<br />COUNTERPART k of 9
<br />GRANT S7...
<br />T"M W. F , 8
<br />Received of AT&T Communications of the Midwest, Inc.
<br />se.00 - ri" and 001100 Dollars, in consideration of which the
<br />undersigned hereby grant and convey onto said company, its *emaciated and allied CoMpenles, its sad their respective
<br />successors, assigns, lesson and agents a right of Vey and easswent to construct, operate, maintain, replace a" remove
<br />seek communication systems as the grantees may from time to time reyuirm, consisting of underground cables, lightgsides,
<br />wires, conduits, manholes, drolns, eplici.ng boas*, repeaters, repeater housings, together with surface tasting - terminals,
<br />markers, and other appurtenances, upon, over and under a strip of land 1S.S fast wide across
<br />the land which the undersigned own or in which the undersigned have any interest In
<br />The Rest Malt (& 1/2) of Section 22, Township 12 North, Range 12 Nast of the 6th P.M.
<br />Township of South Loup , County of Nall , and State of Nebraska
<br />together with the following rlghtsa of ingress and agrees to, from, and along lands adjacent to amid strip for the purpose
<br />of constructing and maintaining communication systems within said strip► to place surface markers beyond said strip► to
<br />clear and keep cleared all trees, roots, brush and other obstructions from the surface and subsurface of said strip and
<br />during construction to cut all trees within ten feet thereof► and to install gates in any fences crossing said strip.
<br />The Northerly boundary of maid 16.9 foot strip .hall he a line parallel to
<br />and S feet North of the first cable or lightguide laid, which cable or
<br />lightguide shell have its location indicated upon the surface markers sat at intervals on the land of the undersigned or on
<br />adjacent lands. The undersigned for themselves, their heir@, successors and assigns, hereby covenant that no structure
<br />shall be erected or permitted on said strip. The grantees agree that the said cables or lightguides shall be buried below
<br />plow depth in order not to interfere with the ordinary cultivation of the strip, and to pay for damages to fences and
<br />growing crops arising from the construction and maintenance of the aforesaid systems
<br />Signed and sealed this f� day of /4 r,�,Gl�, S / r�1f9,17
<br />at // 4,p C ".4,9 ✓ ® S c _ Ci1 . 's p, ."4 1', b��[Y��. �l� `2 11:7
<br />N mes R. De Soe, a single man
<br />witness
<br />Approved
<br />f flu"
<br />94W sm
<br />Thb MMwm*M was #mRed by L L 84the
<br />Af o by at t awn Who" aw@►aen adbae h< One
<br />vrapeaf Deova, cmusso. 44.00 wM*
<br />STATE OF rJ r cc o ,1
<br />COUNTY OF L u h
<br />on this day of € a G ,
<br />Source of Title, Dead pock 26 , Page 164
<br />19 e" , before se personally appeared to me
<br />, and acknowledged that he (or they) executed
<br />Qltir u I1a
<br />