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87® 104621 <br />of Mebromm Mont a Acaft" <br />1 "321- 1193632- 203(b) <br />MM1s @ made mad ammemed tbis 3rd day of August . <br />19 or, , by- seed brrwm Scott A. White and Linda M. White, each in his and her ohm right and as <br />spouse U each other, <br />Of tba Cobaty M hall and State of Nebraska, party of the fkst part, hffdmftw alied <br />sl ar The Fgtitable lailding and Loan Association, 113 -115 North Locust Street <br />ra <br />oarpeadOe and eaistiag under the laws of the State of Nebraska <br />party of the second pert, beivinatter abed the Mortgam. <br />"am Mm the add Mortgagor, for and in of dw sam of Twenty -Four Ttxxwand Six Hundred <br />acrd -- -- ----------floilan (f 24, 600.00 ). paid by the Mort - <br />ppa, the mdpt of wbkb it hereby admowiedged, has (ranted and Sold and by there presents does Graat, Bargain, SCU, ConveY <br />and 11Cost� taw the Mortgage, and tom, forever, the following-described ral estate. situated in the County of <br />and State of Nebraska. to wit: <br />Lot Ninety (90), in Vest Lawn, an Addition to the City of <br />Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, <br />of tie Shah Prineinsh Meridlea, coutsieft in aal acres according to survey: <br />is <br />in <br />w <br />