�- >•ra °wy
<br />7. 10377'7
<br />(�w `_
<br />GRANT
<br />Ab rmmwr sift 4110he l by s BWW
<br />TRACT NO. F173HA0004
<br />Am.a■.y at low. mr... hude s deem is o..
<br />■W& wmrrr nrve, CA%" srer OW
<br />STTairs , OF ,&6*Vx ,s eA )SS.
<br />COU w i v OF
<br />Resolved of AT&T CoMmulications of the Mideast, Inc.
<br />'W10LL
<br />-
<br />g5.0o - five and 00 /100 Dollars, in consideration of which the
<br />19 before as Pe rsonall y appeared to me
<br />undersigned hereby grant and convey unto said Company, its aseociated and allied companies, its and their respective
<br />kamwn to he the perean for Weasel who executed the foregolag instrument, and acknowledged that ha for they) exiacuted
<br />the arm as his fur their) free act sad dead.
<br />successors, assigns, lessees and agents s right of way and easement to construct, operate, maintain, replace and remove
<br />pp
<br />such communication systems as the grantooa may from tip to time require, consisting of underground cables, lightguides,
<br />b. M
<br />W F.
<br />wires, conduits, manholes, drains, splicing boxes, repeaters, repeater housings, together with surface tooting - terminals,
<br />Aftm 4 Ap. 4. "a
<br />Notary Fubl is
<br />marker., and other sppurtsnances, upon, aver and under a strip or land 16.5 Last aide moos■
<br />`
<br />the land which the undersigned own or 11t which the undersigned have any interest in
<br />The Northeast, Quarter INS 1/41 and the North Half of the Northwest quarter (N 1/2 NW 1/41 of Section Thirty -six (36),
<br />Township Taslvs 1121 North, Range Tan 110) west of the 6th P.M.
<br />Township of Prairie Creak County of Hall and State Of Nebraska
<br />together with the following rights: of ingress and agrees to, from and along lands adjacent to said strip for the purpose
<br />of constructing and Maintaining communication systems within said strip; to place surface markers beyond said strip; to
<br />clear and keep cleared all tress, roots, brush and other obstructions from the surface and subsurface of said strip and
<br />during construction to cut all trees within tan fast thereof; and to install gate@ in any fences crooning said strip.
<br />The Northerly boundary of said 16.5 foot strip shall be a line parallel to
<br />and 5 feet North of the ftrst cable or lightguide laid, which cable or
<br />llghtguide shall haw its location indicated upon the eurfeoe markers sat at intervals on the land of the undersigned or an
<br />adjacent lands. The undersigned for themselves, their hairs, successors and assigns, hereby covenant that no structure
<br />shall be erected or permitted on said strip. The grantees agree that the said cables or lightguides shall be buried below
<br />plow, depth in order not to interfere with the ordinary cultivation of the strip, and to pay for damages to fences and
<br />growing crops arising from the construction and maintenance of the aforesaid systems
<br />IM
<br />Signed and sealed this ! J day of .TU•tJE , 19X7
<br />at )P.'rE rS �01� // �rRA41lJ JsLg vD f%E. L:��d
<br />witness George F. Meftr
<br />4
<br />wltnasa Cereldlne Mader
<br />�- >•ra °wy
<br />(�w `_
<br />Ab rmmwr sift 4110he l by s BWW
<br />Am.a■.y at low. mr... hude s deem is o..
<br />■W& wmrrr nrve, CA%" srer OW
<br />STTairs , OF ,&6*Vx ,s eA )SS.
<br />COU w i v OF
<br />Source of Titla: Deed Book 127 Page 445
<br />Dead
<br />'W10LL
<br />Hook 102 page 104
<br />On this / r� day o! ,TaAL9
<br />19 before as Pe rsonall y appeared to me
<br />kamwn to he the perean for Weasel who executed the foregolag instrument, and acknowledged that ha for they) exiacuted
<br />the arm as his fur their) free act sad dead.
<br />pp
<br />My ccdmf.ias iaa expdrase _ -
<br />b. M
<br />W F.
<br />Aftm 4 Ap. 4. "a
<br />Notary Fubl is
<br />