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COUNTERPART I of <br />QRM" We-- 1045J2 <br />W. a! M <br />tea t t Quortor M 114) of to" 14, Township 12 earth, Rohe 11 Ueat of the Fth p,N, <br />Towe"ID of 11LEAlLd , County of 8411 , and state of solos <br />together with the following rightist Of brass and *Woos to, Eras, and along lands adjacent to said strip far the purpose <br />of conatrwtting mad alataining caeounication systess within amid strips to place surface markers beyand said strip; to <br />clear and keep cleared all tract, roots, brush and other obstruction from the •arfase and subsurface of said atrip and <br />ring conatrootion to out all trees within tea fat thereof; and to install gates to any fenoae arousal" said strip. <br />Tbft 1forthowly boundary of sold 14.5 foot strip shall be a line parallel to <br />4md Esat North of the first cable or lightgaide laid, which cable or <br />1 ide shall haw its location indicated upon the surface markare eat at Intervals an the land of the updarsignoW or on <br />adjacent lands. The undersigned for theiaselva, their heirs, aocasors sad assigns, hereby covenant that no atrasture <br />shall be ovectod at peraitted an said strip. The grsatses agree that the said cables or lightgnifes ahali be burled below <br />plow depth In order not to interfere with the ordinary cultivation of the strip, and to pay for damages to fences and <br />gaming creps arising Eros the construction sod smintenonvs of the aforesaid systems <br />Signed sad sealed this �4 day of , 19 <br />at 5 <br />tms" <br />tesso <br />Vida iiiiin wo ind am dvMd by L L. ft*o <br />a! taw, erns Odom" to am <br />OAw. <br />a a <br />b <br />