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RELEASE OF MORTGAGE 87 -- 144153 <br />In consideration of full payment and compliance with the conditions of a mortgage <br />Muds by Andrew B. Knight and Roberta I. Knight, each in his and her awn right <br />and as spouse of each other. <br />to THE EQUITABLE BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA, on the <br />Milowing described property, to -wit: NAT SEVEN (7) IN HIDDEN LAKES SUBDIVISION NUMBER <br />M, BEING A PART OF THE SOU HEAS'P QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER <br />(SEV4E*) AND A PART OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE <br />SOUTHEAST QUARTER (NMSE}) OF SECTION 13, 1%;NSHIP 11 NORTH, RANGE <br />9 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />which said mortgage bears date 15th o f September 19 76, and <br />is recorded in 1W of mortgages on <br />Document #i 76- 005361 <br />of the records of Hall County, Nebraska, said Association hereby acknowledges full satisfaction of and releases the <br />In witness whereof the said THE EQUITABLE BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF <br />GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA, has caused this instrument to be signed by its President and attested by its <br />Secretary this 13th day of July A.D., 19 87 <br />7U Bguitabls duiIding and Loan Asssoeiatien of brand Island, Nebraska <br />By_ A_l <br />Attest <br />Secretary J. W. Olsai <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA) <br />COUNTY OF HALL <br />On this 13th day of July A.D., 19 87, before me, a Notary Public <br />and qualified for and residing in said county, personally came N.H. Mdteag and <br />J. W. Olson <br />to me known to be the identical persons whose names are affixed to the above release as President and Secretary <br />of said Association and acknowledged the said instnunent to be their voluntary act and deed and the voluntary <br />act $ad deed of the said THE EQUITABLE BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF GRAND ISLAND, <br />NZWWXA. <br />Witness my hand and notarial seal the day and year last Jabove written. <br />Notary �i;hc <br />oft WAY 3" d1*W <br />grals: 7L*Kl <br />f <br />soy commission expires :... _.. <br />