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I• <br />I, <br />L• <br />1 <br />a <br />M LS <br />erc-d as fiocum,B(!t f4o. <br />87— I- '.( 7 CT <br />Grantor <br />Grantee._ — <br />Numerical .4-e <br />yUf t(t..,i LIB' iiii �J Lire <br />p0 <br />F 1 <br />gap pl Frofle Intw W RNMW Cede <br />I <br />9santpy racyed rrhhbn fMOrmatlon (In the mercer <br />Ern <br />paragraph$ (t) and (a). property Mall be 6"Mod to be shuawd- <br />proscribed In regulations IssWd by the Secretary) <br />Sec. 6321. Lien For Taxes. <br />(A) MN Property • In see am of to prispety, at he <br />pentrdnpaat atnewpory.rdinsewsnae,n,hopa <br />pnts" Naapon: of <br />of auah ha N allo hied In ACWd$Mwhh eubsechoe (e In <br />h my person Ifiese to pry any tax negnaN or talus" N <br />(S) personal he" - M the cad of WNW Pro". <br />Z <br />'Ply an Was PINT demand, the amount (kKludlne any IMW- <br />whether tangible of lntlhVbh. W the nWdona of the <br />OK Udteonai amelmt aOJNW N era, or aeheesbc pine". <br />taxpayer at the time the now of lien is filed. <br />Rfr(�11m. Period. — DN as <br />N(p M wadi sly am rm a" aadtla m admen that <br />aOtrew <br />any <br />of a(A rat h o1 Ron, the term "rebind rehires Wait" mane <br />WW1 be a son N Ayer of the 1hlMd etace upon all propey, <br />or parhNrwp shall be domed to be pie pled at which to <br />lye one-year pens 30 days hie expiration <br />r the a <br />and r N p osselly, whether feW or personal. beldngun g <br />pnNlpal eseeud" NMe es wre business N IWIM, And eN <br />std <br />of a yon <br />s after of it <br />led dap Of 1h$ will <br />hie fax, end <br />N such peas. <br />rosldena of a taxpayer when residents Is whhout the umm <br />itaament k <br />(0 -yea o ending M tM <br />(B) <br />Sec, 6322. Period Of Lien. <br />StaNa Mail be daemad N be C the lifer M of Columble. <br />F arse , <br />le Form - The fete aine twrtwnt of <br />rft clo l of the <br />arch hie deb of fin preaaatp reguha rsRIMp Peed is <br />cation Telling Mfar <br />I1M <br />Warned N In Aubeaddn (a) than be prescribed by the <br />biers nodeaslNn., <br />Uheees &MOW dos I$ "Sorel fixed by law, Me oen <br />Imposed by <br />Secretary. Such arty <br />Sere ng yhed rrm me <br />Sec. 6325. Release Of Lien Or <br />esahoo932t Mail arlos at the hone the nsmrmt <br />other law or <br />other prOytelOn O, law regarding IM form or content of a <br />t <br />te mane end Men me" anal the liability for the Amount Ad <br />m <br />Discharge Of Property. <br />!Mended fora 1tlegtneM egakwt the taxpayer at sing out of <br />X <br />such naeety) is no" or becomes uneff rrontil by tease, <br />e�aiems, <br />Nod: See Section 6323(6) for protection for <br />regulations as ew Sacrdary may prescribe, the Secretary shall <br />certain interests even though notice of lien <br />Issue a certificate of release of any lien Imposed with respect to <br />Sec. 6323. Validity and Priority Against <br />imposed by section 6321 is filed with respect <br />Which`.ernalnvenwl °a mtlater1Mn3OeaysallelMdayon <br />Certain Persons. <br />to' <br />(n Liability Satisfies or unenforceable • The Secretary <br />(a) PlillifellsWes, Holders Of $ectartiy In- <br />I Securities <br />finds that the liability (Or the alttdtmt assMssd, together with all <br />sa.�...w.�a. �s.�� s,,,d�., <br />'^^"s IeeNlre �Mb tllldOrlllfN <br />IN $ <br />interest at respect thereof, has been fully satisfied or has <br />become <br />UN N C4VdNOM — The ken imposed by $action 9321 Mel <br />erc-d as fiocum,B(!t f4o. <br />87— I- '.( 7 CT <br />Grantor <br />Grantee._ — <br />Numerical .4-e <br />yUf t(t..,i LIB' iiii �J Lire <br />p0 <br />F 1 <br />gap pl Frofle Intw W RNMW Cede <br />M fines of hap" dub" To lion - For purAOna at <br />9santpy racyed rrhhbn fMOrmatlon (In the mercer <br />paragraph$ (t) and (a). property Mall be 6"Mod to be shuawd- <br />proscribed In regulations IssWd by the Secretary) <br />Sec. 6321. Lien For Taxes. <br />(A) MN Property • In see am of to prispety, at he <br />pentrdnpaat atnewpory.rdinsewsnae,n,hopa <br />pnts" Naapon: of <br />of auah ha N allo hied In ACWd$Mwhh eubsechoe (e In <br />h my person Ifiese to pry any tax negnaN or talus" N <br />(S) personal he" - M the cad of WNW Pro". <br />the stm M wtkh bud! r"wwa Is WNW. <br />'Ply an Was PINT demand, the amount (kKludlne any IMW- <br />whether tangible of lntlhVbh. W the nWdona of the <br />OK Udteonai amelmt aOJNW N era, or aeheesbc pine". <br />taxpayer at the time the now of lien is filed. <br />Rfr(�11m. Period. — DN as <br />N(p M wadi sly am rm a" aadtla m admen that <br />For purposes of paraireph ¢)(/).1h$ rfN om of a corpoti t <br />any <br />of a(A rat h o1 Ron, the term "rebind rehires Wait" mane <br />WW1 be a son N Ayer of the 1hlMd etace upon all propey, <br />or parhNrwp shall be domed to be pie pled at which to <br />lye one-year pens 30 days hie expiration <br />r the a <br />and r N p osselly, whether feW or personal. beldngun g <br />pnNlpal eseeud" NMe es wre business N IWIM, And eN <br />std <br />of a yon <br />s after of it <br />led dap Of 1h$ will <br />hie fax, end <br />N such peas. <br />rosldena of a taxpayer when residents Is whhout the umm <br />itaament k <br />(0 -yea o ending M tM <br />(B) <br />Sec, 6322. Period Of Lien. <br />StaNa Mail be daemad N be C the lifer M of Columble. <br />F arse , <br />le Form - The fete aine twrtwnt of <br />rft clo l of the <br />arch hie deb of fin preaaatp reguha rsRIMp Peed is <br />cation Telling Mfar <br />I1M <br />Warned N In Aubeaddn (a) than be prescribed by the <br />biers nodeaslNn., <br />Uheees &MOW dos I$ "Sorel fixed by law, Me oen <br />Imposed by <br />Secretary. Such arty <br />Sere ng yhed rrm me <br />Sec. 6325. Release Of Lien Or <br />esahoo932t Mail arlos at the hone the nsmrmt <br />other law or <br />other prOytelOn O, law regarding IM form or content of a <br />t <br />te mane end Men me" anal the liability for the Amount Ad <br />nausea, lien. <br />Discharge Of Property. <br />!Mended fora 1tlegtneM egakwt the taxpayer at sing out of <br />(a) RNefee tit Uen. — Sublad to such <br />such naeety) is no" or becomes uneff rrontil by tease, <br />e�aiems, <br />Nod: See Section 6323(6) for protection for <br />regulations as ew Sacrdary may prescribe, the Secretary shall <br />certain interests even though notice of lien <br />Issue a certificate of release of any lien Imposed with respect to <br />Sec. 6323. Validity and Priority Against <br />imposed by section 6321 is filed with respect <br />Which`.ernalnvenwl °a mtlater1Mn3OeaysallelMdayon <br />Certain Persons. <br />to' <br />(n Liability Satisfies or unenforceable • The Secretary <br />(a) PlillifellsWes, Holders Of $ectartiy In- <br />I Securities <br />finds that the liability (Or the alttdtmt assMssd, together with all <br />sa.�...w.�a. �s.�� s,,,d�., <br />'^^"s IeeNlre �Mb tllldOrlllfN <br />2. Motor vehicles <br />interest at respect thereof, has been fully satisfied or has <br />become <br />UN N C4VdNOM — The ken imposed by $action 9321 Mel <br />]. Peesnal property pwchasid ai retail <br />ally ufwMOraabN: or <br />(2) h$nd ABM - There is furnished to the Secretary and <br />not be voter N "am any Wch Al holder of a Security <br />A. personal property purchased In casual Asia <br />5 Personal properly subiecled n pneoessory lien <br />accepted by Mm a bond met Is conditioned upon the payment of <br />WAKW !nedeonk's Bosch, or pdgmeM Ilen creditor until Wi!ss <br />6. Real property tax she Special atsaaament INM <br />the AMOM a ornod, together with all Interest In respect <br />th rset which rte % the requirements of subsection (n has <br />7 f�nnittlaf property subfea to A medhenrc'E <br />tfw wt. wid in the time PINIT W l by law (Including any <br />been mw by 1h$ sKro". <br />Ilen for certain repairs and improvements <br />extension of such time). and that is In Accoroancei with such <br />e. Aeene y a Ilea <br />rpuln AMns mall to terms. condition, and form of the bond <br />m Dleoe Fa Mq No0w; Form. <br />a Germ laturance contracts <br />had surends thane! as msy W esaCfiled by such regulations. <br />(1) Flan For Filing - The notice relsrred to in suo- <br />10. Postattack loans <br />Sec. 6103. Confidentiality and Dis- <br />Y <br />"anrl (o) Mail filed . <br />a <br />(A) tlnew State Lam <br />la) 861111 of Notice. — Far purposed of told <br />closure of Returns and Return In- <br />0) A W Property. in tai can of real property.:n one <br />sacllon - <br />formation. <br />formation. <br />Office wmml the state (a' 1h$ county, or other gorenmani <br />ill yi�N Rule• — Unless nofice of Icon rid reflect In <br />(�ObdooM 01 C.edfiln Rebirrteand <br />>u designated by the laws of such State. In <br />which the OMPfty suW to it* lien is stn aced, and <br />%e mAnN, preacribed in paragraph (2) Outing the required <br />Return IMOmuti0n For Tax Administration <br />e re PeMnal Pr In the uee of <br />Property persona <br />,yfilt ^g period, such nonce of lion Mae wi treated M feed an - , <br />bate onwhtcn it Is lead (m accordance with subsection fill anbf <br />. <br />�• — <br />Property, Whether tanpNle or intangible, in oh$ office <br />the eepinWn of such reeing period. <br />wmf:n ewe state (or raw county . or tith. govemmen!a� <br />aradnistorl as a" rated by the :aws or Such state <br />ill PIM For F". — A notice of hen rehied <br />(2) Disclosure o1 amount of outstanding hen � If a nonce of <br />to wfuch the property suoiect to 1h$ i.en. :s situated, <br />dvnng Ina rpwrad reming period shah wef/ecnaonndy- <br />hen has been fled pursuan!!o seamnf 31B. !he amount of the <br />« <br />�A: d- <br />outstanding obligation secwed Dy s.:ch lien mayaed:sclusedlo <br />( ®) VIVO aie;k Dl District court, In the U1^tt of the o! <br />111 lien 15 :n Ina p111C! :n Which InE <br />any person who IWnOheS Sati Sfactcry wrilten miltna that he <br />oil <br />the Umper States dl to <br />S f;C1 court !at the fudKlal di3!r�a :n wn:Cn <br />l <br />allot nonce a! hen was <br />Lice 1 hen a and <br />and <br />has A night :n the or OPerly sublect to such lien or intends to <br />i; <br />the property subtsct to l:an:s sltuat¢d. we.rnever t•^.e $lit ±has <br />Bled, <br />ini In the cam Of real property. the face of rtfihnp is <br />town a right :n such property <br />Dr Der Y <br />r4ltry in designated "Non wn:tn mE¢l9 tne'eg U:r[mar�5 our <br />entered and recorded in an Index to toe a.,enl eav,,ea by <br />subpeapradt lAl, or <br />s4secuon (fl (4). and <br />ICI with hoardff DI Dads On The DISt!KI 01 Cri',mb a to <br />:Bi :o any cox :n wnvcn go days or more p,,c! to fire data <br />me office of the Placated Or Danes at the D.Slncl of ecumn.2 :1 <br />1( a'Ailing of notice of lien under Subparagraph (A), the'; <br />, <br />me ar"Wrty, Subject m the Sao .S sa„s1¢d n rs "z+�r o� <br />�- _ _ <br />j - <br />R <br />I L J <br />