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L <br />3 J �/ (�(►p FCBp6011 <br />104908 Page 2of2 <br />(c) The repayment in full by Trustor(s) of all amounts advanced by Beneficiary, at Its option, to or on behalf of Trustor(s) as protective <br />advances authorised heroin. In the loan agreement($), or In other Instruments) which may be given to evidence such advances, plus Interest <br />on Ail such advances, payable as provided in the noto(s), loan agreement(s) or other instrument(s). <br />(d) The payment in full of any and all other past, present or future, direct or contingent, debts and liabilities of Trustor(s) to Beneficiary of <br />any nature whatso"Iff. <br />This Trust Dead will be due _ _ L? _ or upon the payment In full of all sums secured herby, <br />Trustorls)herabywarraMlhettMy teeeknp)M le loth* abovadaecribed Property, that theyMvegood and lowfulwllwitytod $eAMldencumberthesaM, <br />that pie property to free and clear of eat hens and encumbrances. except encumbrances of record, and Hat they, will warrant and defend said property agsknat all <br />cie+mantswhomaoever. Trwtorls) Moo hereby waive and relinquish all righbof dower, homestead, distributive share end oxemptial in and Olin above described <br />PMP" <br />T"$"") Mai ache of stela hasher ttesenehk tend so" west aaaaMSry p eeaews: <br />(1) To pay all herie. judgments or ottw sonewroorits against sold Trust Enals, and to pay when due all taxes, rents, tenor charge$ upon asd Trust Estate orunder <br />any Ise, permit, a eree or privilege assigned to Bereficiay as additional "curtly to this Trust Deed, Including those on public domain. <br />(2) To insws and keep insured buf ilmop and other Improvements now on or hereafter placed on said Trust Estate to the safiahatlon of Banelfctery. Such <br />Insurance shad be appnovedby and dopo@IW with Bensf iory, aft endorsed with lose thereunder pays" to Beneficiary. Any sums soreoNndbyBeraf wymay <br />be used to pay or loop pruction often destroyed Improvements of II not so applied may, at the option of the BenNblary, be applied in payment of any indebtedness <br />matured or unmetured secured by thia Treed Dead. <br />(3) To keep aI buildings. fixtures Ind other humprovements now on or hereafter placed on said Trust Estate occupied and In good repair, maintenance and <br />Condition and to nester commit nor Pamir any acts of waste or any impairment of the value of IM Tent Estate. Baefklery may and upon the Trust Eau" to <br />Irhpect the sane or to perform any acts aulnonzed herein or In the loan agreement. <br />(4) In the event Trustor(s) fail to pity any Rem. judgments, asonsoments, taxes, rents, fees or charges or maintain any Insurance onlhe property, buildings, fixtures <br />or imprcwenente as provided her" or in the Iden all "I M (4). BaMkfary may, at no option, mate such payments or provide Insurance. rlalinforte ce or repairs <br />and any anoNitte Pill thenefer shoo become pan of the WW.APsl lndebgtlrap secured hereby, be Immediately due and payable and bur Int rM from the Wet of <br />payment as provided In the rrote(e) or ban agreement (9). The edsulnant by Baraficiory of any such amount Hell M no manner firnk the right of BHeficery to <br />doctors Trvstor(ahIn deeult or exercise any of Beraf isry's othel rights and remedies. <br />(S) In the want BMelicearyis a perry to my lhigetion affecting the security or the Ion otthle Trust Deed. including any action by Beneficiary, to enforce it"Trust <br />Deed or any star in Which beneficiary ts maned a endendant (Including gyration and bankruptcy proceedings) Beneficiary may incur expenses and advance <br />payments for abstract Me$, attorneys tee$ (except to the extent prohibited by law), cats, expense$, appraisal tee$ and other charges and anyawunts so advanced <br />shell beI I pert of the principal u,debtedness secured hereby, be immediately due and payable and beer interest as provided In the ban agreamenrys). <br />(e) Any swords made to Trustor( s) ormairsucuaonttrythe exerciseofeminentdwnanare herebysgned toBeneficiary;andBeneficiary bMrebyauthorized <br />to collect end apply the some on payment of any mWDadness. matured or unmetured, secured by this Trust Deed. <br />(7) In the went Trumor(s) deform in the payment when due of any sums secured hereby (principal, interest. advancements. or protective advances), or fall to <br />Perform or observe any covenants Ind condltrors connteined heron. in the note(s), loan agreement(s). crony other instruments or any proceeding Is brought by or <br />against Trustor(s) underaty Bankruptcy hews. Beneficary . may. at its ontionn, decisre theemire indebtedness poured hereby to bar lmnNdiaMlydue and payable and <br />beer interest at the default rate as provided in the noW sl or ban preamentls) and Beneficiary may Immediately authorize Trustee to exercise the Power of Sale <br />granted heron In the mariner prove min me Nebraska Trust Deeds Actor. at the option of the Beneficiary, may foreclose the Trust Dead In IMmanrerprovided by <br />law for the forecloawe of mortgages on real property. including the appormtnent of a Recover upon ex perse application. notice being hereby expressly waived, <br />without regard othovalue of the property or" sufficiency thereat to discharge the indebtedness secured hereby or in the loan epraement(s). Delay by Ber eftiory <br />m exercising its rights upon default Ham not be construed as a wonow thereof and any act of Beneficiary wsMng any specific default Mall not be construed as a <br />waiver of any futursoeladt. If the proceeds order Mich ante ortoniebwn are insufficient to pay the dial indebtedrees hereby secured, Trustor(s) do hereby agree <br />to be personally band to pay the unpaid baaeoe. and Beneficiary Haft be untitled to a deficiency judgment. <br />(a) Should Bahef iWy elect to exentiea the power of Sale granted herein. Beneficiary shelf notify the Trustee who shall record, publish tNiver to Truetoris) <br />such Notkts of Defandt and Notices of Scree$ dhun required by ew and Melt men manner provided by taw W the Trent Estate at the time and pace of salefixed in the <br />Notice of Sale. skherw a whole w In separate Ica. pucee or rMna and In such order so the Trustee Mal deem expedlerlt. Any person may bid at lheeae including <br />Trueorts►. Trusts* or Ber efferary. <br />(9) Truator(s) hereby request a copy of any Notice of D~ or Notice of Sale hereunder to be matted to them at the address(w) oat forth harem by certified mail. <br />(10) Upon Off"", Barhefieeny, ember In person or by agent, with or without bringing any action or proceeding and with or without regard to the value of the <br />property or the sufficiency tlereolto coacher" the mdMgdi>NS secured hereby, to authorized and eMmMd to enter upon and take possession of the Trust Estate in <br />its own hems or in the Mme of the Trust" and do any acts or expend any sums n deems nege$ary or desirable to protect or presons the value of the Trust Estate or <br />any interest therein, or thereon On income therefrom: and with or wrthout taking possession of Ina Trust Eatete to authorized to sue for of otherwise Collect the rents. <br />rssuet, Crop$, profits and Income therebf, including Moss post due and unpaid, and apply the soma upon any mdebtedrhess secured hereby or in the loan <br />99-orrsntle). <br />No remedy heron conferred upon or reeervad to Trustee or Bm @ciwy n intended to bs exclusive of arty other renedy rwwn orby aw provioed ur permntad. <br />but ut:h ateli OOCWWtefiw. Mali be in addkfon to way othet n/11Wy given hereunder or now or hereafter existing at law or Inequity or by statute. and maybe <br />exerotsed concurrently. Intlspsn denrey or sucoewvoy <br />(11) TruMor(s) actnawledpe that the duties and obligations of Trustee eMI be dolax wood solely by the express provisions of this Trust Dead or the Nebraska <br />Trent DssN Act Ind Trunn ~ not so Hole poet for the performance of wish duties and OWWJCM w are pact iully out I" therein. and no ImptiM <br />covereMa or obligations shelf be Imposed upon Trustee. Trustee eleil not to lapis fee any action Wen by n in good forth end reasonably believed by II to be <br />authorized or withm the decraton or rights of posers comforted upon it by this Tan! Deed or state law. <br />(12) Thekttegrity and responsibility ofthe Trustarp► wMtkuMts part claw consideration for the obligations secured hereby. Should Truslor(s) sell. transfer or <br />convey the properly descrited herein. without prW ientum consent of BeMhCWY. BenNeWry tMy, at its option. declare theentire indebtedness immedie" due <br />and payable and may Proceed In the enforcement of Is rights as on any other default <br />(19) Iwiprmiont of Rents including Proof of Mineral I"". Trrnbr(s) hereby trasw, ref over and convey to 8eneficlery all rents, royalties, bonuses and <br />deleymonsysthat may from thrletetine be— due and payable under any real eHS lea or~any 041. gas or other inlarel lea of any kind now existing or <br />bet may heeafter cons 'auto exle nce, cc"" the Wove Trust Estate or any pen tharsot. Ak wear sure to received by Benef story Mall be applied to free <br />Indobledroom secured hereby, or sad Denwhoiary may. at Its option. turn over aid deliver to the TrWtq(e) or their successors In Interest. any or all of such sums <br />with" prefuOicillo, "of Genifificiarys rWftto take end rotem luture sums. and without prejudice to any of ft other rt" under Vita Trust Deed Thetrensferand <br />COMPOYMMIN hereunder to Beneficiary Of aald rent$, royalties, bonuses and delay moneys swll be construed to be a provision for the payment or reduction of the <br />debt, subject to the Benelicarys option as herembefore provided, independent of the Bern on said Trust Estate. Upon payment in full of the debt and the <br />recohwayaoa of this Tent Deed of record, this conveyance Halt become Inoperative and of no further forte and sfect. <br />(14) The covenants contained in this Trust Deed Mall be doomed to be severable: m the event that any portion of this Twat Deed is determined to be void or <br />unenforceable, that determination WWI not eeect the validity of the remaining portions of the Tent Deed. <br />Aloysius R. Panowicz <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br />4�,,- � ) u <br />COUNTY Of ) <br />On this stay of <br />Evelyn D. Panowicz <br />G <br />, A.D., 19 L7 , before me, a Notary Public. personally appeared <br />to me knovA to to the person(s) no inpnj who executed the foregoing Aknowiedgnent and Trust [trued. and acknowledged <br />that U6I executed the >.erha as JMA.;A, td.,n rep mod. <br />(SEAL) ___,_�.__� J� <br />LA:* a� s r r , �— � ,.• � . <br />(Type or print name under ergnsturel <br />My commission expirere Notary Public in and for mid County and State <br />