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87. 104109 <br />ACKNOWIEDOEWNT OF DEED OF TRUST <br />SONNOWM M" THIS BRIM SHU#M: <br />Botrow ers (Trustors) understend that 60 document that the Borrowers are about to execute is a Deed of Trust and not a mortgapsand that"powerof ale provided <br />ter in the Deed of Trust provides substantially different rights and obligations to the Borrowers than a mortgage in the event of a default or breach of obligation undf, the <br />Deed of Trust, including, but not limited to, the Lender's right to have the Real Property sold by IM Trustee without any judicial proceeding or foreclosure. Borrowers <br />represent and warrant that this acknowledgement was executed by them before the execution of tjV lead of Trust. i <br />00 V <br />,,war _(Larry, A. Cook) <br />(Janet K._Cg9k) <br />PREFACE TO DEED OF TRUST <br />COMtff M Ow led be ONLY It this real properly described capable of INDIVIDUALLY OWNED AGRICULTURAL LAND. <br />lt appgwbM, conplMM OMLY ONE efMIM A, B, or C: <br />❑ A p1$CLAMM DF WONT TO DESIGNATE MOMESTEAD: <br />The Sorrower(s) acknowledge that they are about to execute me following peed of Trust upon the real estate described therein. The Borrower(s). and each of them if <br />more than one, do hereby dis itaim their right to designate a homestead pursuant thereto No part of the homestead of either of the Borrower(s) is presently or will in the <br />fulurebe situated upon said teal estate Thai Borrower(sl understand that It either establishes a homestead on any part of said real estate during the time the Deed of Trust <br />fOrMns unsatisfied and a Iran upon said real estate . there smai 1 her no fight to make a designation of homestead In the event of a loreclosure or trustee's sale with respect to <br />said peed of Trust <br />(3 8. WAMM OIF RMW TO DEMGNATE NOSMSTEAD: <br />The Borrowerls l acknowledge that they are about to exec ule the following peed of Trust upon the real estate described therein. The Borrower(s). and each of them it <br />more than one, do hereby waive their r!gnt to designate a homestead pursuant thereto The Boiroweris) understand that they have the right to make a designation of <br />homesteadend fitat byexecuhrp thus waiver, they are wawrng nghis otherwise arartablr for the purpose of affording them the opportunity to retain their homestead in the <br />myself of a default upon seta peed of Trust <br />❑ C DESIW/ATUOIS OF NOMESTEAO: <br />Pursuant to Me Farm rtomaataad Protection Ant ,Secl,on 76-1901 et seq Revised Statutes of the State of Nebraska). the Borrowerla), do hereby designate -he real <br />property deacnbed in the Designation of NOmestead attac Red he *etc• and ,ncorporated herein by this relerenCe <br />Borrower <br />Borrower <br />DEED OF TRUST WITH FUTURE ADVANCES PROVISION <br />THISDFMOP 26 nano, June +9 87 nyan.lam r.Tru -,tor. Larry ..D.__Cook <br />al d-daDat_E.__C-ook, Husband and Wife wn<;sema,l,!,gaddrass , s West Old H- ighway_._30. _Grand <br />Island, NE _ 1111111, Borrower r •heT,,,le., William G. Blackburn, Attorney <br />whose mailing address is _. P.O. Box .2280, Grand Island, NE .- (hereln'Trustere"). <br />and the Beneficiary __ Five_ Poiftts Bank <br />whose mailingaddressrs . P.O. Box 1507, Grand Island, NE _ (herein Lender') <br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION mc!ud - a th ,r!dp >t Ss :Je ,.. e;i acre r �d bust .e ea• .� Cris race pt of wnrch s hereby acknowledged, Borrower <br />hereby urerOCeDly grants. transfers conveys and ass g s v: ter N TRU ? 'JVITh F CritiFR D4 Sat F nr Int, heneht and seemly of Lender. under and subject to the <br />terms and Conditions hereinafter set forth, the real property S <'nf;pJ As tnuows <br />Lot One (1) and the North 12' Lot Three (3), Block twenty four (24) <br />University Place, An Addition to Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska <br />Together with Ott buildings improvements . fixtures. streets. alleys passageways . easements rights privileges and appurtenances located thereon or in anywise <br />pertaining thereto, and the Cents, issues and profits reverSlons and remainders thereof ,nciud•ng but not limited to heating and cooling equipment and such personal <br />M'operty that tS arlaGired to lneamprovemenfs 50 as tD COnSt ,tuteaheture err %d fogetner with lee hOmesteatl Or n:antai nleresi5. Many. which interests are hereby released <br />artd waived. ati of which !neiu0!ng raplaeamenH and edddulms theists .s hereby declared to be a part of the real estate secured by the hen of this Deed of Trust and 811 of the <br />tieing 1OWred to reform As the'Itroperly' <br />The R.soa�d of Trust shall secure lap the payment of the principal sum and !merest ewtlenced by Borrower's note arid or credit agreement daled _.__.. <br />having a maturity date of _ _ 7.- X1.01-90 .... __ __. _ in the original pnnc,paf amount of $47 f SOO. -00 _ -- and any and all <br />modifucauons. e.tenaions and renewals thereof or thereto and any and ali future advances and readvamces hereunder pursuant to one or more promissory notes or credit <br />agF to ihaein Ca?efl" Note '). tbl the payment of Other sums advanced by Lends, to project the set. linty of the Note I C l the pettOnnance all covenants and agreement <br />9f f$direwo sal ra" raothenarsd ld) all indeotedness and oblegaucns ill B6rrgwel t0 Lender whelnpr dveU n,d,recl. absorole Or contingent and whether ansmg by note <br />. 5lverdraii W SDllerwi$@. <br />90infOlhill td slnattrnt Cite Monty of this Deed of Trust covenants and agrees with Lende: as totiows <br />I PoymoMM IN flee wowheNwo"Borrower small promptly pay wham duet"prmclpal of and interest on. and any fees pt Charg <br />at Trust es piortded rrt,tha Note Or in thin <br />TRteSf @twatstwa dwnat 6r tOba Property. seas thefNjhi and authority lOCOnyey the PlOpef Y.and warrants Thal ins hen created hQraDy isa hrstand pfinr hen on <br />sty, As may otinarwtse Ile fiat! ®vin hBtertt. and the execution and delivery of this Deed of Trust does not v!Otate any r„nntract or other obligation to wh!Ch <br />� t <br />TAIWAS eMWMPW Top" whan diet ail texas. sprK,,w aatMasmems and all ttth.* cRargea against the Property and. upon written demand my LQndar to pay in <br />L as may be svlilOreat to enable the Lender to pay such taxes. snsassmen(s Or other cna,ges as the, tilc-nnv, due <br />ItMMeaaf. Te apnp' pffi Prefnt+.rty ,nsrlted deBia� Dy tire, ha,afds mi.VUded wdn,n IRa term erle .pert Cuve aqa' . a �:} s h other ha ,A t1C 13 Ca. tit '!'ay <br />kh god ens" A ®a asc to t.eldlw and .,it, loss payable to the ;.ender In case of loss a de s, ,.,es I e i a de, ,s act r•, i; p.l to a i usv <br />4so flitu"t rcma>tis ranelliners have trim upftrt'zf . appiy,riq a!! n, bart,yl tfse erracr.ep,vem1s,.ltr ; q -y ndQbtps .t ,ees sc -!,, pil herebv Anil l, <br />as i. m°.,vy denier. ra .,.= to the 8;sr.lrnrmel to be utwd fill the ,rtpa or rest,,,at n ?t ins! P t'N t y r - it n' PI—P-- I` " h . Lt <br />-�l'hKc73rk RLF tsatl, 6£_- -r*eaf tat f'rAt411{gr t #ter tuW kniou.l aetunist heret+y troso'l, sot hpsy °+A..evp rsi>x via'. #,,,v atil!'at -i „•., t`. esiein.IS n.le ..rA.d.e,.,x 41`all <br />^'�$t - e'8 l'� S'.i,.ea dale 6f �y ro'aym.MS {yi'xiar }rxe Ni.46•tl. !! Cufp any imfa, N, nYe *P.y;rrrN?r t•r !.e rn..rnde` - -• <br />3 mallowoome Appoirs ate 6 "Mr Laws M—wer vho i keep sh. t . q -1 - v f <br />wntif w3a�`h �'?ay' i 3* <Stt.t LNp�P sfi,aa5 t 'f5+�t a � 4 a r i',. t 1 airy <br />.,et>$ 4r@r a= yea #ire Ft+ta°r. a t�s ; i 3 x e 1 t:la r,i 'ter <br />e v,�y 3*ss r*a, r a s 9i:•l a t. <br />err =w.*e,t�.a•'ifre.aaanapurs,o.x @s t, t.a.,eam +k •,;Jra ,t ... v A .st ..l <br />