<br />87- 103259
<br />— ' MORTGAGE LOAN ti:O_ _ L 24,7798
<br />€ All tl£N By slfESi pRESENTS,Thg ilelvin ii. Zict ek and Dorothy V. Zichak, each i n his and
<br />he; own right and as spouse of each other, Mortgagor, wheetha are « num. ;a sonsidesunm- of the aw of
<br />7uo—nt9 Thousand and no /l Im
<br />ionned n said mtatp q by 7%e F.gtgtAk Btdditg and Law Asmenim of Gnod i$ed, Nebrmim. Mottpgse, upon 200 $buss of slack of
<br />Slid ASSOCIATION, Catiiicm No. L 24, 198 , do heeby rant, cmrey and =WVW unto the add ASSOCIATION the faauu*%
<br />iksctibed red cmft, 6twied in lint County, Nebraska:
<br />All that portion of the Northeast Quarter (NEB) lying South of the
<br />Burlington Railroad Right of Way and The State Highway No. 2, of
<br />Section Iwo (2), in Township Eleven (11) North, of Range Ten (10)
<br />West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska except certain tracts
<br />recorded in Deed Hook 85, Page 392; Deed Hook 133, Page 359; Deed
<br />Book 142, Page 206; Deed -recorded as Docanent No. 83- 003308; Deed
<br />recorded as Document No. 84-004886,
<br />wSedn with A the tenene m besdttaaaenet =4 appoesconwm tbcsetw:o belneging, including atradrod floor areainss. all rriadort streeae.
<br />vnfeaiwa Hades, blinds. umm wirbus.. awuow_ beaan4, as osnde.oaa r_ and phswbM and vunegmpwut and amavosies thta so.pops myet,
<br />sdsilearots and other fnteas and egspseot saw ot bcwtxhe attadrcd to ow wad in aamnectwo mtb sod wol estate_
<br />And aieoets the And "Gotma ha apes$ ad does kaent aria tam the moctp" shat and wit pry OR tarn and sumoomen levied «
<br />aamatd .pa. sod ptooms and upon dss a~ and de baud Aerated tbaebv Wme the amt AA become deb gtemt; to forth appomd
<br />intoawce upon the bai&W an :ad ptemsa aunt At Mt son at S 20, 000 papabl, to said ASSOCIATION and to delAQ m aid
<br />ASSOCIATION ore voice: rat sod woman=; and not w aemnw of paste any waste on ore abeat Acid reams.
<br />Is smv of defadt i the pwhwusaw of a" of the rem and omdYsoes of dus mmtpgc oa the bond swatted hemby. the meta A tick
<br />as 4aawd, be roweled to Anuadwe pavesom of the uwwq Wd Psmsex and dr moetppw heoft ampat, nomhot nod arts ores to the
<br />arnAr@ a Al the rats, teRSnrs arm mmasr tote dented Erato the twenem awing ranch time as the Wi rdebudma AM tame+
<br />worm , and the nsortpge *4 taw the tow" m+pra" m tWM of apaats d any desire for the patpow of tepaaiag aid peondom and
<br />tic Anne sad osifectbe tit ants, a-Amon and a oar, sad a oy pay out d sod Y con s/ eapewn of tortoni 6 said peesaiats ad aateary
<br />,ummonownto nod ezpenises meowed a eentatg and t1w oust and of coNroog motah ibneGaa: the bdnae annul{„ Y my. to be
<br />lbe dadww of sod mwVw that tgbu 4 the muctMm way be rant red at my time awing tk tatiteaoe of saA
<br />.><rcApeatits of nay a� :a.n rrfi the one
<br />Ibw pa worts, im on". are opus the: Cowht»n, That A the Ad bbd mpty aid law on of belwe the aWCity of tad down; by
<br />payaw: pay nearby m wd ASSOCIATNknt of ebr sttrtn spK.>Eied >• ear B.uwl ted-untd heueby as iattAest sad prinriprl w mid loan. w «bed
<br />theawcnssoldwyut And :l eyarenk, unfitsand<+ snnisletweet unsa' ataerrandawasumni vied Wins aid ond=&wwar"
<br />and doe Sued wcAm d thtaeby. b uln a dthnqwocy. ±twos appe nod >a>muna spore the buddmp theem to the Ao of S20, x.00
<br />to And ASS0CIATION; ap y w aid ASS OCIAiii S Woo &nand M ore nry by a pad f« Ads trio, as�ms and inrwoe with rwx# at
<br />Ne wazimsts Ito rate UWK% u from dal of pnyase W ab ad seb«is Mwtpp r Aewby agars to pry; pawn b worm as load ptewnas bap and
<br />wish ads the apxnens ad caedowns d a'ne Dowd tae S 20, 000 - 00 the dos' grey by the ssd m and ASSOCIAIM. sad ooapy
<br />wsh A the wquenwAes of the CoftVmtsm bed W4 .0n of wd ASSOCIAT oN. thrn theca petseats shA 'became WAS and road_ odonsw they
<br />AM waoain i fat fosor nod my be (ovedamd a the ap boo of the sod ASSMATION after fadme lot d wa muaths to sake any of aid
<br />payuaeats tun be tbac svonths w seas a eak>Bg tad mootldy payacats, *to keep sad vaWly web the upociums and audios of aid Bnmd;
<br />and Nuag em Aven to bane a dawns" sppamni foakwuh a Ands famchmre psaomdap.
<br />N there is a oust of she aunt stare mntpgvd bete", by uk a od worm, Ekes the Acme teAanininl iodebmlwm hereby
<br />Wand *A. at tide ovum of The bin ahie BW&W and Lose Amocsmios of (stand idled. Nebouiuk beanoe iwi e" I% 4m aad_p" cable u*how
<br />iodw oatwz, and the amount due won sad band. and airy odd a boed f« my addowund adwaees ends 8iaarda, d1A. from the
<br />Am of exacm of mid option_ beat manta as uo, a morrow kpt eac. and dm akwipp Any tbee be fowdund to satiety the nano doe as said
<br />bond. And soy 0tha bond f« addbww adswas. torshn wsh am more tw•d by tad The Lgtreabk Balding aid Lam A emontas ofGrmd hWd,
<br />snlrStrmia fat itmeawx, Ease and annownus, sad abom-- tagrzteaom dagger, wAh mints th... fma dots of pryaeta at the annim m
<br />iw ae.
<br />As ptwided At the Bead Avcatai bnrby, hde tho moagepe resume at effect the matpgm may beash t adsom addenin l oust to the
<br />aeksss of sad Band, thm sarejas c saa.:ws w; naaest, w sass' sums be -dbm the a runty of [his mortpge she same as the funds ongoa y
<br />secuued thereby, the 1041 awawt sat rmxgW Acbe Not to eseced at ass trash t%c wgwAW aattamc of tba taoAtgase.
<br />Vaud this � 3rd bas ci June A. f1 -, fY 8
<br />1•,; its. iic�%��
<br />f �-f
<br />Dorothy v. Zi
<br />LL ac On skis 3rd � of June 19 87 , bd uct tae.
<br />COUNTY OF ttAl.L
<br />the emdauVwd, a %otary Pubbc n and fot aid County, peteoealy tame
<br />Melvin E. Zichek and Dorothy V. Zichek, each its his and her own right and as spouse t f � a
<br />each other, are y
<br />or to be the de*xw pmon S >rbm name s are affued w the atone uou,wn, u mortV_0u s a� thev -,..By
<br />^*novel edpd the sad aabumem to be their .48"wy tct WA deed.
<br />WtTNM on, hard sat N u nni Susi the date afureaid
<br />kusty Pw)bc
<br />nwAar to �wwUL a NtrN
<br />a
<br />8m
<br />boNeam
<br />