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N <br />ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER 87--- 104490 <br />11 Year Tivattiatry (ales—Noft Cap*) <br />THIS ADJUST:ABI,I' RATF RIDER is made this • 2gkh. day of ...... July ................... ......... 19 -.07— and is <br />into and shall be deemed to attend and supplement the Mortg4p, VoW of Trust or Scourity trod (tom <br />titity lustre nt "! of the same date oiven by the undersigned (the "Borrower ") to wore Borrower's Adjustable, <br />Rate Note (the "Note") to...� $. w.. T fi.. a�tay,.�1 ..1� �A� ......... ............. <br />--l.—I, ..... ..... ........ ......................... ........ (the "l ctalee ") of the sAme date and covering the property d rib din <br />she rarity Instrument and located at: <br />,..R#—AV ............. .............. .................. ............................... <br />I Nr't o Ar�iruus l <br />THE NOTE CONTAINS PROVWONS ALLowM FAR CHANGES IN THE INT9111108T SATE <br />AND THE MONTHLY PAYMENT. THE NOTE LIMITS THE AMOUNT THE 90111ROWIEWS <br />INTOMY RATE. CAN CHANGE AT ANY ONE Tom AND THE MAXI IN RATE THE KW- <br />POWER MUST PAY. <br />ArNrttttQ�.st. C'ux r Va vfa. In addition to the covenants :and agreement, made in the Security Instrument. Borrower <br />aad Lender farther covenant and agree as follows: <br />A. INTEREST RATE. AND MONTHLY PAYMENT CHANGE4 <br />The Nx91c provides for an initial Interest rate of `i Tire Note provides for changes to the interest rate and the <br />monthly payments. as follow". <br />4. INTEREST RATE AND MONTHLY PAN ME:NT CHANCES <br />t A 1 CTtaW Dates <br />The interest rate 1 will pay neat' change tan the first day of .4??It ..... ................. 19 8..., and an that day <br />every 12th month thereafter Each date on which my interest rate could change is called it -Change Date." <br />f B) TAW lade% <br />oun$ with the lost ( hinge Date, my interest rate will be based on an Index. The "little%" is the weekly <br />averate yield ern Lmled Statcs Treasury Securities adjusted to a constant maturity of 1 year, as made available by the <br />Federal Reserve lIoard. The most recent Index figurc available a% of the date 41 days before each Change Date is called <br />the "Current Index." <br />If the Index is no longer availablc, the Note Holder will choose a new index which is based upon comparable <br />tion, The Note Holder will give me notice of this choice. <br />i C t C'aiciah lints of Clump <br />Before each Change Date. the %cite Holder will calculate my new mlerc %t rate by adding .1111=9... MA ..2.51.1 <br />percentage points I...3.4 ' ;) to the Current Index, The Note Holder will then round the <br />It tof Ilia tdditicen tco the nearesE txts•cightlt of +roc I�rccntag pcxnt (0.125`T ). Subject to the limits stated in Section <br />4(D) below, this rounded amount will be my new interest rate until the next Change Date. <br />The Note tWcf will then determine the amount of the monthly payment that would be sufficient to repay the <br />unpaid principal that t am cxpected to owe at the (,;hangs fate in full axe the maturity date at my new interest rate in <br />submarrijally equal payments The result of this calculation will be the new amount of my monthly payment. <br />t 0 t D on D Rate (. <br />The interest mate I ant rcqu1rcil to pare a( the first ( hanpe Datc will not be preaIcr than .... ]l0- 75.... .... .. % or less than <br />4?0'71 -. -4 . Thereafter, my tnlerent rate will never be increAwd or decreased on any single Change Date by more <br />than two perscntape paint" 42.[y o frorn the rate of interest t have been paying for the preceding twelve months. My <br />i $esl rate will sever be greater than 34.75 <br />i E i Forctilitte Date of it <br />My, new interest rate will becort cffs<tivc cut each ('han$e Date. I will pay the amount of my new monthly payment <br />beguilwag on the first monthly payment crate after the Change Date until the ammoo of my monthly payment changes <br />again <br />"W1101W 11119,1111"A" <br />Wt t " - f - f toss on <br />flia 31113 06 <br />
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