W^ —REAL 9/TATS MORTBAOL —With Tax Clown Q7- 143685 Huffman and Felton & Wolf, Welton, Me. 6MI
<br />M14OW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT Ben W. Kistler and Gail J. Kistler,
<br />husband and wife of each other
<br />(Mortgagor D
<br />of Hall County, and Note of Nebraska in consideration of the sum of
<br />Thirty Thousand # # # ## DOLLARS
<br />in hand paid, do haneby SELL and ODNVEY unto
<br />Allan C. & Elsie Roemmich (Mortgage. )
<br />of Hall qty. and ices of Nebraska the following described
<br />sko"W in Hall County, and State of Nebraska to-wit:
<br />Lot Twenty Nine ( 29), R & B Second Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />The intention being to convey hereby an absolute title in fee simple including all the rights of homestead and dower.
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premiss above described, with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging unto the
<br />sold morftape and to their beirs and assigns, forever, provided always, and three presents are upon the express
<br />condition flat it the atsaatid mortgagor , hrim axecutom, administrators or assigns shall pay or cause to be
<br />paid to the sold mwtpigee , the i r heira, executors, administrators or assign% the sum of $30,000.M
<br />Thirty Thousand # # ## ## Dollars, payable w follows, wwit:
<br />Dollars on the day of .19
<br />Thirty Thousand Dollars Dollars on to 19th day of June . X2002
<br />Dollars on the day of , 19
<br />Dollars on the day of .19
<br />Dollars on the day of , 19
<br />With intent thereon at 8 per cant per amen. payable annually all according to the tenor and effed of
<br />a cosh promissory note of said
<br />mortgagors
<br />bearing ever date with these prcaeoq, and *hall pay all taxes end assessments levied upon said real estate, and all other taros,
<br />levies and ammsmsnfa levied upon this mortcoole or the now which " mortgage is giver to secure, before the same becomes
<br />and keep the buildings on sold premises us cared for the ova of i 30 000 00 low. it any. pay" to
<br />Me said mortemgee. than these pweats to be void, of erwim to be and remain iri full ;ouch.
<br />IT 18 FURTHER AGREED (1) That it the said mortgagor d" fail to pry such taxes or procure such insurance, the
<br />said mestgape may fray wcih tax" and procure such iwrenca: and the arm so advanced, with interest at 15 per omt
<br />dM be paid by said mortmor, and thin mortgage shall stand as security for the cane. (2) That a failure to pay any of said
<br />money. ehtoec prinvipai or intense when the sane becomes due. or a fatoue to comply with any of the foregoing agreements,
<br />sis8 awe the whole am of money heealc secured to bacasw de and collectible at once at the option of to rertgogos.
<br />8lkuad 19th day of June '19 87.
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<br />STA'TlE lam.. ..._...._.tiebr,. _.._.._-_....._.......... County of. .......... W! ............... ............ ......
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<br />Bsiwe me, s srlaq PuWc quellified her said county, personally own
<br />Ben W. Kistler and Gail J. Kistler , husband end ife of each other_.
<br />lmsrtrs M me w be the idasrliad Peaaa or fa+asaa who aiprsd the 110MW4 and acknowledged the oxecutlen
<br />truatt M M hie. bor or their vaiuutesy act and dead.
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<br />STA't= .. ....._ _ .. . ........ ............ � Entered on numerical index and !led for record
<br />Oasry . , _ _,., „..__ ._ .__., ......_.,..._.._.._..,.... • to the Register of Deeds ONoe or said County uho
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