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87- 1032042 <br />16_ Covenants of Truster with Respect to Leases. Without the prior written consent of Beneficiary, Trusty shall not, directly or indirectly, <br />with respect to any lease of space in the Tnest Property. or any portion thereof, whether such lease is now or hereafter in existence: <br />(e) 4CCWt or petmn3 any preps .rent (Ascu'n, or aMW- -rza paw -nErrt of rant hereunder in excess of one month <br />{'t1 CrL '--r tv xaie the sivne, or accept any r � W ,w a#R crsur -ender thereof, orim hit any a, tint to c�c�3r W I <br />Ch <br />£ate ?'theratinder to tore ware or carrcal the same, t- !ter#jm lamination tor: mpejir 4 of ren €, <br />€c <br />*RMW Of rrOMY the saw so as b Mdsace ft taunt -.'M the rental payable €hereunder. or to ~qs ar.�- renewal prmwow <br />(d2 kWft any dew 9wirouncter or breach thereof . <br />Ow any+ COW", wee er approval d ereeredert+r take any oMer e0ont in connect Art tt »ittt, c2* *Ah a fessss dtareun �€hich <br />tmuld!lave the efbGY of impwg die value of -V* )e's f merest thereunder or the property sugect thereto, or of impair v the <br />posobw orltverestofRanetfciary9wain,or <br />54K assx,,A page, +r"tga9e or otherwise dispose of or ertwr=rber is interest m any said lease or any rte, issues, profits msurig <br />or arising Hereunder. <br />77, MAW of SIAM mf Lpridozions. Time is of we essence in aN of Trtusfor's obligations and duties heraupda.; and to the extend permitted <br />by AN"; Trot waives aN present or hAwa sea bf tanwtwirts with respect t~ any debt demand or obigaeon secured hereby and <br />any acWn orproceadmg lbr die purpose of erxtcr-wv ttss Deed of Tres€ or any rights or remedies coeftted harm <br />la Assigamert of Deposits, In the evert Apr WUCBO" of aWovements is cwMwn~ by Me ban evidenced by the Note secured <br />hwobj$ as addi ww saam*y dterafore. 7ruSimr hereby taarishms and assigns to Bertafiaary, at right We and atereaY to any and al <br />h CM2 OMPOSOd by or on behgtl of Throtir with a:y, coy. coLEVY • pubes body or agency, sanitary district uti ty comp, and <br />arty WW trody Or VINICy. Aar the irata111100h Of AD Seale efts aeon of any vWy by Thistor, pertanurg to tlMa Trust Property. <br />19. C,dpotaaon or Pa*wsfW Existence. It Tiuskr:s a C&DWaeM generaf partnership. or limited partrrerstW t ww do all dwgs <br />r 'Y b PMSS^V its COMOnmO or P>V+SftP e*510+ce as the case may be and all ngMS and privileges corder the taws d Me <br />stale of its stcorrporaaa on or orgarwaamh <br />20. Forbearance by Benue Not a *Ww Any lbrbewarnca try Benekary in exercmmg any not or remedy nerewnder, or ONWWKW <br />aAbrded by a ppiaable taw, shad "Of be a weever of or preclum the exercise of any such right or remedy. The proaAernett of <br />SAWSOce Cr NO payment of taxes of the discha g" JaM or Vw9w by Owwticiary shaN not be a waiver of Berieficiarys n9M to <br />a ccabno the maturity of the kdarateveess .. <br />27. R nfedies Qs Mila0ve. Alt remedies Prowdad;n alas Dead of Trust am d sonct acrd cumLdativ a to any oilier right or rernedy under an <br />Head of Trutt or &Vax*d by taw or eytaiy, and may be e>mr=d concurrently ridependendy or su vafy. <br />22. Si=*%$M and Asae m Bound font and Sev«ara Lhwwi f Captimns The covenants and agreemarts heram Contained shah bard and <br />Ow nghls tralaundar Shat OKO tb. the MSPO evvrr iii' 'S and Onggrts of Bonsivalry. Trustee, and lessor AN wvibrantS and <br />AWSM aaertx of T4Mw &W be past[ and The Captions and heedwW of" paragraphs of the Deed d AM are !br <br />CaOnvattnADGe aMy and are net b ton used ka +tartarK dr dtrline lure prdMStmrts Meuse!. <br />?3. Notice, Sotpt tin any raoaCe repo wed sunder appeca0ke car n t►s given et ar'Ww miner, tat any rrofape to PuSlor provo�d for in Alm <br />Deed d Trust shah be glum by rvieftV sa#t rwaede by Caraaad mar. rfttrrn receipt requested addressed b Thaw at its mainq <br />add""set 100 800w ar at such 4*w adot+ess as Trustmr mft 018309hatV by notice to Benefiary as provided heren and (b) airy <br />r.11. 1 1 to Benekwy or Tn tstae shah be given by car~ main. rear" receipt requested. to Beneficiary's and Trustee's maiittg <br />address stated here" tar m such 00w address as Benektra v or Tnrtrae may designate by name b Truster as provided heroin. Any <br />I epays prom (Or n this Dined ar Tnae shay be r3earnev to ativs been given to Trustor. Serw6ciaty or Trustee when oven in ft <br />MOM 30 domed harm". <br />24 . Gov wwV Law, Seism;.* This Dead of Trust snag be 9",%w by ere Mw/S of eta Stets Of Nebraska an the evert any prti mma or <br />of N* Dead LX Trust MMOM wIft *P"C'* sew_ suck CO~ sftaN rot afteCt Wier provisions of On Deed of Mist wheat can <br />be Vvf" 0040 wilhoeAOw C 000"Pmns and m sus and ale pronseoem of on Deed of Trust are dettivad b be severable. <br />2S. Events d Defy * Each of tree faibwrng occuurarreas Sifwb txar4Aatte an event of default hereunder, fherearater calved an "Event <br />fa) TnaM shy/ AW ib pay when fire any pin MO; WOOMM ar lx� and nferest on ere Mobbteokless. <br />Ahy ow"anty of am rpadg by tva or horeer sumo be 400-100 <br />Tin. shaft fa+ b- obseeve a perry— ary Of V* �s agrwarrnerts, Ge czvLaA" ,sr the Deed of trust <br />Exit Any iapnt:rata beh or a ratrraap made by Tiusar do any 6M Mw stws- its Of rep& is suannted to Berteberary by or or. b" of <br />Trtew stall prow take or rwa am eay faswaorv- <br />ply T.r�rr shy tae' et portion" of o � Z<ta r:cxarsarxx cmrLdiCrsS ar ar2reutrttarts centrist! n. rot lending upmn Frustpr under <br />Y ft A*v loan Sweaenerrt setlrsb *9,--. r aw-- V--v staaleme!t tx any eklxr agiveirient wishw iery or <br />aoasnent exacigood by Trtr.Umr en c tuna oi- w o. ere Own ev+daM[ad *)y iris Note. <br />A matte . recawar or *OAK aw of tae r?W fiaperly of or rnrstat super be Appointed. or Jrny of ttfe CradtpS of Trtusw shah hb a <br />DOOM son b 7 Trntslmr, or by due rbargsrrzation of Trusty pursue to rte Fedora( Banknilwy Centre or any svnaar <br />i1► wriatitat tscftM Of scab_ and A Sum prder.-Or t. *w r Surat rxY 3R z&SChaqjed or dismissed wtfw MNTY (30) d&W ~ Erie date <br />on *#Pchr such cyder or peeem was rites. <br />TnAMW SfaaN iris a Peeemn pussua+tt b L`7e Fod" Sonmr orCy C,.Ow ar any &.,%W raw, Faders: or state, or of Tnis w Silas be <br />a*ndged a bavktupt or lea deciera t wooivrerrt. Or Suess -is" ar+ ter are ber*& of craaitors, or shah "no n its <br />saabify to pay its debts as vw baraorre die. or Silas zcvuerr w €rue *Apoweiviavt of a racaftw dare or any pat of are Trust tsrOpery. <br />d?3 FirW laude naant Aor lure putyrrvant or 0" rnav ba,.,� ,..v . ?_ a v. T -. s rt a ttry 3amg, at cam it tin <br />be d4charged, warn tarty e300 awys ~ere eras r~ or Ow ?w dopew thtretrcm or rtom the Sider, decree or process upon <br />ivfvcte or pu rssumv tb wtfiCh Sio poorriare was ww ww --.uw of a mew and secure a stab of asoc~ Dar"Nv Uch App" <br />tip Trraw shwt set or Corwey Via I'qw Progerfr, or airy .pert rr> you: . 3' any r thereat, ar Shan be divested or CS Aye. or any #tares► <br />NWOM. m any inJrtner or way, wvft~ iollow" or adftorR the w Vern Conserw of BduhCwy 04WV &V had end <br />ottt~ or <br />if Thow to a or parvw5fto and %n&e tin totr tam'sci, j, f des & teal v: hwas s in SLAM corporation or <br />p"w3hip, as ire easy rule y -'Je. woes be van sferrad ar -^l"sepw w7*vw viokorraw* or tea„ ry„ wroloub ere wnftert corm" of <br />Swwk y berg Sw had art" arowvw <br />25 Acceleration of Debt ForecsrtsLune Upmn the ooc:,vren ce er airy E+em of Do4wir, or any ume trwealtar. Banesc wy erW. at xs option. <br />dw&w air dte iodebtecar e" Sao~ bereby pmngd r due and payabe du=d a* same shoe bear interest at tine defeat rate. t any <br />eat Epret an tits Jlkab, a maeervrese ar rise nl9feaSt rase perrrxltad � par a-d. •meapeawe of wttadter 8anehaary exercaes StiM1 apttorn, rt <br />AW' at Lee epee" and n >N sere dOOV80", w+w"N aerp A rum nayCe ar demand fo or t ptn Try, do am or mete of Me A)iowrng, <br />'J1 awwbCWY tray OW& "V n., leery poefsssxtn af. savage and Won" Ov Fist Property of any part tf~, rake repairs and <br />ARraeone and OD any WIS wfech Swmf wy die his proper to prdMect Ma "",oily Mireo . and enter with or watiewat rMung <br />Pte+. in is Cvm /same. Stare far or aitllerwaw collect and !ac--ve rents. sw s and prafs, including Musa past Akre and unpmd <br />and apply tine same. Fe nr , and @xpwlw of opera[ w and cot:cao, wmkKbrtg reasonable affonW fees and Bwvhcrery's <br />covet. Upon erne kX*bttedw" Socased hereby and m such MOW as SWNAcwy may determine. Upon request of Berm6cmtry, rnrstor <br />shah aassmbte and nosy marts aysAebta so Bene%cAtxy Sw of frie 7' rust Paoperry twfr- has been removed The enow-rig :man and <br />M" Possession of die Trust pooparey, Ste CONSCamn of any fern. issues and profits, and the appkcahmn tr etwO as afore smrf. sho <br />"at Caro or *Jove any defutml ers+atotoie or tr+eneahlr occirh*V, or aftecf airy r,cmce of defaut or nonce of saia,*reunder or <br />rnl any tier dyne ptrsuanf � arty Such + %1aGII AC¢tllrfdrrij BQrt9NGt�Y 5 7Mra.^fiE' m p9S,11as51Qn CX re.^6rpn e2�i7 <br />4pptCA60" at renpr..ssu" ow p mft oxvhcwy SnaY! be er *ltd to exercise every mgM provided for rn tins Deed of Trust or by raw <br />upon mr after the occurrence of on Even of Dataur. +tag ate rV4 to exercise pie power of sate Ara' of -le ac:rez?s ,eferred ie !n <br />this pi'agrlph Mw lea tLtlE[Gtnrn by Biorw4crary at suer€ nine as Benebc�ery ;Tray defwmme V /nr* ,t 'eyrtro to the aoegcwy cr arc <br />sibcwNy for Are inaebiodnatx sec~ hereby <br />Ben 4vwy -0 rwwD out rogwe in the A4equwv a any sxuay ter stye ? 4ebtedl*s5 secweo heset -, ,7e er•f +:.ea * <br />rwrow -w of a rVco vw my ar y Co'Of withrrrt r-obce to rake 003sL,+xs O'-- of t,rCKet't. Ara: -&, <br />i -Vwrr, and gyre trv_. save*e and coAW, the nil wr ,ssuf and pia, rSi sr et,� rn ay7e T e frt t? <br />rLr*Y +:'rtrt ;xrv!` -3 i' ar. i^ rr, ar•,y - f .r cam- - -'.f aO-s-'7: =?' rr, +:wive - <br />r�re���s "v3rwrs= <br />