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$7- 103359 <br />STATE OF Nebraska j <br />ss. A F F I D A v I T <br />COUNTY OF ball j <br />Janes W. Olson being first duly sworn on oath, <br />deposes and says that he resides at 2805 West stolley Park Road, <br />Grand Island, Nebraska 68801 , and that he is well and per- <br />sonally acquainted with Dorothy I. McFeely, Dorothey I. <br />McFeely, Dorothy I. Hefner, and Dorothey I. Hefner, who is one <br />and the same person despite the discrepancy in the spelling of <br />the first name and despite the change in her surname. <br />Further Affiant sai *_h not. <br />Is <br />�5 <br />James W. Olson <br />The foregoing Affidavit was acknowledged before me this <br />5th day of June, 1987, by Janes W. Olson , <br />for the purposes therein stated. <br />CI, <br />Notary Public <br />My commission expires: <br />iEME W aatUlY - Sta. M M1nW <br />JOANNE G. ROUSH <br />My Comm. Do. Na. 25.1M <br />A tract of LaM CO prising a Part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NEkNE'k) <br />of Section Twenty -Seven (27), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10), West of the 6th <br />P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a <br />Point Six Hundred Sixty (660.0) Feet West and Six Hundred Sixty -Three (663.0) Feet South of <br />the Northeast corner of said Section Twenty -Seven (27); thence Southerly along a Line Six <br />Hundred Sixty (660.0) Feet West of and Parallel to the East Line of said Section Twenty - <br />Seven (27), a Distance of Six Hundred Sixty -Three (663.0) Feet; thence Westerly Parallel to <br />the North Line of said Section Twenty -Seven (27) a Distance of Six Hundred Sixty and <br />Eighty-Six Hundredths (660.86) Feet, to the West line of said Northeast Quarter of the <br />Northeast Quarter (NEkNEk); thence Northerly along the West Line of said Northeast Quarter <br />of the Northeast Quarter (NEkNEJ), a distance of Six Hundred Sixty -Three (663.0) Feet; <br />thence Easterly Parallel to the North LIne of said Section Twenty -Seven (27) a Distance of <br />Six Hundred Fifty -Nine and Thirty -Six Hundredths (659.36) Feet to the Place of Beginning, <br />a <br />