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In <br />Vi` <br />L)oc-menif N®. <br />gg <br />00 <br />87 <br />L I <br />yip <br />raw <br />SL I I <br />Em" From Inkinfill ft"inim Code <br />M No of Properly subject To Lion - For KffPM 01 <br />5 wry received wiftlei WftrffM* (hi The wWM <br />parographil and H). propels shall b9 domed t0 be affiliated- <br />prescribed In regulations 1UNd by ft SKfl") <br />Sec. 6321. Lion For Taxes. <br />(A) P" Pf"Ift - In Ifill C*" Of FO Vc"nV, at he <br />concomly; a Change in this itakipaynate realklema. if a No" <br />In <br />Physical WAW; Of <br />at such lien Is also flied In Necordames *0 sulanctlets in <br />ff any Wman IWA to M my tax ruffelacts or refused to <br />(G) Personal Pro", - in bad looks of ponsental PC". <br />the $to in which Such rooldetego Is W&M. <br />ply " W" after doinarld, the amount (Including any In*- <br />"L national arsounit. soft" to in, or Meadow prialty, <br />whetter langible or Manghble, at the residence Of the <br />taxpayer at ft Use the net of ON is filed. <br />(3) RWft PW — In the CUO <br />ballifew wo silly ma go wasir own In addition Vwftl <br />For PufOOM 01 WOPW M M. the (NO= Of I COnit"Ad" <br />of any notice of Uses. the Win "Mulrod rdllftg pearlod"Mostris - <br />OW its a lien I" le"a of ft Visited Built$$ upon *1 pro" <br />or fembansiffir that) be deal to be the place at which the <br />(A) the OwyW period WWAV 30 day$ after the NX11113tillin <br />and rights to ploodally. hww real of personal. liall"Ol"I <br />Fftioll IXKA" office of ft thismaxis Is localod, and 11" <br />of 6 years after On do% of the onesel of the tax. and <br />It rich Pension, <br />reshlorecal of a taxpayer wit residence Is Without the United <br />f1fi the one-year period ending with the expiration ON years <br />states "I be doofflw to be in the them of Columbia. <br />after chat close of the orKOno required fefilifto 11011" tot <br />Sm. 6322. Period Of Lien. <br />I M Form ' Us faims and comem of go <br />such notice Of H". <br />reffarrad to in subwion (A) #oil be prescribed lorl'the <br />LWM amediser ft* le'SOSOURY fixed BY law, if* in <br />Secret". San notice alleft be valid n*twtovsbr4ing a" <br />Se c. 6325. Release Of Lien Or <br />'by 01" It MO time 1141 mugMt <br />cow provision of fiew MR" the form Of mn" Of a <br />Discharge Of Property. <br />610" ka:isf <br />III VAM the liability far the wmt" to <br />dmd= <br />rMu"Oflum <br />Relfam Of Lion. — saw to such <br />mono (of I toorwa AP" the taxpayer arising OW of <br />rich askillif is adefitted or becom unenforceable by reason <br />(dole: See section W(b) for protection for <br />is) <br />Muetions a ft Secretary may proscribe, On Secretary Shelf <br />gV <br />M "in of pal <br />certain interests even though notice of lion <br />into a certificate of release of any lien Imposed with respect to <br />Sec. 6323. Validity and Priority Against <br />imposed by section 6321 is filed with respect <br />any internal revenue tax not later than 30 days after the day on <br />no - <br />Certain Persons. <br />to: <br />III Liability Satisfied or UnWorcoatill - The Secretary <br />(') plifirdmill's, !to" Of Security In- <br />sacim .06 <br />; <br />finds that the liability for the smountasmsed, together with all <br />interest In respect thereof, has been fully satisfied or has <br />Wash ,e 1111oftiI LW*m AM Judgmilift <br />Motor vehicles <br />Porto <br />become legally UrWfOfC@Abl$; Or <br />LWn CrWilem — The thin imposed try Section w2i shelf <br />3 propels purchased at retail <br />4 Personal property Nuchs"d in casual Safe <br />(2) knit Accepted • There is furnished to the Secretary and <br />accepted by him a bon" that is conditioned upon the payment of <br />mill be vow as against all W&4w. holder 01 a 111 <br />Medial, liamor. If" creditor until notice <br />5 personal vaWY lubiKm to possessory lien <br />turns <br />Me amount assessed, together with all Interest In respect <br />j <br />mecitaft's or judgment <br />6 Rest property tax and special joilifearrom <br />thori within the time prescribed by law (including any <br />thersof which Miles the r*4utf~tg of 'JI)SUltneft If) has <br />7 Resident Pro" Strepec, to a mechinit's <br />extension at such time). and that 15 in accordance with such <br />been flied by Ins Secretary. <br />ilen for certain repair$ and Improvements <br />requirements relating to terms, condifilims, and form Of the bond <br />8 Alrearney's liters <br />and sureties thereon, as may be specified by such regulations. <br />C <br />in Pia Fair Fft Notice; Form.— <br />9 Certatirr Insurance contracts <br />(1) Place For Filing - The notice eeft,rm to 11 sob- <br />10 PISSONI, loans <br />Sec. 6103. Confidentiality and Dis- <br />election is) Shelf be filed - <br />g• R•filling Of 1,1011101. —For purposes of this <br />closure of Returns and Return In- <br />(A) Under State Laws <br />'Kilin <br />formation. <br />(1) Mai Property - In the case of its, properly " one <br />office within the State for the county. or 014t government <br />il Gott" RUIS. — Unless notice of Its— failed in <br />DWMro of Certaln Returns and <br />tifialtirtakiral aceldiallinati tivilts taws of such Start h <br />• via ­­r p,escr,W in paragraph 21 a,,,ng me required <br />Ritum fifilormallon For Tax AdIfilifilstrallon <br />which the property Subject to mur Ivan ;, saaVe: and <br />11 <br />Fl! <br />(11) Personal Property - the case or Dt'50,11i <br />prookinty, whether t"Rile .1 ItailgitbIC , One O!!:Ll <br />late or, *hloh ts ioed- acco,ca— .,tti (fit after <br />t"it.pratursin .1 ucb,etu�q pe-O <br />within the State lot the county or other V"Inmen to <br />2, Ptm For Filing. — A notice of lien ,I,Ied <br />(2) Disclosure of amount of outstanding hen - If a notice of <br />subdivision), as prialghated by Me [a.$ 0 S,cf, star, <br />fee effective only <br />lien he been Iced pursuant to Section 6323(f), the JrnOjnI Of Me <br />In which the property SAKI 10 the .•On s $,%&fto <br />"i"ing period She:, <br />outstanding off igation secured by Stich hen may be disclosed to <br />or <br />A <br />any person who furnishes satisfactory wfillefl evidence that he <br />(0) With clerk of District Gol. In!" of!" of the "tt'. r, <br />of ,re olf,c,,n which the <br />has aright , the property sjDltcl to 5:a en or intends Io <br />no United States district court for the uau ia, d' ,r or i, <br />11 <br />o,,,,ro,,',, <br />t", . - as Med and <br />, the case of 1W property Irl 1311 l, leill.1il 15 <br />a <br />obtain a!.n such pro pilty <br />the property subject to lion's sltualto <br />notity law asagnalecone orl—ri cm meelsvfrelezl. <br />ent"" ad iKcIdIr. , or to the exier! Qu,r,l by <br />Subparagraph JA). or <br />A, 3^0 <br />A with Records, Of Deeds 01 in D sl:�v D— Tr�; <br />r aly case I W u, --1 p- 1. 11, date <br />01 notice 01 lie, rce! SIL;x(ajilll) h A, <br />"Waff"ti"*Pe t* olDeed. Or they i <br />5! a el'i"; -thil" <br />. <br />the property Subject to I". hen ua!,, <br />