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FODO 4011 <br />7 0491, pwtafs <br />(c) The repayment in full by Trustor(s) of all amounts advance by Beneficiary, at Its option, to or on behalf of Trustor(s) as protective <br />advances authortmed herein, In tha loan agreanant(s), or In other Nnstru itt(a) which may, be given to evidence such sdwnosln, pine Inle" <br />on all ouch advanced, pay" ere provlddd In the mote(s), loan agramment(s) or other Inetrumhmt(s), <br />(d) The psynNnt In full of any and all ~ past, present or future, direct or contingent, debts and liabilities of TruKor(o) to Beneficlary of <br />any results whagoevM. <br />This Triad Mad will be due January 11 2()05 or upon the (payment in full of all sums secured hereby. <br />True"*) harelip wu aim! M etsy hob hs sanW+dus b Ms avow assarlsad property, atsl they have good and lawful authority to do" and Ormiumaaq +scans. <br />Ilat satd propary M het and ocean ef sat Nana and atxanbra�s, esceptenarnbrwnoes ef receFd, land MnN tiny vAH wamunl and tlt1Md add p►opNly <br />clalnats wlwrMOaw►. Truslorls) of M►by wave aW relinquish d10" of dower, homatemad, dlatnbutive share std owmp4on In and bNancOon demOrlbed <br />pfOMny- <br />TVWW" sad crib at area huatee aanxuaat and apse with Beasbtery es laatsla <br />(1) To pay anNarmAmigmeent&erothms ssesnwntaagslnstaeldTrustRON *,adto paywhsndiaaNt&sas, Farb, teesordhargasuponsaMTnetEstateorunder <br />any Nara. p th Noenes er ptWlage assigned to flan Wary, as Woft ai maturity b this Trust Dead, Including Moss on pubic domain. <br />(2) To ineure and keep Insured buildings and oMa aremarea now on or hwo~ placed on sad Trust Estate to the ssNgbabn of Dowftlwy. Such <br />uaumenceatraN ba•pprovedbya d dp-Md wlM SanNidary, and andoraed wish Was Mereunda paysbfeb %nmwiwy. Any awry so nodwd by 9onsk wry moy <br />be used b pay for reconstruction of the destroyed improvement&tr N not so applied may, at the option of tin Beneficiary, beappbd In payment o tmay Indebtedness <br />matured or runragxad segued by the Trust Deed. <br />(S) To keep all buildHga. Astons and other Imprownwmts now on or hersaf er placed on said Trial (state ooduWed and M good repair, IRd11N WAO and <br />co nOthot and b Miller mom" nor permit any act& of crass or any impehment of IM value of the Trust Estate. Beneficiary may ~ upon the Trust Estee to <br />hnso O Me same or lo perfwhrh any w % sulhon=W heath or in the ban agrmi mt. <br />(e) Inth helivaMTruutor( s) talto pay any lsns , Judgments, ate eeansr &% saes. wens. Nesorcargawn* AnUMa+ ykaaanceonthe p ropety.buildings,fixtures <br />or uepronrermaMs em provedW Mahn or In the ban agraanart(el, ssneldary . mry. at Its option, make such fa ymorMS or provWe insurance, mmi nNnaros or repo" <br />and any anouna paid therefor Null become pat of the III it HMsbimansea segued hereby. be Who mdWWy dire and peyabia and sea Inonst from the daft of <br />payment as phchdded In the nole(s) or ban agraMUM(s). The edww~ by Banff ay of any such anommM Null In no mahrer IrMI OW right of Bwneflcay b <br />x '.- a True") in d~ or sometime any of Ber efiday9 other rights and ranedaa. <br />(6) inifis event beneficiary is a party to any litigation aftaft thim security or We Him of this Trust Deed, Wicks&* any isollort bylliensificistry toonkwoo Vft Trut <br />Deed or eny aril in nnhtch BtntNdwy la rawAd a def ndwnt unheeding cend m moon are bor*rupby proomedHrgs) Bwwfblary may Inwrekparnaes and advance <br />psymahiefor ateutNte tlbnuysNsalespptbMeesantProMWMdbylawl. resin. ampemee. aPpMSdtoaarWOMerchargeeandaryanbumesoadvceoad <br />shall beaana pin of the primpM IndabMdflees secured hereby. be lmmediNaly dire and payebe and bas knsrea as imovided In the loan agresmant(a). <br />(e) Any awards nudabrnuslor(s) ortheirsucceaaomby the exercise a eminent domain am hereby assf gMOmswwftWy wWBMNMMnlahwobyaYMMlad <br />to txtitbt and apply tin sae in peymsnt of any Indebtedness, natured or unentured, secured by this Trust Dead. <br />(7) In the event Trusrx(s) debuH in the psymant when due of arty sums secured hereby (principal. Interest. 4&4WMGMWft. Of prolaolivs advances). or fail to <br />perform or observe any covenants. and conditions contained herein. in lhe nob(s). bah agreansm(s). or any other in§VUMlp or any proocedln9la brought by a <br />against Trussor(s) undera y Bsnmmrpay knes. Bawhcmy may, at its option. declare the entire Indebtedness secured hereby lobe InuudipNydus and payabfeand <br />boa informal at the it~ raw se provided M the r Sala) or ben agtesrmant(s) and Beneficiary nay Innmtedlatey suthoim Trustee to exercise Ala Potter of Salt <br />granted hsnm in the roamer provided In the Nebraska Trust Deeds Act, or, at the option of the Benwiclary, may foreclose NN Trued Deed in the memirwi rovided by <br />law fin the foreclomm" ot rear Aga0 -on real property. including the appointment of a Receiver upon ex Pell applicetlon, notice being hhermbtr saPhessly waived, <br />withouingardbthe value alum propel yorthe wthrawwytwreotlodachirge tin Indebtedness secured hereby orknthe loan . gmear m 16).DsNybyllanef+day <br />in awrdiedng he right& upon debut ahem rho be construed M a waiver inersol and any scl ot beneficiary we" any epedNie t1~ bar► not be construed me a <br />vehwr of army felon oefamH. It tine preoasOS under au:h wed ortonciowre Inn insufficient to pay the bwi kndebletlnw hereby secured. True"it) do hereby pier <br />to be personally bound lo pay the unread belanos. and eawAday shall be entitled to a deficiency judgment. <br />(a) Should ssnefrdary, slag to enerease the power of Sale granted h~, Berwhe ery shed nobly the Trustee who snail .@cord, pu blish m-ta coMrer to Tru mmor(s) <br />such NOtbe of DsWA will Notice of Sale me then required by low end stem in tin manner provided by law sell tin Truce Estate at ensbrns and piece of Sala find in the <br />NolicoofSae.eHMrp•vrhee oron eeperW loft,pwolsor tint and In such *row es tin Trust" stem dean expedient. Any person may bid stthessee Including <br />Truebr(a). Trustee or Baelciay. <br />(9) Trwitorls)he soWniquem a copy of any Notice of 0~ or Notice of Sale hereunder to be mamied tothern at We addralwes) so him heits" tryce"Ifiedmail. <br />(10) Upon it~. Saneliciary, ~ in person or by agent. with of without bringing any action or proceeding and with or without regard to the value of the <br />PropertyortinSul/ ciancyMwsoflodisdnergetMindsbwdnsasassured hereby. bauM onzed and sMltMdtoenNr upon and %Mwpoastsd, ol"TrnedEsMNih <br />i t&ownnameorinthermseftoTrueleeanedoanyaraorexpendanysumsndowv necessary or desirable toproNetorpre ermthevelueoftheTrust Estateor <br />any wrieest therein, or to cieeesthe inbonns the e l om; and with or without taking possession of the Trial ENete is auUwrfse0lowe bror otferwae twla.Mthe renb. <br />iasuas, crops, profits and wxxwm thermal. including those past due and unpaid, and apply the swine upon any Indebtedness secured hereby or In the ban <br />ng+eernent(s)- <br />No so wily Main conformed upon or reserved to Trustee or Bene k ferry Is Intended to be exclusive of any other rernedy Vision or bylaw provided or permitted. <br />but each sham be eunulef ve, OW be In addition to every other remedy given Maunder or now or hermatter existing at law or In e wHy or by eMtuw, and may be <br />eeseoised concurrently. tndspendanly or successively. <br />(11) Trustor(s) acknowledge that tin duties and obligations of Trustee Mall be determined Solely by the express provisions of this Trust Deed or the Nebraslua <br />Trial Deece Act o W Truetse shed not be liable except for the peAomnawe of such duties and obligations as we peolliosly set forth therms. and no IihtO <br />covwenw or Obligations ball be irnpaeed upon Truces; Triates sell not be Noble for any aetlon wken by H In good bah and reaeonbly baltved by H to be <br />authonted on c-'lanIn the 11 c ',rn of rights Of powers coalwyed upon H by 11A Trued Deed or stew low. <br />(12) The i nfegntyandresponsiblity ofthe True" s) consbadmapa nofthe corwberationfortheobligations securedhereby .ShouldTn»tor(s)sell,transferor <br />convey the property desoibed harsh , without prior written consent of Benefblary. Banefblary may. at Its option, declare the entire bdsbladnsoa krhrmsdiatst)r due <br />and 1 1 1 1 and may proostd in the snloroanwnt of he rights as on any other defwH. <br />( /S) Melgunent of Pkm Including Procasds of Mineral Lines. Tnmdw(s) hereby traefer. sat over and convey to Beneficiary all too. royaltlas, bonuses and <br />dalyr nhoreya tnef meyhom tine b bra bacomndue and payable under any red eelatt Jesse or under any oil, 9th or of ermineref kMMof any kid now existing or <br />Mal may h~W bone into existence, com is the ebow Trust Estate or any pat Mermen. AN arch suns so reoelvad by MheNdiay teed be applied to the <br />Indebtedness secured hereby; or said Mheficlsry, Fey. at fie option, turn over and deliver lo tin Trusbr(s) or their suaoesson In them any orb of such sums <br />without prepndios to any of swwhc&Ws rights to take all retain h tunwns, and without prejudice to any of ft other rights under the Trust Dead. The transfer and <br />conveyance hereunder to Beneficiary of add rents. royalties. bonuses ell delay moneys Mall be construed to to a provision for the payment or reduction of the <br />debt, au t"a to the BweNpery's option as hereInbafora provided. Independent of the hen on said Trust Estate. Upon psyr ent in full of the debt and the <br />ncernwyance of Mb Trust Deed of record, this conveyance shall becone inogrntive and of no further Fix and eflaet. <br />(iii) The cotenants COnwfne0 In the Trust Deed Mail damned to be severable: in the event that any portion of Mte Trust Dees a determiMO to be void or <br />unneta mesta the dwamnnaen 7 nW ~tin ny, of the rer mining portions of the Trust Deed. <br />Leaard E. Graf V Mary W. rraf <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br />COUNTY OF _ ) <br />A.D., 19 = :" , before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared <br />to "W k to be tin person(s) named II jand who executed the foregoing <br />exMd" the safes as d voluntary act and deed. <br />(Type or print none under signature) <br />Notary Public In and for sold County and State <br />s <br />and Trust Daad, and acknowledged <br />