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-no <br />GRANT 87- 104315 <br />WWI NQ, P173"WQ31 <br />Reoeived of AT&T Comsunicstiona of the Midwest, Inc. <br />SS.09 -live and 00 /309 Dollar®, in consideration of which this <br />undersigned hereby grant and convey unto said Company, its associated and allied companisa, its and their respective <br />00094040re, aaeigue, leemeas slid agents a right or way and easement to construct, operate, maintain, replace and remove <br />each communication systems as the grantees may from time to time raguirs, consisting of underground cabtes, lightguides, <br />wires, conduits, manholes, drains, splicing boxes, repeaters, repeater housings, together with surface testing- toratinals, <br />markers, and other appurtenances, upon, over and under a strip of land 16,5 feet wide across <br />the land which the undersigned own or in which the undersigned have any interest in <br />The Eoutheset Quarter (SR 1 /4) of Section 23, Township 12 North, Range 12 West of the 6th P.M. <br />Township of South Loup , County of Nall , and State of Nebraska <br />together with the following right*t Of ingress and egress to, from, and along land* adjacent to said strip for the purpose <br />of constructing and maintaining communication systems within said ,trips to place surface markers beyond said strips to <br />clear and keep cleared all trees, roots, brush and other obstructions from the surface and subsurface of said strip and <br />during construction to cut all trees within ten feet thereof; and to install gates in any fences crossing said strip. <br />The Northerly boundary of said 16.5 foot strip shall be a line parallel to <br />and 5 feet North of the first cable or lightgulde laid, which cable or <br />11ghtguide shall have its location indicated upon the surface markers set at intervals on the land of the undersigned or on <br />adjacent lands. The undersigned for themselves, their heirs, successors and assigns, hereby covenant that no structure <br />shall be erected or permitted on said strip. The grantees agree that the said cables or lightguides shall on buried below <br />plow depth in order not to interfere with the ordinary cultivation of the strip, and to pay for damages to fences and <br />growing crops arising from the construction and maintenance of the aforesaid systems <br />Signed and sealed this %G �4 day of ,Ju. ��/ 19 7 <br />at 2"T' <br />Witness Angejlh� barn d d Arline K. 1DDerh*t- <br />Witness <br />'Peter A. Dibbern <br />.Lee.i <br />;% <br />7M NNOrwaent on dratbad by L L Ns4M <br />Aftafty at tam. tests-- MIMMM awe ki am <br />look 1h~ 1flve. V1000", k40041 <br />STATE ®F A4re," -�.ejv } sS. Source of Titles Document Number 86- 102670 <br />COUNTY OF <br />On this day of _ _ 14 �% before me personally appearad to ma <br />to be the parson for persons)•who ekacuted the foregoing rInstrument, and acknowledged that he ;or they) euacut <br />tea+ 6400 as hie for thelrl free act: and dead. <br />My tfineltaslun sap11 "601 ......) , ..) ) s <br />�a AfMllfwl ��.�: -� a. • <br />