<br />87-- 104038
<br />TRACT NO, P202ML0007
<br />Received of AT&T Communications of the Midwest, Inc.
<br />$5.00 - Five and Rollfxa Dollars, in consideration of which the
<br />undersigned hereby great and convey unto said Company, its associated and allied companies, its and their respective
<br />s s, "Signs. Lomas" and agents s right of way and easement to construct, operate, maintain, replace and remove
<br />each cummicstiOu syetema " the grants" may from time to time require, consisting of underground cables, lightguides,
<br />wire, its, smwlheles, drains, splicing boxes, repeaters, repeater housings, together with surface testing- torminals,
<br />markers, mud other appurtsnanoaa, upon, over and under s strip of land 16.5 test wide across
<br />the lead which the undersigned own or in which the undersigned have any interest in
<br />Sea Attachment •A"
<br />Township of wahington , County or Nall , and State or Nebraska
<br />together with the following rights, of ingress and egress to, from, and along lands adjacent to said strip for the purpose
<br />of constructing and maintaining communication systems within said strip; to place surface markers beyond said strip; to
<br />clear and keep cleared all tress, roots, brush and other obstructions from the surface and subsurface of said strip and
<br />during construction to cut all trees within ton feet thereof; and to install gates In any fences crossing said strip.
<br />The Northerly boundary of said 16.5 foot strip shall be a line parallel to
<br />and 5 feet Northerly of the first cable or lightguide laid, which cable or
<br />lightguide shall have its location indicated upon the surface markers not at intervals on the land of the undersigned or on
<br />adjacent leads. The undersigned for themselves, their heirs, successors and assigns, hereby covenant that no structure
<br />shall be erected or permitted on maid strip.. The grantees agree that the said cables or lightguides shall be buried below
<br />plw depth in order not to interfere with the ordinary cultivation of the strip, and to pay for damages to fences and
<br />growing craps arising from the construction and maintenance of the aforesaid systems
<br />Signed and sealed this 29 day of June , 19 87
<br />at Grand IsLmd Nebraska
<br />Witness Ray A. Srlenati.. ,
<br />a
<br />Witness Jo SL Vistine
<br />NW Sp,
<br />INN insiru:nFlni wax dr.;fted by E. E. Blythe
<br />gyp, wi ;a'� P:us�l 9 aild —s iu One
<br />SsuttY '.ackar i:riva, i.t:i.:a Sn. iikaxo,s EUtiOfi
<br />STATE OF Nebraska } �, Source of Title: Dead Book 97 Page S
<br />COMM OF Hrill
<br />i;n this 29 day of J , 19 87 , before me porsoually appeared to me
<br />& JaYCe Eilenstine h/w
<br />aneve tow bar the P41004 lot persoee) who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknwlodgsd that lam at they) euea_ut ad
<br />the same as his for their) frew act and dead.
<br />Mf' caaas3,00 Owe � Dice,
<br />6M 60 bw 4L NMI
<br />✓
<br />Emma
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