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_j <br />of Nobrooke 119age <br />87-- -1 Q 4 2 V 7 321, - 1198675 -203 (b) <br />This Mwipp, me& and executed this 15th day of July <br />ill 87 , by and between John T. Welch and Joyce M. Welch, each in his and her own right and as <br />spouse of each other, <br />at the CwAsay of Hall , and State of Nebraska, Party of the first part, berainafter CSlled <br />tM Mostpeor.and The Equitable Building and Loam Association, 113 -115 North Locust Street <br />Grand Island, Nebraska, <br />a oocpasatim organized and existing under the laws of the State of Nebraska <br />party of the eeoad par, hareisaffer c&W the Mortgagee, <br />gWdssse t That the said Mortgagor, for and in consideration of the sum of Fifty –One Thousand Seven Hundred <br />Fifty and no/ 100------------------------------------- --4)oUws (S 51, 750.00 ), paW by the Mort - <br />Sagas, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has Granted and Sold and by these presents does Grant, Bargain, Sell, Convey <br />and Coaifirm unto the Morgagee, its sucaessm Std assigns, forever, the followin- described real estate, situated in the County of <br />Hall , attd State of Nebraska, to wit: <br />Lot Four (4), Block Two (2), West Bel Air Fourth Addition to the <br />City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, <br />of fin Sixth Principal Meridian. containing in all ----------- ------------ - - - - -- acres according to Government survey: <br />To line Sant To INeM the p dna above described. with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging and including all locating, <br />phualfing and lighting fixtures sod equipment now or hereafter attached to or used in connection with said real estate unto the Mort - <br />sagas, and to in sacceaors and snips, forever. The Mortgagor represents to. and eovenastri with. the Mortgagee, that the Mori- <br />ta hiss Bond 6SM to all and Convey said premises: that they are free in= eneuabrance; and that the Mortgagor win warrant and <br />ds1, , the stets Sploat the lawful claim of all persons whomsoever; and the said Mortgagor hereby relinquishes all rights of <br />bmssasad, tore sN saarU rights, ddw in law or in equity, and all other contingent interests of the Mortgagor in and to the above - <br />ds m*W i; a -a, the insandon being to convey hereby an absolute title, in fee simple, including all rights of homestead, and other <br />rights and insersels as aforestdd. <br />rise i AJwaM and these presents are executed and delivered upon the foltowins conditions, to wit: <br />The hGactgagor agrees to pay the Mortgagee, or order. the principal sum of Fifty –One Thousand Seven Hundred <br />Fifty and no/ 100-------------------------------- - - - - -- 'Dollars($ 51,750.00 ), <br />with ' , , frog dese at the rate of Ten per c entum ( 10 9i) per annum on the <br />mnpmid balance uaell paid. The said principal and interest shall be payab'.e at the office of The Equitable Building and <br />Loan Association <br />in Grand Island, Nebraska , or at such other place as the holder of the note <br />slaty d"Wasle in writing. is monthly iwta0mawts of Four Hundred Fifty –Four and 14/100-- - - - - -- - <br />---------- ---- -- Doun (5454.14 ), commencing on the first day of August <br />i! 87 , and on the first day of each month thereafter until the principal and interest are fully paid, except that the final payment of <br />pdodpsi and harat, if sot sooner paid, shell be due and payable on thz first day of July 1 <br />20 17 ; all according to the terms of a certain prom�ory tote of evca date herewith executed by the said Mortgagor. <br />TIN* tam ts word In connection with mortgages Insured under the ore• to four - family programs of the Natkmsf Mousing Act which pro• <br />wAde sea parAedlc Mortasae irMurance Premium Pstnnants. <br />HUO 9214t�A (i-M Mile <br />Previous i f1oM Are Obsolete Page 1 of 4 24 CFA 203.17(b) <br />