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h <br />w:oto, Situated in part of the Southwest Cuartor or the Nortlmoat Quarter (swk P11) of <br />op Two ty.Sovoln (27), Township Flown' (11) North, RanBo Him (9) Woot of the 6tb P. iG in <br />Tail County# Nobrasko. more partioularly dosoribed as followse ` 83..- <br />! , <br />' P.-f,;inning at the southwest ot•'rzor el* said Northwest Quarter (h'W�) s thence oaoterly along <br />t�tn; F011th line of said Northwout Oiurter (1A1;), a distance of Forty -One and Five Tenths <br />foot, to a point an tie oaoterly right -of -way line of Looust Streot; thonoe rn'rrtin <br />northerly along Said right-of-may. limp a distance of One hundred Forty -Five and Thirty. <br />Six 1.'nrrirodths (145.36) foot, to a point Forty -Tiro and Six ltundredths (4 ?.06) feet.oant <br />ii of: tha wont line of said Section Twenty -Seven (27), ales baing a point on the eentorline <br />` of'the Porth Charurel or the Platte River, and the ACTUAL place of beginning; thence ox-- <br />tinul — northerly along'tbailoot dencribedr course and along said right-of-way lino, a <br />of Thirty -Four and Eighty -Farr KwArodthe (31f•d+) foot, to a point Forty -Two soil <br /> tenths (42.2) feet seat of the west line of said Section Twonty -Seven (27)1 themes <br />cnntitwing northerly along said right -of -way line, a distm+co of Twenty -Nine and :aa Tent <br />f (' 7.') foot, to a point Forty -Vivo and Three Tenths. (450) foot ;oast of the wont tin -Id' <br />said :action Twonty- .^,oven (21); thenoo continuing northerly along said right -of -way 11no, <br />,1 <.ni•:•n�e of O::o liIindra•1 Sixty-Nine and Thirteen itusuirr4ths (169.13) toot, to a' j»fnt <br />I for tat -::ix (116.0) foot coot of the west lino of. paid ~action i cnty- Seven (27); thnnco e . <br />rie.rt 890 06' and run:slor, easterly# a sllntanoo of Throe llutdrod Forty - Light: cow: <br />piss) Tenths (348.5) feet, to a point on tie unstorly lino of Lot Twenty -Five (25), <br />;l' ':at`..h:evs Subdivision; thenoo southerly -along said voutorly lino of Lot T+wonty -Ft" (25), <br />a c3stanoo of One Hundred Sixty - Titres and Five Numradtho (163.05) feet. to a point n <br />tho conterline of said Borth Clunwwl of the Platte Rivers thence deflecting right 817 29+ <br />50" errs rununintg southwesterly along said ecntorline, a distance of Seventy- Eigitt (78.0) <br />fn-.t; thenoo deflecting loft 15 390 and nsnnin g southaostorly, a distance of 111noty- <br />_ Five (95.0) fasts thence deflecting right 17° 480 500 and running southwasterly, a distal <br />o. Ciro ilundred Ninety and Throe Tenths (190.3) foot to the ACTUAL place of boginning and <br />contairing 1.637 acres, more or less. <br />AND <br />A TRACT OF LAND COMPRISING A PART OF LOT ONE (1) , MAINLAND, Tt1rETREP <br />I WITH THE ACCRETION LAND THERETO, SITUATED IN PART OF THE SOUTI!WEST <br />AIJARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (SWkNW;;) OF SECTION TWENTY !EVEN (27) <br />i TOWNSHIP ELEVEN (11) NORTH RANGE NINE (9) WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., IN HALL " <br />(� Cf)UIITY, NEBRASKA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS F'nLLOWS: � <br />Serinninq at the southwest corner of said Northwest Ouarter <br />^`1K); thence easterly alonr the south line of said Northwest <br />•.unrter (Nidk). a+ distance of Forty One and Five Tenths 01. 5) " <br />(! feet, to a Pnint on the easterly line of Locust Street; thence <br />:.• _:.running northerly alone said riarht- or,•wnp line, a distance or o <br />�•; •'•:r 'nne hundred Fier!+ty and Two Tenttrrs (1811.2) feet, to a no'nt btb <br />'•''x.trLv Two awl Two Tenthr. (0. ?) P.•et er+s:t of ttre roast 11th• F <br />!Iaidl N-ction Twenty ::nven (:•O; 1-her+ce northerly nionr r. <br />31 id. right- or -wav line, a distance of Twenty Nine and Two Tl'enl.lss-. <br />feet, to a Point Farts Fivp and Three Tprths (h'•.3) <br />iia d' !'Set east or the went line of said Sect.ton Twentv Seven ('17) <br />Iii, , '.;..,.,thence 'northerly along said riFltt -or -way, a distance of {'.rte �. <br />liundred Sixty Nine anti Thirteen ilundredth:; (160.13) feet. <br />it ,.,•.�,to a noint Forty Six (46.0) feet Past of the west line or <br />said Section Twenty Seven (27) • thence eflectin . d o <br />.r• •.: right A vo <br />n$' and running easterly, a distance of Three Hundred Forty <br />tla `i'.•F;i -ht and Five Tenthn (3hfl.y) feet to the ACTUAL Place or w' <br />h' hpe►innlns•; thence derlectinp. lnrt Ano481 and running! northerle <br />'­t distance car ^pv6nty Fight ;"line Tenths (78.9) feet: thence <br />• ''' ` '4orlectina right 88 °n7' and running easterly. s distance or 4" <br />' ,l -oUr Hundred Seventeen and Thirty Three Hundredths (417.31) <br />reott thence dPrlectinr right 3n2o26'Sn" nn�i runnier rnu'h- <br />;�: we r. <br />a distance of Ono Hundred Twenty Three and 14en <br />"%` '1.Tentha (123.2) feet, to the centerline or the ilorth Chnrnel E• <br />of the Platte! River: thence def1betinr.. right 27olh' acrd <br />ti'.1• "i•' •l"inninr routhwesterly Alone; snid. centerline+, a dist, nne c+r <br />+•' nap Hundred rleven and nne Tenth (111.1 )• rnpt : thenc:e. <ierlect- <br />' ' ; `•;:' 're ri.pht 61 12'30" and runninp northwerterly :nlonrr ^�+tol center- ' <br />• +.• °' "Kira, a distance or Two Hundred and Seven Tenths (20n.7) � <br />°•.E•t; thence derlectinr left hno; N' rind running. southwentrrl•• w <br />alone! said centerline, a distance of One 11undred ri rtv nevi <br />'!'r:o Tentlra (15!1.2) feet to the wets'. line or Lot Twent•► '.ive <br />i•• =• ;`� (45), Matthews Subdivision-. thence derlectinr right It' ln ?1' <br />' •'41" and running northerly alonr the west line or said I•nt <br />+ "Pwonty ?give (25). a distance or nne. Ilundred Sixty Three and <br />e'ive Hundredths W 3.A;) feet to the nlace or herinn!nr and <br />cn;itxlninr� 1.74n acres more nr less. <br />