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106•A- WARRANTYRDEEP (Revleed 1661) 87— 10�A 36 Huffman and Felton & Wolf, Wallon, No, 68461 <br />I. <br />KNOW A. MEN BY THESE±P'sREESEEM: <br />THAT I or We, LEO E. MBTTEMBRINK AND Jeanne Mettenbrink <br />METTENBRINK, HUSBAND AND WIFE, EACH IN THEIR OWN RIGHT AND AS OF <br />SPOUSE OF THE OTHER, <br />, herein called the grantor whether one or more, <br />ineonefderstionof $1 and other valuable consideration <br />received from grantee, do hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm note, J. Paul McIntosh <br />herein called the grantee whether one or more, the following described real property in <br />Hall Coun�Y Nebraska <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the SNUest Quarter of the Southeast quarter (M /4 SE1/4) of Section Ter <br />(10), Township Twelve (12) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M. in Hall County, Nebraska, more particu- <br />larly described as follows: <br />Beginning at a point on the south line of said Section Ten (10), said point being Three Hundred Fifteen (315.0) <br />(feet east of the southwest corner of said Southeast Quarter (SE1 /4); thence easterly along the south line of <br />said Section Ten (10), a ddistance of Two TTwwoo Hundred Thirty irx((FFiven(1123ff5.0t) feet; thhenncceeetdieffIe&ifng39left 950 00' and <br />rattaipSteiI; a distance °oF Ttireeerc�- SeaermEyOa°n8 Sieic�¢ even�Hun�edE�is� (370t67)ofeet:Otl>?nce <br />deflecting left 1610 09' 58" and running southeasterly, a distance of One Hudred Eight (108.0) feet; thence <br />deflecting right 25 21; and running southerly, a distance of Four Hundred Twenty Seven and Twenty One <br />Hundredths (427.21) feet to the place of beginning and containing 1.888 acres more or less. <br />To have and to hold the above described premises together with all tenements, hereditamenls sod appur- <br />tenances thereto belonging onto the grantee and to grantee's heirs said assigns forever. <br />And the greater does hereby covennut with the grantee and with grantee's heirs and assigns that grantor <br />is lawfully seised of said premises; that they see free from encumbrance subject to any and all <br />easements, restrictions and encroachments, both visual and of record. <br />that grantor has good right and lawful authority to convey the same; and that grantor warrants said will defend <br />the title to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. <br />Dated key d N 1987 <br />feo'E :'tdetteriir " <br />i eanne j, le't(tenb�. .............. <br />. . ......... ............................... <br />STATE OF .. Nebraska .................. . County of iiah........................ <br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me . AIAN........ ...................1967 . . <br />� ■U1f,�+le d fltitfalti <br />Y IA f1EAZl ry . <br />/r tlgll E>a W L9M <br />Si nature Person Taking know rt <br />....... ............................... <br />Title <br />BTATB OF .............................. Ins. <br />s <br />County. ............................... <br />Entered on numerical index and filed for record in the Register of needs Office of said Connly the <br /> of_ ..................... 19......,at ........... o'clock and........... minutes,l <br />andrecorded in Hook ....................of. ........... ........atpage................. <br />Reg. of Deeds <br />fly.............. ......................... Deputy i <br />