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87- 103516 <br />CORPORATION WARRANTY DEED <br />Five Points Bank, a banking corporation of the State of Nebraska, <br />GRANTOR, in consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and <br />valuable consideration received from GRANTEE, Skag -Way Discount <br />Dept. Stores, Inc., a Nebraska corporation, conveys to GRANTEE, <br />the following- described real estate (as defined in Neb. Rev. Stat. <br />76 -201): <br />A tract of land comprising a part of Lot Five (5), Home Subdivision <br />in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, more particularly described <br />as follows: <br />Beginning at a point on the south line of said Lot Five (5) <br />said point being Two Hundred Sixty (260.0) feet east of the <br />southwest corner of said Lot Five (5); thence easterly along <br />the south line of said Lot Five (5), a distance of One Hundred <br />Twenty -Nine and Sixty -Four Hundredths (129.64) feet to the <br />southwest corner of Holiday Garden Second Subdivision; thence <br />northerly along the west line of said Holiday Garden Second <br />Subdivision, a distance of Three Hundred Twenty -Nine and Fifty- <br />Two Hundredths (329.52) feet to the northwest corner of said <br />Holiday Garden Second Subdivision; thence westerly along the <br />north line of said Lot Five (5), a distance of Forty (40.0) <br />feet; thence southerly parallel to the west line of said <br />Holiday sa::den Second Subdivision, a distance of Two Hundred <br />Nineteen and Fifty -Two Hundredths (219.52) feet; thence westerly <br />parallel to the south line of said Lot Five (5), a distance of <br />Ninety (90.0) feet; thence southerly parallel to the west line <br />of said Lot Five (5), a distance of One Hundred Ten (110.0) feet <br />to the place of beginning and containing 0.530 acres more or less. <br />Subject to reservations, restrictions and easements of record. <br />GRANTOR covenants with GRANTEE that GRANTOR: <br />(1) is lawfully seised of such real estate and that it is free <br />from encumbrances, <br />(2) has legal power and lawful authority to convey the same, <br />(3) warrants and will defend the title to the real estate <br />against the lawful claims of all persons. <br />EXECUTED: June zz, 1987. <br />FIVE POINTS BANK, A Banking Corporation, <br />GRANTOR <br />By & <br />William W. Marshall, III, President <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA) <br />) ss. <br />COUNTY OF HALL ) <br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on <br />June // , 1987, by William W. Marshall, III, President <br />of Five Points Bank, a Nebraska banking corporation, on behalf <br />of the corporation. <br />Notary Public <br />My commission expires: <br />iB MI •GAfAW d Imm <br />