<br />wt-M
<br />GRANT
<br />7 1©4314
<br />TMCT MD. 1'17IRW,00
<br />Rerelred of AT&T Communications of the Midwest Inc.
<br />65.00 Viva and 00 /300 Dollars, In oeneidarstien of whisk the
<br />madersigned hereby grant end convey ante said Company, its associated and allied aampontea, its and their roopeattvo
<br />Owego"". *s*fyus, losewim and agents a right at way and eosomeet to construct, mperato, **Intel", repine am! r
<br />peak communieatian systems se the grantee nor from time to time require, cnasi*ting of aw"Toon4 cable*, lIghtguids*,
<br />wires, condeits, manhatom, drains, oplioing bona *, repeaters, repeater housings, together with surface Leafing- tsrwlnale,
<br />markers, end other appwrtenonces, upon, over and under a strip of land 16.5 test wide maroon
<br />the land which the undersigned own or in which the undersigned have any interast in
<br />The icuthweat Quarter Jilt 1/4) of Section 24, Township 12 Worth, Bang" it west of the 6th P.M.
<br />Township of South Loup , County of Hall , and State of Mebroske
<br />together with the following righter of ingress and *gross to, tram, and stony tends adjacent to Paid strip for the purpose
<br />of constructing and maintaining communication systems within maid strips to place surface markers beyond said strip! to
<br />clear and keep cleared all trams, roots, brush and other obstruction• from the surface and subourfaoe of *aid strip and
<br />during construction to cut all tress within ten test therscfl and to install gates in any fences crossing said strip.
<br />The Northerly boundary of maid 16.5 toot strip shall be a line parallel to
<br />and S feet Horth of the first cable or lightgulde laid, which cable or
<br />lightgulde •hail have Lt■ location indicated upon the sarfaee markers sat at intervals on the land of the undersigned or on
<br />adjacent lands. The undersigned for themselves, their heirs, eaeceseer* and assigns, hereby covenant that no structure
<br />shall be erected or permitted on said strip. The grantees agree that the said cables or lightguides shall be burled below
<br />plow depth. In order not to interfere with the ordinary cultivation of the strip, and to pay for damages to fences and
<br />growing crops erialag from the construction and maintenance of the aforesaid systems
<br />Signed and *eats this i % r� day of I 19 �_
<br />at
<br />witnew Aobirt W. Lo ry
<br />Wit**" Iva B. Lowry
<br />Ap9n,ved
<br />^� few.
<br />7UU h murnent ease drafted by C f. "he
<br />ANern►y of taw, sloes beslness address to Ono
<br />SoWI r+wmar &AM woe", ford s Wig/
<br />STATE OY Ne73,e4SKA } sa Source or Title$ Document Number 76- DO2716
<br />tke this %fir day of SV :4' , before me personally appeared tc as
<br />/lile,e tt). zz�,, gym/ SAID -z*t/A i4' JAi —..'11 I/i�i:.:111,1 31 "n l bA-Z- N
<br />hamm to be the palace lot (emcee( who ekeestsd the forpolhg lnftrument, and aekntwlsdged that he (ortheyl asecuted
<br />the mane as his (or tomirl from act and dead.
<br />My mlaslap anplream , 1
<br />Ixnom► r. ,r
<br />CfPlal, b lfgt Hot �; y { ul t In
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