalf. of Trustor with any
<br />ci.ty,!county, public' body or agency, sanitary district, utility
<br />coml;)ny, and any other bony or agency, for the installation of or
<br />*o r lure the installation of .?ny u.tility by Trustor, pertaining to
<br />t.hce ';'rust Property.
<br />1 . Corporat.i.e>> or Partnership Existenc=e. If Trustor is a
<br />c u�.l.rretion, general partnership, or limited partnership, it will
<br />dO !I t=hings necessary to preserve.- its corporate yr partnership
<br />s c nce, a:a the case may be, and all ricgttts and privileges under
<br />h 'riws of the stat.c of Its Incorporation or organixation.
<br />V. Forbearance by Be Lief iciarl Not a Wa:i.vor. Any forbetlrance
<br />i.n rcrcininq any e itfltt: c,r rem-dy hereunder, or
<br />_11
<br />