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87- 103525 <br />THE WEST HALF (W�) OF TIIE WEST HALF (W') OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER <br />(SEh) OF SECTION THIRTY -FOUR (34), TOWNSHIP TWELVE (12) NORTH, <br />RANGE NINE (9) WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA, i <br />Excepting a tract of land beginning at the Southeast corner <br />of the West Half of the West Half of the Southeast Quarter <br />(SEk), running thence north parallel to the West line of the <br />Southeast Quarter (SEh), a distance of twenty (20) rods, thence <br />west parallel to the South line of the Southeast Quarter, a <br />distance of eight'(8) rods, thence south parallel to the west <br />line of the Southeast quarter, a distance of twenty (20) rods, <br />thence east to the place of beginning, containing one acre more <br />or less, and <br />Excepting a tract of land beginning at the Southwest corner of <br />the West half of the West half of the Southeast Quarter, running <br />thence north parallel to the East line of the Southeast Quarter, <br />a distance of twenty (20) rods, thence East parallel to the South <br />line of the Southeast Quarter, a distance of eight (8) rods, <br />thence South parallel to the West line of the Southeast Quarter, <br />a distance of twenty (20) rods, thence west to the place of <br />beginning, containing one acre more or less, and <br />Excepting a tract of land comprising a part of the Southwest <br />Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SW4SEk) of Section Thirty -Four <br />(34), Township Twelve (12) North, Range Nine (9) West of the <br />6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska and more particularly described <br />as follows: First, to ascertain the point of beginning, start <br />at the Southwt 't corner of said S144SE�; thence running easterly <br />along and upon the south line of said SWhSEh a distance of One <br />Hundred Thirty -Two (132.0) feet to the Southeast corner of a <br />tract of land surveyed by Elbert E. Chrisinger, L.S. No. 337 on <br />May 15, 1978 and also being the ACTUAL point of beginning; thence <br />deflecting left 90° 14' 21" and running northerly along and upon <br />the east line o� the tract of land as surveyed by Elbert E. <br />Chrisinger, L.S. No. 337 on May 15, 1978, a distance of Two Hundred <br />Fifty -Four (254.0) feet; thence deflecting right 90° 14' 21" and <br />running easterly, parallel with the south line of said SW4SEh a <br />distance of Two Hundred Thirty One (231.0) feet; thence deflecting <br />right 89' 45' 39" and running southerly a distance of Two Hundred <br />Fifty Four (254.0) feet to a point on the south line of said <br />SWkSE}; thence westerly along and upon the south line of said SWh <br />SEk a distance of Two Hundred Thirty One (231.0) feet to the ACTUAL <br />point of beginning and containing 1.347 acres more or less. <br />Lt <br />