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1 <br />i <br />hereinafter called TRUSTFF, whose address is._jlp6% ._j;_ _ "1$4___ <br />and AVCO FINANCIAL SERVICES INTERNATIONAL, INC., a Nebraska corporation, hereinafter called BENEFICIARY, .whoft aftills is <br />416_ - SST- T}iI�D�- .G�ADiII..ISLAND, -- DoE-- - - - - -. 688x11 <br />WITNI-'SSETH: That Trustor GRANTS, CONVEYS, SELLS AND WARRANTS TO TRUSTFF, IN TRUST, WITH POWER OF SALFi, the following described <br />property, situated in— _HATjr__._._ —_ _— _ County, Nebraska: <br />BENEFICIARY 8%-10 4802 AVCO FINANCIAL SERVICES <br />DEED OF TRUST INTERNATIONAL, INC. iNC <br />Lot Two (2), Block Seventeen (17), in Fairview Park Addition to the City of Grand Island, <br />Ball County, Nebraska <br />also known as 909 WEST TENTH. GRAND ISLAND, NE 68801 <br />(Number and Street) <br />together with all buildings and improvements now or hereafter erecled thereon arid all wreens. Awnings, shides,'rtorm sash and blind.., and heating, lighting, <br />plumbing, gas, electric, ventilating, refrigerating and air - conditioning equipment used in connection therewith. all of which, for life purpose of this Deed of <br />Trust, shall be deemed fixtures and subject to file lien hereof, and the hereditament% and appurtenances pertaining to the property alxive described, and all <br />streets, lanes, alleys, passages, ways, waters, water courses, rights, liberties and privileges, whatsoever thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining and the <br />reversions and remainders, all of which'is,,Wii F,(d to hereinafter as the "premises ". <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above- dewtibed premisess,, a`itir'ftM appurtenances and fixtures, unto the said Beneficiary, its successors and assigns, forever, for <br />the purposes and uses herein set forth, free front all rights and benefits under acid by vtr.ue of any Homestead Exemption Laws of the State of Nebraska <br />which may be enacted, which said rights and benefits the said Trustor does hereby expressly release and waives. <br />Trustor also assigns to Beneficiary all rents, issues and profits of said premises, granting the right to collect and use the same, with or without taking possession of <br />the premises, during continuance of default hereunder, and during continuance of such default authorizing Beneficiary to enter upon said premises and /or to collect <br />and enforce the same without regard to adequacy of any security for the indebtedness hereby secuted by any lawful means including appointment of a receiver in <br />the name of any party hereto, and to apply the same less costs and expenses of operation and collection, including reasonable attorney's fees, upon any indebted- <br />ness secured hereby, in such order as Beneficiary may determine. <br />FOR THE PURPOSE. OI^ SECURING: (I I Performance of each agreement of Trustor contained herein; (2) Payment of the principal sum with interest, as <br />Provided jn a }cordpgc with the teens and provisions of a Promissory Note ;' Loan .Agrcencnt (hereinafter referred to as "promissory note ") dated <br />AU sM iVis 1Y 7 herewith executed by Trustor and payable to the order of Beneficiary, in the Principal sum of <br />$ • . and hating the date of its final payment due on —i , or as extended, <br />deferred or rescheduled by renewal or refinance, 0) Payment of any additional advance,. with interest thereon as may hereafter be loaned by Beneficiary <br />to Trustor in a maximum sum of 5 within 15 years from the date of this Deed of Trust; however, <br />this paragraph does not constitute: a conituttineril by Beneficiary to make future advances; (4) The payment of any money that may be advanced by Cite <br />Beneficiary to Trusror for any reason or to third parties, with interest thereon. where the amounts are advanced to protect the security in accordance with the <br />covenants of this Decd of Trust: (5) Any renewal, refinancing or extension of said promissory note, or any other agreement to pay which may be substituted <br />therefor. <br />All payments made by Trustor on the obligation scoured by the Deed of 'I rust %hail t._ applied in the following order: <br />FIRST: To the payment of taxes and assessment, that may b: levied and assesxd against said premises, insurance premiums, repairs, and all other charges <br />and expenses agreed to tic paid by the Trustor. <br />SECOND_ To the payment of interest due on said loan. <br />THIRD: To the payment of principal. <br />TO PROTECT THE SECURITY HEREOF, TRUSTORIS) COVENANTS .AAD AGREES: fl) to keep said premises insured against lot% by fire and other <br />hazards, casualty and contingencies up to the full value of all Improvements tot the protection of Beneficiary in such manner, in such aniounts, and in such <br />companies a% Beneficiary may from time to time Approve, and that loss proceeds ties% expense of collection) shall, at Beneficiary's option, be applied on said <br />indebtedness, whether due or nut or to the restoration tit said improvements. In event of loo Truslor will give immediate notice by mail to the Beneficiary, <br />w*o may make proof of loss if not made promptly by Tru. for, and each insurance company concerned is hereby authonzcd and directed to make payment for <br />such buss directly to the Beneficiary instead of to the Trustor. 121 To pay all taxes and special assessments of any kind that have been or may le levied of <br />assessed upon said premises, and ht delivers to Beneficiary, upon request of the Beneficiary. the official receipt showing pay meet of all such faxes and <br />a ts. (7) In the event of default by Trustor under Paragraphs I or 2 above, Beneficiary, at Its option, may (a) I Lace and keep such insurance above <br />provided for in force throughout the life of this Dvcd art Trust and pay the reasonable premiums and charg r. es therefo Ib) pas all said taxes and assessments <br />without determining the validity thereof; and lt) Pay such liens and all stith dishursel +rents shall tie devilled a part of file indebtedness secured by this Deed of <br />Fruits and shall be immediately due and payable by Trustor ht Beneficiary. 14) To keep the buildings and other improvements now existing it hereafter <br />erected in gtnid cfmchticm and repair, not to ei emit or suffer any watt, it any axe of yid premises %unbars In re%triction, of record or .outran to law, anti <br />to permit lkilefiviary to enter at all reasonable !inks far the purpt— of inspecting the pr I sex, nor to remove- it denioh%h any building Ihervon: to restore <br />prompilly aind in a good and wotkinanUke manner any buildings which may be damaged or destroy vd thctam, and 1. pay, wiles due, All claims for labor parfornwd <br />and materials furti therefor; (5) Treat, if a signer of the Promissory Note. he will pay, promptly the indebtedness secured hereby, and perform all other obliga- <br />tions in full compliance with the terms of said Promissory Note and this Deed of Trust. (6) That the time of paynnent of the indebtedness hereby secured, or of any <br />pwrthrn theavf, may be extended or renewed. and any portions of the premises herein described may, without notice, be released trorn the lien hereof, without <br />os afl'intfng tine Personal liability of any person or the priority of this Deed of Trust, (7) That he does hereby forever warrant and will forever defend the <br />title s vin thereof against the lawful claims of any and all persons whatsoever. <br />lT IS MILTPUAM AGREED THAT: <br />(1) dd Trustor fail to make any payment or dt) any Ali as betcm provided, or if any acliun or p,­­ ding rs nun need which mawm,1 y afletts <br />''idry's interest in the Promises, thin Beneficiary or Trustee, but without obligation in do %o, and without nmi' it, it demand upon 1 "ice %bit, alrd <br />faster . relira Trustor from any obligation Immuirder, snav make or da the same. and nags pay, put hale, inte'l or . omprooll- try ,noun Lrantc, 'hare(. <br />L or $ •h in the pad tntnenf of either appears to 41Tee! %aid property. and in exer,mror Any such po"el" tutor any teabdrry and i ; nd uirt isv i ,unounfs ie <br />the atty Bate *kiction of Benefk•tary or TTruslor either stay deem note %nary therefor. All sums sec imurred (it ­xpcnded by Bcnefactan m "fruove shall he <br />wthorra daimmul untow illately due and payable by Trusfoa, shall bear inlcrrst a1 the highest r,tic pervnuted by 1Aw, end shall l" ur.ured heroh% <br />(6) y bald the Prerralaes nr ,try part thervot be taken by reason 4 any condeannati,.n pra,"ecding, It'nefi, -Ian ,Intl b• yntkticd !a All coiatwil'ilion, .wards <br />s other patirootalit ThiAvf re, Assaf to Apply the came on the iodeh!cdnis frcured hereby - <br />1)f fly astcristsfif pmt merat of any xum hereby wcutyd after it, du, di"', „t At,r the filing of uoli,e od dctlulr and of cle.non h II Ic aetniut dull rot <br />"asm its r4thl to rxsjuirx W- ft-P9 payrraanf whet+ due of all otbar ssnns s,, snared. „r ro drelat.. del Aull !,,, 1,ohov _, so pay. .n I•, I,t a oil with tilt sale uudcr <br />Any .w ij nrooi,,:v if t fault Anti of cletli,at it, %1l, for any unpaid bulxn,r "I .AI:.I imirhri:-du," If Bet 11"'a" ll qdr am .iddtt „sal ­alit to, an% „!,Itratr „n <br />,Awd tw rby, it ^s.i enlo,, ­ Iha . rhsfc,o v if, plion, eklher brfn v , nimgkolna'olld, wah. r '.1,, H rn.i L' 1 rr flindt'r .. <br />At 04A4 !WEN r aYr Mir rya ha Wee Abaft /4w 4... 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