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W <br />87-- 104:A0 <br />feet; thence dof locting right 380 12' 000 and running northeasterly <br />along the centerline of said, channel, a- distance of Two Hundred Eigh <br />and Seventy Three Hundredths (208.73) foots thence deflecting left 50, <br />39' 206 and running northerly along the centerline of said channel, a <br />distance of Seventy One and Thirty Two Hundredths (71.32) feet to thl <br />north line of said Lot Three (3), Island; thence deflecting right 89 <br />581 200 and running easterly along the north line of said Lot Three (3). <br />Island, and the north line of said Northwest Quarter of the Southearit <br />Quarter (NW4 SEA), a distance of Six Hundred Eighty Seven and Eigh•cy <br />Three Hundredths (678.83) feet to the ACTUAL place of beginning and coa- <br />taining 20.640 acres more or less. <br />L� <br />OR <br />o <br />