t098EIphB1 FtifK1 CI@� C+ �� FCOO 1 60 12 4-471
<br />The undersigned Trustor(s) hereby acknowledges and uralerelende that (a) the security document below to be executed N a Thad
<br />Osed, and note nwigepe aml (b) the power of erAe provided for M"Trust Deed provides substantlelly different rIghts end obligations
<br />to On Trustor(s s Mon~ a event of a default or breach of obligation. The Trustor(s) further represents and agrees that this
<br />In connection with but ;wped- �to. the Trustors' executtm of the following Trust Deed.
<br />this t 1' is st A_ • ' j
<br />�F' %' % 4'�G
<br />KenneLll • Karen . C a�su en
<br />reins I INnT to fagal1110 PRWN TO OSttXtTM of 011111110 OF TIM".
<br />-- -_
<br />This Trust Dead and Assignment of R 12th day
<br />referred to in the above acknowledgment Is made this y
<br />Of June .12 87 bysndsmong Kenneth L•. Clausen and Karen E.
<br />lausen, husband and wife.
<br />.Tnater(s)_ whosemailirngaddreasN Route 2, Box 17, Grand Island, NE. 68803 and
<br />Federal Land Bank of Omaha -Trustes,- whose mailing address N
<br />206 South 19th Street. Omaha. NE, 68102,andtha Federal Land Rank of Omaha
<br />"Bane I , whose malling address N 206 South 19th Street, Omaha, Nebraska 66102, in consideration of the advance by Beneficiary to
<br />Trustor(s) of the principal van spooMW below, the receipt of which N hereby acknowledged, and any future, additional or protective advances
<br />made to or on behalf of Trustor(s) at B*neffcary's option, Trustor(s) irrevocably transfers, convoys and assigns to Trustee, IN TRUST, WITH
<br />POWER OF SALE. forth* be nsflt and security of Benelfeiary, its successors and assigns. under and subject to the tams and conditions of this
<br />Truer Deed, the red property, Wooed in the County of Hall . State of Nebraska. and described as follows:
<br />8— TV . Rt
<br />All that part of the E1N11} lyinG north of the right -of -way
<br />boundary as described by !-'arrant« deed recorded in Book
<br />135, Page 451, all in 28 10 10 11 6th P.M.
<br />fegedw with all TrueWs) riplit, ittle and kvi1rest in said! property, now or hereeffer acquired, including all buildings. fixtures, crops and
<br />haproveunena now onor hereafter placed upon said real property. including also all appurtenances, water irrigation, and drainage rights: and
<br />as rents. Neum uses, ktwas, proft and rights to pose/asion: all 00. gas, WWW. rock or other mkarats of whatever nalure, including
<br />9 a ta*hM r*esure*s: and a@ p*reorhd property that mw irdegrallybelting toot hereefbr become an MAWal pat of said real *pate whether
<br />oUo~ or deN*Iked. HkaArdNrp any spisurlansimse and scawAreowft at any residers, secured hereby. and as above and below ground
<br />intpatlen equlpawd erns aoosmorim and ON sews. PSI liserhess or prMleges. appuriah*rt or nonappwterwnt to said premises, now or
<br />hareMsrleemsC tl, I 'or rerto- dbyTntabr(a). mySta te. theUnitedBbtseoranydsperNmnt ,bureau,instrumervieftoragencythersof.
<br />AM of wtteft N hereunder collectively riifarred to as do "Trust Estat*.'
<br />B Is M WWdeer and @Steer WAPM Tut MWN aid BeneBsis>1r that Ibis TOW Deed N given to soarer
<br />(M) A pranissary note er holes togethm wren inlin Owoon exoouted by Tnreor(s) to BensfWklry aW described es follows:
<br />OW–of flab PvYUial Ana sad Dale of New Prbheleal Amenat
<br />June 26, 1980 $73,100.00
<br />poyaitle as, , a- g te go to of add rka.1 1.
<br />(bj An 11W 140 3yrltent Infull by Tna *) of anyaWall lubre and additional advances which may be made by 8eneticiay. at Its option, at
<br />herereWSd*tarkrNab ► tlkss ofTeurtery►. Ora" ofg vrn. Wrasypurpose• plus interest a +dl such advances. underahynoWs)or
<br />atfra 10OWNWAM WWR it reftnencing adanding, renewing• reamatNMg or reesugwMg such indebtedness or any pat thereof, all
<br />te tho to of sold none(*) or oases • • tnow*rer, that the pOneipa indebtedness outstand
<br />rretl n
<br />a" see 1Wsow 0 my one wife* and not exceed the van of s
<br />- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -DOU ARS (t 73 ,100.00 )
<br />N M ISPOW end of 0 ads* awthefland herainor In the Wan agreement(s): provkw, further. Jhst THIS PARAGRAPH
<br />t
<br />