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Ed Z— 105128 ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS <br />DRRTOR WARRANTS AND CO V$NANTS� (1) That except for the sacurfty interest Brasted 6rrebYY Drbtnr ic, ar t„ ehr rxlren Ihat H+la agreemCpl platen <br />;c b¢ afisr the date Mercol will be, the owner of flee Collateral Irte tram any aetversc lies, security interest nr rncumbrauss; and that <br />+Party <br />that the Catlaterat m acgair¢d <br />i¢bmr wilt dds�fend the Co118teral against all claims seed ticmanda 01 pll permns at any time cl8iming the same ar jle6inr twill -lulu w h Seeurwt' ie e�atFU ing <br />ekeCttSataeal or any Hmeetds therm! is on file in any ppubheoftfce and that et the request of Scents{ Party, Ip g <br />en Secursd� +�a tb V,Yeursd nccelmwrY <br />sae or users finatu'ituu al8temest. pursuant to the Nebraska L'nitarm Commercial Cade inparm mtislactor� 1'ariYttta !x ngr <br />drenmaM <br />tkfa aeoutiiyy pgraement sled any continuation or termination alatemvnt, in all ublic offices w lerever hibl yy ht of <br />hereby or d the Collateral includes crops or uii, gas <br />smterlrtett, r c. <br />dssirabfa; and it rho Ca tare{ is altachnl to real estate pieor to the s+rrfcction of the flernrlty interest rantd <br />Par/y. <br />to ¢c+ared <br />b raft yeaixms bavipe� an int @rear io char real euate illsc nisei ego rauho ntin ®tin eny rte nathe Col stars{ wihi h is prtioiwtoailrertirtcreau6 of <br />3— leapt as ®trove sfmted, witfmul the print writirn <br />meniniaignsd <br />(1) Not m tr7i lsanafcr a7- diatwae ®f ikm Cotfaleraf, ear tabs t{tt merle or attempt to take t e mine Imm the county <br />of of aver .nature which may k+e levied or aa#ascd ega+nat the CuOatsfal. (S) Nu4 to milpanr mihrw <br />maawt of thr 3ecussd, Pally. (e) pay all texts and aasessmrnts <br />lute utit�Catl"aeeral <br />tirots�t( tbtraepla�ce end <br />mcttoiinx,�(o[ihw repair�l suFb psris <br />mroh[wr+, and 2.11=1111, at h e ormr. ante <br />a the same ing� ronditionenA <br />of web replac<mcot or rapaen, and that tba urcJ <br />g <br />as room one erdsmaged wethout allowing any hen to era sreatcd upon the Collateral on scmunt <br />Own <br />inspect the Coftatttmtbat�m. nr� t ii6 in lere�attmar�,ampp@an rid wi �r'rn <br />Party ma rxamiae and <br />bsa, as aPpmer:e r, leaf ision, fiYrc and extendsd)coveraee, wtiih toes pnYahln� ton Stsnf@dhFany180 <br />m Yartx Seared Partyy (g) At its aptian Beloved Fany, meY Feocute such emtmraace, dfscharggec <br />iwnedt <br />, pros( of such insurance to <br />demand deliv¢r m po 'es of insurance ar <br />interests or olhsr rrrcumhrances ar any time levied or laced on the L'otlateral and may pay for the npner of. eny damage or injnr m nr foiP the <br />pp yyarty W° <br />iieris se {Hearted b Secure+{ P <br />taexa, o' security <br />reimburse Secured Party on demand for any payment or cx <br />pmerratkrn qad r�rntanareee of the Collarcnl. Debtor agrees 'an interne at the rate of 9 k ptt annum from the date of pl j, rnj until <br />to the foregoing antharimtiaa. UM;I uch ' iodni semeot, the ount of any such payment, w+ih <br />be added to the indebtednto-a owed hY lhbmr and shall be aecurrd by this agmment. (9) That he w;11 not use the Collateral in viaQ tardurince <br />shalt in service nor in any apse+{ <br />raimbursemant, rental <br />app%gtde statute, regulatfoa ar ordinanre end if any of the Collateral is or vehicles the same wdl not be rrnted, used <br />expenses incurred in recovering possession of the Collateral and incurred in enforcing this security <br />wnlast. (10) Debtor roil( ppa�y� Secured Pant eny and all meta and <br />��tta�ati, acid t same shall 6e secured fay Ibis securit Rgramtnt. <br />the Co[iateml and use it in any lawful manner not imm�afetent with this agreement and trot ittconsiNmt with <br />Lp•oNiicTIf.- D$FAUI.T Rebmr may here possession of <br />By D of issuance thereoG and n da of alt Reeured Party atoll have the immediate right to the poeaemiongof the Collateral. <br />Dperfoam titatnemd refer�sd lioherpePin a note e:idenc+n6 the same; (2) anyitwarsran(r ))respreuultniattosem�t ntment <br />stl aDof asnfy oDfdiLgmt•Ria+f neat or l sbilliy oar or�n Y <br />furn5slwd m fissured �artr br or on Ixhilf of t'hbtor pmves to have 1xen. false In any material respect when made or furnished: tJ) any event whc results in <br />U) lose, theft, A®taalfe, salt or <br />made or <br />the aeeeleratioa of the malnriry of the mdebtedrmss of Debtor to others under any indenture, agreement or mtdenaking; f ..uctfon <br />to or of eny of the Collateral, or the makir+g of any levy, eefzun or attachment therm( er thereon; (S) death, it's lution, termination of exiatenee, inwly- <br />by the mmmedeen"t of any proceeding under <br />eneumbaace or <br />eney basiaame failrue, appppoointment of a receevrr of an7 {cart of the progeny co assignment for the benefit of creditors <br />soy of inpirmc laws by or against Debtor or any [uarantor or surety for Debtor. <br />thereafter, or if It deems itxlf insecure, Seeared Party may declmre ati Obligations secured henbr fmmedm' fdue <br />N S rtes <br />LTPUk CB DkFAL I,T and et any time <br />and payable and stroll have the remedies of m secured pant under the Nebraska Uniform Commercial Code. Secured Party may regal,. Debtnr m aasembh <br />by Secured Pang which is reasonably convenient m bath settles. Unkm the <br />Collateral a� diver a make tt available m Secured Part? at a place m be desigmted <br />threatens m decline d +o value or a of a type customarily sold on a nmgsized market, Second Pany will pre Debtor reasonably <br />is to be made. The requim <br />Co. Msterst Is perishaldt or <br />nice o[ the time and place of any public amts t ercof or of the time after which any private sale or any other intended diapoaitiun thereof <br />to the address of Debtor shown at the beginning of this agreemrnt set least fire days <br />meets of reaaanable notice shall he met +f s+kb notece a marled, postage prepaid, <br />before tba tHiRf, the sale or diapwition. <br />eY d¢em proper, <br />No waired r anyee lre or seculush <br />eecut this <br />his heirs, <br />Secure Party shall retan ts rgRted <br />withay exemmra <br />uttedv shat inure to the benefit of its waeason and amtgna; and all promises and duties of Debtnr shall bind <br />hereunder shall be joint and xreral. <br />admihis or its sueeemon or amigos., I[.there lx moo thin one Debtor, their lisbilfties <br />. <br />T�eagreaoene .haltbecomeeffe�tivewhga,n. try[ asdpr.Deb�r._._.._...•,�.•,.•.. ...••.•,•,•,... ,...:., ... <br />