87-m 104490
<br />If amender ui eel t jeclieforonce 4% a vondnoln of making the loan secured by this 'wCurify In-
<br />str t, rarw�r sMiall i tlr� r it) ni4ituaiil the insmarzre iitef (CC t until such rime as is mcfairrawnI to
<br />the insure terminates in accorelame wish fd vee'r's and I.rrdvr's written agrrrfnrnr or applicable law.
<br />S. I roi(M. IXIIJer of its went may make rras+analate emries upon and insilmo ors of the Property_ IdNnkf shall
<br />give Borrower notice at the tittle of or prior ro am inspection specifying rrastinahke cause fair cbr oaspretion
<br />9. Comkintestion, The protmis of any award of claim for damages, dirrif or cunsitpurntiaf. in connection with any
<br />condemnation or anther taking tit any part of the Proprr(y,or fur conveyin(e in lira of tundrrnnatifln, err hrrrhy aosigr and
<br />shall be paid as !.ender
<br />In the event set a rural taking of the Property, rite prictvils shall br applied no the sums secured by chow Security
<br />Itutfument,whictlierurnso4then due ,withanyratesspaidotBorrowrr fntfservemufapartialt +kingoftf>eProperty, unless
<br />BorrowerardlLetdlerothcrwiw agorerinwriting, thesootssccurcdby[ hisSecurityInstrumentshallIVreduo llby rise inloutlt
<br />of rho pr ccoills multiplied by lite following frattiaon iii the total amount of cite sums secured immediately before taking,
<br />divided by tbi the fair market value of else 1'roplerry uninediaeely before the caking. Any lialisim shall lie paid to Borrower.
<br />If the Property is Abandoned by Born ower,or it, after roititcloy l.crokr to 114irruwcr that the condemnor offers tot make
<br />An award to sctily A claim tar dartriges, lforriwer tails lot respond to IA:coder within '.0 days after the dais: rise of tite is p;ivcrl,
<br />lender is auchoorit"I to collect and apply chi- proterds, at its opitusn, rather to restoration or repair of rho Pruperry or tit the
<br />sums secured by this Security Instrument, wheehcr or nor (bell dui,
<br />Unless 1 rntler and Rtirrower . ltcrwise agree in writing, any Application of protced% to principal shall not extend at
<br />pxo%tponr the dtw date u! the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs I and 2 or change the alnount of ouch payments.
<br />10. Borrower Ncrt Released; Forbearance By i,ender Not a Waiver. Vistension of the tittle for payrroent or
<br />ttortailicatknul amarfifratloll of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by I.rradrr ul;tny'sutcessnr all interest of
<br />Btrttrwrr %!tall not operate its rekasr the liability of the original B„rr,awer ur lhorrower's successors ul interest. Linder shill
<br />not be recluirrd eo coonntVlce. 1,I'Mrcdings against airy successor in interest or rvtusr toe•xtend time fur payment orotherwisr
<br />modify artdrtiaat ion of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand trade by cite original Btrrowcr
<br />or Borrower's successors in interesc. Any forhraransr by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shall nut be a waiver of ur
<br />pret Its& the exercise set any right set remedy.
<br />11. Successors wild Assigns Round; )dint and Several Liability; Co-signers. The covenants and agreements of this
<br />Ile
<br />turity Instrument shall hind and benefit the successors and assigns of Vender and Borrower, sublet I its cite provisions of
<br />paragraph I7 Baxrower's covenants and agreement-, shall Ile joint and several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security
<br />Instrument but doses limit executetlwNotic ia) t% td1- signing IhieSettritylnstrument, inlytt anrdirtgage, grant and c4nlveytfiat
<br />Borrower's interest in the Property udder the term%of this Srt,urny Instrument; i bi is not personally obligated to pay the
<br />sutras secured by this Security Insrruntent, and it> agrees the! lender .and any (other Burrower may agree to extend, modify,
<br />harbear see make any Accommodations with regard to the rcrmspt this Security Instrument i,r the Note without that
<br />Borrower's consent.
<br />12. [Awn Charges. If the loan secured by this 'moony Instrument is subjett to A law which sets maximurn loan
<br />charges, acrd that law is finally utterprerrd sit that the iiterv%t or ocher loan thargawcullecred tit to lecollecred in connection
<br />with the loan excreta the permitted limits, then i A) ally such Ilan thArge shat! In redutcd by the amount netr'�Ary to reduce
<br />the tbarge rim the permitted limit: and obi any sums already collected from Do it whit Is extecde a p crrtlitted limits will be
<br />ref its Burrower Lender may th000sr to make this rcfurdl h) rcdut ing rise principal owed under the Now or by making a
<br />dhe'tt payment r) Borrower, If a refund reduces principal, rile feducoon will be errand Asa partial prrpayment without any
<br />prtepayfnent charge under the Note.
<br />13. I. Xiskstion Affecting taioder's Rights. If enattnxeru or expiration of applicable laws has the effect of rendering
<br />any prtivisiunuf (tae Note of this Security instrument unenhttrahlc atcordolg io ns tvrrns.la nder, at n%optitin, may require
<br />iffliguirdider payment on fill! set All sums secured by this Security tnstitrownt and may mv,akc any remedies pernnined by
<br />paragraph 19. If I.arooderesricises this option, Lender shall take the steps specified m the second paragraph of paragraph 17.
<br />13. Notices. Any rxrisr (o Borrower provided for in thts Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by
<br />ntutding it by firsrtiass trail unless applicable law requires useof another nselhod. The ruotue shall beditected to the Property
<br />At rrssurarty txhrr atidrrss floaanlwrr drsignatrs by rdltnr w l eider Any notice to Lender shall he givenby first class mail
<br />to tinder's Address stated herein or any other address leruler designates by ni orce to liorrowcr. Any notice provided for in
<br />chi% aecurtry Instrument shall be deemed rim have been given to Borrower or birder wfun given is provided in this paragraph.
<br />IS. Governing fair; Sevtrability. This icturity, instrument shall be governed by federal law and the law of the
<br />purisdKir n in which the Property is kxated. In theevent iliac any provision or clause of this Security Instrument or the Note
<br />conflicts with applicable law, such conflict shall not affect other provisions of thm'seturity Instrument ter the Nurr whittacan
<br />be given effect withtwt the conflicting provision. To this cool the provisions of this Setursty Instrument and the Note are
<br />declared to br severable,
<br />16. is Copy. Borrower shall he given one tonhrrvacd copy of cite Note and of this Security Instrument,
<br />17, Torisinglifer of the Property or a Beneficial Interest in Borrower. If all or any part of the Property or any
<br />interest in it is %oldor tratisferrecl ((or if is beneficial interest it% Borrower is sold or transferred and Borrower I% not A naeurAl
<br />persons without 1.e 's prior written consent. I,cfokt may, at its option, require mtnrdiare payment in full of all sums
<br />cu. Sty thisSciscurity lnstrumrnt. However, this option %hall furl he exercised by I.cridet if exert 8w is psoohibiard by federal
<br />how as of The 40ac td thus Security lnstrunarnt,
<br />If Lender exercise% this option, lender shall give Borrower notice of Attricratiou The nonce shall provide A Perri Oki of
<br />r }(li,sys front the date the notice is delivered set mailed within which Borrower must pay all sums sutured by this
<br />%ccursays l r If $ertower fails eta pay these sums prkir r(o rise expiratu,n of rhos pxrtoxl, lens ter may involoc any
<br />renowthes pet fitted by this Bounty Instrunaem without further notice or demand tin tleorrowee
<br />14: war's Rigm to Re e, if Burrower ntrn% certain cordaili„ns, Borrower shall have the right to have
<br />enfi art of this Security Instrument dinontinued at any time prior to the earlier cif, sat 5 days 1411 %trth outer period as
<br />Opplicallilk low mays ify her relnstatetnrnrr before sale of the Property pursuant to ery power of cafe° anuainu f in thi" Se-
<br />cwtory lttstrusinert; of 4bf entry of a judgment enhrcing this `erurioy lnattinnenf T'll,wry told awns are shat Ba,roower: , a>
<br />pays ♦ alasstntwhnchtMrnwould hedtreundrethnS eturitylnsrriitacnt just liteN. Ae bid
<br />ri .00tceleratrsnen.utrrJ;i1,:
<br />s 6astk(of am other (onvenantsot SAfertnerits, It l pays alle l*tirtnincurrtsl onenforc iogths% Scituity himuntvnt,
<br />inn ing„ but stns pi fired is), reAsasnabe atnrnsy5' fvrts And 4ds takes sash Aots s; a% l.erdlet Inlay ccasonalaty ictlunt� co air
<br />sure (tit the tend this' turfty Imirumrnl, I,eroer's rights tit If* Pr'gworg opt Ih,rrowri s idthgatiiotn col pav the isms%
<br />MKWVJ by rh<s istfoilotV Ieastrurrsenr slrAll (IM(lour unchanyi-d Ujwcan rrtrsrafer ns by Iti,rr,,ner. stun Cod ilz,ty Imrit,utt set
<br />ow khe a 9i rm'fo% teturej herfby whall ti'mmo hilly elf " star ale if rui s+.,etrr.at ,e, f -, Id rr,t H„we�Fa� +. tom t,_wht +
<br />rerst,esr ill MK Aff* in too Iawr if aeavkratdan uttt partapsPsa 14 of I '
<br />