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ACKNOINI.EDGEMENT OF DEED OF TRUST <br />87- 104704 <br />DOMq 111111411111, TIw WPM HO/MaM <br />Dorns"n(TrUMM) WWKSMM Beef thedoaumwttthetthe 8 orfowersamabouttoexecutei saDeadofTrustandnefamortgageand "MthafxfwerOfaleprovki*d <br />for in tee Dad of Tr4M @ +gals and CM4~4 to the Borrowers than a tnongage in the event of a default or breach of obligation under the <br />Cited of Tract, froluelaalp, W not tMettod to. the Lortder's right to trove are Real Property sold by the Trustee without any Judicial proceeding or foreclosure. Borrowers <br />represent am tr umm that this wk t was executed by them before the eaacu(ion of the Dad of Trust. <br />Borrower (Larry B. Davis) <br />Borrower <br />PREFACE TO DEED OF TRUST <br />COMPLETE Eve orlon ONLY t on real props flaaasaes seraMs of tt1DWIDYALLT OtNIN(D A[lPWMTtMU LAND. <br />N apptWN, cow4Wde 01ILT ONE NMa A. E, or C: <br />E3 A. ONCLAUM OF MOAT TO DU#QUATE IIOURSTRAD: <br />TheDorrpsitr(el alit Mal ttroy are shout to execute the following Deed of Trust upon the real estate described therein. The Borrower(&). and each of them if <br />more Inert one. de hereby djeclaidin Mar right to designate a homestead pursuant thereto. No pall of the homestead Of sitter 01 the 8orrower(e) is PMWtiy of will in the <br />full" be atueted upon said reel mete. The lborrower(sl understand Mat it either establishes a homestead on any part of said real "late during the time the Deed of Trust <br />remains And aban upon Said mat estate. there shat@ be no right to make a designation of homestead in the event of a foreclosure or trusta's sets with nl6PW to <br />"to Dad of Trutt <br />0 B. MAM M OF MaIT TO DROMATE OMOMTEA& <br />The s) acknowhadge that they, ere about to execute the following Deed of T rust upon the rest estate described therein. The Borrower(&), and earn of them if <br />mono that cute, do hereby ways ae+r not todetagruden homestead pursuant thereto The Borrowil l understand that they have the fight to make • designation of <br />ttemestead aced Nro9 by /eecess" was waiver, they are waiving rights otherwise availabie for the purpose of aflording them the opportunity to retain their homestead in the <br />event at a default upon eta Dead of Trust. <br />E3 C. OWMATNNa OF itOYESTEAD. <br />Pursuant to the Fpm Proteclion Act iSeclton 76 -t90t cis" Revised Statutes at the Slate of Nebraska), the Borrower(s), do hereby designate the real <br />property described mere 'D6agnatxmt of Homestead attached hereto and incarporatad herein by this reference <br />Borrower <br />Borrower <br />DEED OF TRUST WiTH FUTURE ADVANCES PROVISION <br />THIS DEED OF TRUST. is maim as of tot, 28. I.r :;t July - - -. tg ..87- , by and among the Ttustor..- __Larry B __ - - -- <br />DAvisr A Single Man wnirser a :hn�addtasats RR -.6,.- Box -- 200Af -- rranri ---- - - - - -- <br />TsAlanA }_. ..._- ...... Stefan`Borr veer 11th Tru &tea Wi1.1iAM G... BlACkbur -Olf <br />of & P..,_O_ -Sox 2280,, Grand island, NE 68802 therein °Truatae"). <br />erultle .....- Fitt±t- _Plaints. Bank.. <br />Box 15071 Grand Island, NE- --- - - - -_- _._.(herein °Lander °) <br />flo" VAELtABLE CONSID €RATtIDN. inctudhrg the ndaoladness idant:hed here.r, and trust herain created, the receipt of which is hereVyaCknowledged. Borrower <br />irMVOOaaPy q +assts transfers. convoys andassigns to Trustee IN TRU5T WITH POWER OF SALE. for Ine benefit and security of Lender, under and subject to the <br />�Bma pad T.rJrldr ;ran& Reteitglitif oaf trNih- the rest property. oesc"Vedas follows <br />Lot One (1) in Lake Davis Acres Second Subdivision in Hall County, <br />Nebraska <br />Togmenes, wos, . as ba+ , 11npIDYef1'tatit &, titillates, street$ alleys, passageways easements lights. privileges and appurtenances located thereon at in anywise <br />And this rents.. And proh4s, reversions and remainders t` -raof: including . but not limited to, heating and cooling equipment and Such personal <br />pr yarot¢s K+ae imp: is ao "4o canst+lu4eai: sitars: and togelher with the homestead or marital interests. it any. which interests are hereby released <br />and warmed, an CA worth, incttN ing motacemertts and additions thereto is nereby declared lobe a part of the real estate secured by file lien of this Deetl of Trust and all of the <br />to herein at the' <br />Tan Dead of Tawq atta€t Secure (61 the Payr+enl W the of mcipal sum and ,rdwast evidenced by Borrower's note andlor credit agreement dated 7_5. -87._. <br />------ .. a -Y date in the original principal amount of $ _.7..s- 447..31_.-_ and any and all <br />$00 rwwwaft "WOW or thereto and any and AN future advances end readvances hereunder pursuant to a" or more promissory notes or credit <br />lot Mepaymetlo!oldsorsumsadvanceo by Lender to protect the securnyo!the Note .(c) the performance all covenants and agreement <br />...,tom pfd fd) alt and obh"hons of Bwrower to Lender whether direct, indirect, absolute or contingent and whether anshng by note. <br />es"Isixer, he V~ WA W of this Deed of Trust, covenants ono agrm with Lender as follows <br />1.. PpwatMfNPrAthtpManM Mrtsraa6: earrowe, "lfprompuy pay when due the prncipal of and interest on, and any fees or charges provided in. the Note at to this <br />Claim s? Treat <br />F TIM. Mae 04ae ty. heSlhervm And auitKSn4yto6ortvayi "F"opeaty.and ce" ants that the lion created hereby is a first and prtorlienart <br />on "ataxy, hew" 4041th , and the ara&ulcon and delivery of this Decd of Trust does not violate any contract or other obligation to which <br />betwifew at offiffed <br />loved, MEllfalAltiit Top" wtengWraN row. is arad ear otr,ar tnarges sga +rest the Pro {aercty and. upon writlan demand Ay Lent9ch, to pay to <br />L as May, ere ftff4ew" to wastria, the Lender to pay such -at". is W oars', charges as they becarric due <br />a howsom, Te P - ay fir!_ naaasds arssuds4 wriMh the EMm `a0mced "veragQ -and such o /tsar ha,ards as Larder may. <br />iR . to Ise win "s to tt±e Lender. fn Faso M tf:ss WIOww such th @Lander rs author :lad 1 ?adjust. <br />a C ePds,lA?I txavahe2aq.,rf appryxnpan car tsano!rtsa naurance prcxvi?edst <'tvany �r :..zaetadrmss six urad hereby andin si:c r. <br />"I~ to Am lasiso test 4??e+ s+O + ^sera.redo!€he PrtspRiSv W pi, If,,9canyy(eter purpuluta* obher t saVara.Mlf y to L ends, <br />g of "VOW V T'"Alfa` apq !peA ismiturc s clo-ird h.,may 0"''i, "t. Day navese h vlat:a Any Apo :,ca_ +n If a ilgbt�7nnss Anere <br />e **kill* W oomkvww tit there axam at a: 1, missents under the Nine o,' v.+re grey d tIaurt tr+e+v ow, <br />S.. +� I&Itl 1+Nt. fewer she# k 4he tvr riv ;, p•;toa antf<i :� -+ a.:l rffipxr wt r : ;,•nmp'it ishta,� ,,• ,mnaa::e ;o„r <br />a. - giro e4 . :2f�se?he4 Ct.nd Rxr B&rruaa.Sa "y.raaay ur.:«!�- «a*a :,�.�, rase ihm tTre�a fy a..;e.�nn•. r:o +�^cser „f.,,, auhwlant•.t;ty w�re <br />yt,N'f_ d+mw- - st'.tm°resax �.ewxxxrr. �a<a=Pm>Pa --sir �y�,4�fae d., !� .- „pcnr e €.c °anti P. i- a,•r.,:; sne'aw a +i: ::coy. .- .th n, r, n.-a <br />Aa+saxt l�a+°n8.e,,s :.r,rntx+isr,<,aa a..,tcea��•atav �t ,�.; s�.t a„xr cta,. ^. .ta. .s, �.r,t ., { - :•ttv to anb tv •!t�.!,n.,,, <br />�3 <br />4. <br />_._ -. <br />