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FORM 2M Ill". 744) <br />Pegs t <br />The FodarN Lmd Bw* 01 OMOM <br />RNANCING STATEMENT AND SECURITY AGREEMENT <br />This is presented to a fill" officar for filing pursuant No. of Additional <br />IN shows Provided; <br />D~s) (IM narm fib) wW Addre(es): FlOng Officer 87-103,899 <br />Graf, Lttard E. & Mary W. <br />2316 he Road <br />GrAnd.Island, NE 68803 <br />SS# orIDif: 505 -18 -6251 <br />Secured Perry and Address: THE FEDERAL LAND BANK OF OMAHA, 206 S. 19th, Omaha, NE 68102 <br />sMorrwhether, one or more, for consideration, hereby granted to Secured Party a security interest in the following property, and in all <br />semfter property owned or h"natW acquired, and any and all increases, additions, accessions and subatitutions thereto or therefore, <br />including any proceeds thereof (hereinafter called the Collateral): <br />B" Putter - W.L.R. with Belt head - Serial No. 749117 <br />10" Pump - Electric W.L.R. with 30 H.P. U.S. Motor - Serial No. 1107944 <br />B" Pump - Electric W.L.R. with 20 H.P. U.S. Motor - Serial No. 161404 <br />4 Chief Grain Storage Bins - Approximately 36,500 total bushel storage <br />If any of the CoNSWal has been attacted to or is to be attached to real estate, a description of the real estate Is as follows: <br />SEh and NhSWk of Section 34, Township 11N, Range 11 W of 6th P.M. of Hall <br />County, Nebraska, containing 240 acres more or less. <br />(Continue on attached sheet. it necessary.) <br />The name of the record owner of the real intiate is *�aonard Cra€ grad �fasir W Graf <br />warrants that union marked otherwise the Collateral 0 used or being bought primarily for personal, family, or household purposes; <br />but l marked hens ❑ for farming operations, if marked here ❑ for busing operations, and if marked here ❑ the collateral is being <br />actfuired with the proceeds of the note or notes, which Secured Party may disburse directly to the seller of the Collateral. <br />This and all alfied instruments are executed to secure payment of the indebtedness evidenced by one certain promissory note payable to <br />Secured Marty, in the principal amount of S d 33 , ROG _ 00 , payable according to the terms thereof, together with <br />m this agreement. "" additional soma as may at the option of the Secured Party be advanced to Debtor. such advances as <br />be made by Secured Party under this agreement for the protection of the Collateral, any and ail other amounts as shall in any manner <br />be chat from Debtor to Secured Party and all costs and expanses incurred in the collection of same and enforcement of rights of Secured <br />hereunder, Party ON of the being collectively called the Obligations. <br />DEBTOR AGREES THAT HE/SHE HAS READ THIS AGREEMENT AND THAT THIS AGREEMENT <br />INCLUDES AND IS SUBJECT TO THE ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS SET FORTH ON THE REVERSE SIDE <br />HEREOF, THE SAME BEING INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE. <br />Dated 19 E 4 . DEBTOR(S) <br />Leonard E. Graf <br />Mary W. Graf <br />foveri <br />9 yt ft `M "'"q q t* f:? a <br />
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