87- 104842
<br />321- 1203979- 203(h)
<br />71M Mrs, made red eseeWal this 14th day of August
<br />14 87 , by and beitegim David D. Gibson and Lynnette M. Gibson, each in his and her own right
<br />and as spouse of each other.
<br />oldepcoupsynt Hall . and State of Nebraska, party of the AM part, berebafter coed
<br />themplilep and The Equitable Building and Loan Association. 113 -115 North Locust Street ,
<br />Grand Island, Nebraska,
<br />gi orgtslwdseed gicloft under the laws of the State of Nebraska,
<br />party of at wooed part. bwebutow cabled the Mortgages,
<br />NllemeMt That the said Mortgagor, for and in coadderstion of the sum of Twenty Three The,.isand and no/ 100 -- --
<br />--- ---------------------------------------------------- Dollan (t 23,000.06. ), paid by the Mort.
<br />glM the reotfpt of which is hereby acknowhidged, has Granted and Sold orb by these presents does Ceram. Bargain, Sell, Canvey
<br />and Cam uaso the Mortgages, its and assions. forever, the foliowiagdescribed real estate, situated In the County of
<br />Hall , and Scut of Nebraska, to wit:
<br />The Northerly One Half (A) of Lots One ( I ) and Two (2), Block One (1), Schimmer's
<br />Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />Of the sixth Principal Meriden, containing in all -
<br />acres according to Government survey:
<br />Me New sed To Held the promises above described. with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging and including all heating.
<br />phimbin and fhtteep end equipment now or hereafter attached to or wed in connection with said real estate unto the Mort -
<br />g6rw, aid M its wcoweon end asiftes, forever. Ths Mortgagor rgttaaats to, end covenhati with, the hatlfilie, that the Mort -
<br />g gor has good right M sell end convey said premises; that they are free from encumbrance, and the the Mortgagor will warrant and
<br />e1le1a 1 do sane against the lawful dtims of all parsons whomsoever; and the said Mortgagor bereby relinquishes all rights of
<br />Meawkh4 and all marled rights, airier in kw or in equity, and all other contingent interests of the Mortgagor in and to the above -
<br />dw 0 1 promises, the istandon, being to coaM hereby an absolute tick, in foe simple, including all tighu of homestead, and other
<br />rights and interests as doessid.
<br />Pivelded Adtaga, and these prates are eusc ted and delivered upon the following conditions, to wit:
<br />The MartilsW agrees to pay the Mongeow, or order, the princ4W sum of Twenty Three Thousand and no/ 100---- -
<br />------------------------------------------------------ Dollars (f23,000.00 ).
<br />with is/etau from deft a the rate of Ten per c mtum ( 10.0 %) per annum on the
<br />unpaid belance until paid. The said primal end interest shag be payable "t the office of The Equitable Building and
<br />Loan Association
<br />is Grand Island, Nebraska , or at such other piece as the holder of the note
<br />n"dmoWaoftiawddMismom*bwudbrmuof Two Hundred One and 851100 ---------------------------
<br />--------------- -Dollm (1201.85 ), commencing on the first day of September
<br />19 87 . end an the first day of each month thereafter until the principal sad interest are fully paid, except that the final payment of
<br />i I Al end interest, if not sooner paid, shall be due and payable on the situ day of August
<br />30 17 ; all accord to the terms of a certain promissory sae of evm date herewith executed by the said Mortgagor.
<br />connection with mortgages Insured under the one. to four -famhy programs of the
<br />rrsviOW EdMft Are Obsoioq
<br />Pape 1 of 4
<br />... - L
<br />Act which pro-
<br />"M " 1140160")
<br />24 CFR 2M.17(b)
<br />L
<br />