<br />Deed of Trust
<br />MW
<br />'i ' E FTR�'STis madehis � � dayor , 19 Af , by and bew*seq F2azz= square. A Fartnersbig
<br />wtka7ter one or morn, aweina"ie calfed Mta "TrusKu' ),
<br />P 0. Boa 188_ Graff Isla- _ T3 mgi69
<br />MW ,•+i_ ,ac��ST BANK Nebraska, National Assb�tiotc�asan rgadler a
<br />whosema�grjad is P.O. Box X168. Grand Island Nebraska 68882 ���
<br />NTT iA.
<br />Wt T r+ uadsbted to Ber ry in Mee pm,,pat seam of FORTY —SIR TODUSAND EIGBi LMNDRHD AM) ND /100 -----
<br />tAoOaes w6. S©0. UC_ i whPCh i 000100aiMOSs is evioamced toy Tr.'rr's prorrrissory note dated Terre 19 _ , iAereigaNer
<br />co id 91e'Moee`7, Payee to the order of Sene xary and havvrg a rnartoiry of _JIUM 1 1992
<br />NOW, 71i RWWORf, ADr One purpose of sec-
<br />V-(a) popnoracIft Note. 00989W WIMt Maerest Merton, :see charges, prepayrnem permlees, any fun" advances. and a8 extarmnnsu
<br />Modicsoom St4sattloorw and renewals Mteroo
<br />fb) payn+ent Of al Ot" sa:fst, fees ar charges, to GOO tote m crew Morton, advanced to protect the secarKy of Mrs Deed of Trust and
<br />MM PWb" uaraot a" covenants and agreements d Trusbr, w6@dfr Of not sou brth henern.
<br />tcl Porb"vorim d3chrge of and aor»io6ar s earth eyaary serm, covrmrwar obligaacw and agreement of ; rusax contained herep or
<br />'"oXIDaralyd by 106VI nce a env other secuaty mmurrrent or anytime given to stare the Note. and
<br />(0) r& reps~ O(aI00W sums or AAUe advances. warn try otereon. wnCh may Utereaofore hate been or herea)W be advanced
<br />by 9envlicavy ro Tnrslo► or Trustor's successor n way or me.
<br />ae i* d Ileramemer 00090vvy caged the "lndabaratatras' Trasmr wavocaby grants and transfers to Tnatee, M heat. WITH POWER
<br />OF SALE teat baAoaarg desscrtOed prcperty:
<br />tO't FIFE (5) AND THE VE$T€8 Y YWEM—TWO (22) FEET OF LOT SIX (6).
<br />bgMaer aaaMt ai bUidntgs, sMucAares adriacras. �. rrmftaams, repass, replecemeres, and arKawernergs now or hereaRbr
<br />A74yt9ed S4eterDra. p() ark @gcapntrtS mac,Yanery and hxScSe it udwig. wghout & lAabon, aA 40ANg, hogong, venNAM, t:ooing, ar
<br />btearaeoracg WMV* np and PkMghNV *xft ea. «rater rod ptnww sysfmn. erVow- bothers, ranges, ovens, d+9lnrr shors, nwrors and mantels,
<br />r , Av a— 00 bu+reva devvews arw mute. "Ovgerseen Phis or un0L co anon syst&gm dynivnos. Martskarrraers, @bcoical
<br />agurpvawnt 201.1 and screen wawows. doors. aw"vW and sfaadW now or hoe~ aQaeh@d to, or bat n. any buttkv or -
<br />other or IMM4ier tfDCavad Oeefeofa, Gel ae ewsansnts acrd ngeats COW" apPutwlra Mrerero. (rvl. tie bosom" *saw n^ teats and AMISS( of
<br />Trosbrsr and tea a0 Moves. wttevaer now or hr®>ger emerg or sneered rtes (ardtldvg, ;yi tw krrwagan. all cast and s@asiy deposes
<br />ad wxe rent A and dopoaes or papneras of a soma nwL"). prmm"g areremo (y) ai rows, issues. pm is acrd mom" Mterefrom (st 4v"
<br />ke lee ASW Of rnwrof to eorera and apply such revs, asrres, proecs and Inane as May become due and psyv bole so bog as no @vane of
<br />daeeuttaei�s /atrvatrtdrl. A+) a►rdyaflea4, rgrteref- at onto gas ngitts and prOftLS, watwr. water aghfs. and wabr sm". (va) tie bneaNnta,
<br />Aerodeamvrmt, pnvrleyvs and aIPPwtenaftm b0aon9erp, used Or rreoyso ,n Orrrtecbdn OwWowak and (vci) tie proceeds of Cdwerslorr,
<br />00b"I ry sr k% kitAWY. Of any Of NO bM9arg AteD OW or AmudMed ctasns mx*# V, WWXX a *aaaaerora. Proceeds Of stswsom and
<br />epataeeantapta awarded a0 d P f4shigerm0ocoftarreIV use .. Tryst may
<br />l T!re. Tian coven f. ww.,_ -„ anti ap A&o- may. in uccossors and assts, tenor* Tnsxiiar Oryats Mee Trust Properly hoe
<br />aaam anyr pros ran or enaenerrroa. Oael eim Oesa of Thge gs and wa roman o bit ken on the Tmr Propary
<br />AAet Thiso r, at 43 wo arvswevs sw- are art we rraarabn on Deer? of Tnwe as a tiro and porwriaw bw upon Ire raw(
<br />PWV" and erne Amww warrua and,@And gee robakry and pvrqY of doe ion hereof agawaar the dam of ate persons and; Pl i s
<br />INAMM devvr Tnwaor. of AS 00~ • 09 cause @ss Deed of Trust, aan! each amrw4MM or sa+ppbrraent hereto. to be filed and
<br />rwettrded as a rnor logo - of Mee Tres€ Prtmon* in such rrunnor and in -Auch pram and ** tare such stem as m mw opanion of roan"
<br />Saar be nwgasred by any prwsarr or ,*AVP law r.- order to pwnfea 'raw~ and protect the 4e0 of On Deed of Trust as Mee stew may
<br />be arneraasar a tt)arrr Wq! ro tyn+e Truvor are r such k*Vw asswonrae or assrranoes ro pwtct gs aft #* Mae TnAV
<br />Apwny as may be tvquged by Mary. Tnamr hereby re&yquwm Of npnt Of dower and hanestead in and to Mae Trust Proparyr-
<br />2, Paylrart of hglegatdnews TnAm, snot p0"MjV pay one ovxt jp* of and wore" on Me *Wobecdnes3 seared hereby.
<br />3 Conos+don at &jVraaemwe% Tnaamr WW coo wr good aria wpratryrnike lowest any buardn9S, rr;trovrn v es a rapers Minim
<br />P I ' wftcft n W be bwgun On Mae Trams r rCO" or comb"04MOd by roe lour ewdenc@d by the Note seared hereby, so pay whoa
<br />*Aye com and kabdo" ev rred lheroioeE_ And not 10 pe"M any corwMfacoon *on 49609 such Toast Properly in eras event
<br />::onaerwCkv at &Ld*+G's- "WrONO"MM Or Woos one mod. Tiusr also agrees. anyMrg n On Deed of Imo Ma Ors contrary
<br />XIW'* tad 10 prtnzp * Cor+araartca Any when worn and ro CoMpAgM M@ proposed rrrtpr VVrrerrts Uxorrmoy. (b) ID eanvieb the
<br />SO" n 40CM46rree wren tot@ Mehra end 3peoica6dns as approyad by Benelrpary, fc) to OMPy wah at the terms of s b Wdrcg lore
<br />agrasraant it any. I I — -ra Trussot and Benektxary. Ohs @tarns of ~ are incorporated name" by rekmnee art made a part hereof.
<br />V aidw WY ro sae Try PMpony at aM roes V construction and fe9 m replace any work or ntaffinalt:
<br />as pay eD Benobcoly - WWI @item k is) dews ate9r *moon race horn Benehttary o/ such fact.
<br />4 Fields tsar Payrrrsn[ of Chr9ws. StPoywc to app4cabre €ate or ro a wr'•ft, waver by Berwfactry, Trustor she@ pay to BoneMsary on the
<br />stet toy d @@ten+begat. or such aniwr daft each mOnW as rrcy b@ AA'0c~ by Senehaeyy. unai the kidebleckw" is pod an tW. a sum
<br />tytent MOW caI@d Ott Ftrraft 9 emote+ so r IM) of rte yearry tatros and ass@sstnenis rvrta;h may again p me y over ens treed of Trust
<br />and Oft"d teats on One Trtwt P"*Mrty, it any. pars t 120 Of Jae Ysafk prerra@am nslakatevs for hazard rrrsurrmva plus 1, 12M of the
<br />yewdy prvat+uh ra�itnaws oar mortgage rwsarrc@.
<br />Sony a1 as rsasoraatyr esar►tsead wttoaey std t3 om Inns to throe oy 9ertrOCeary on
<br />trash of aaaewan2erata and am anti ro"onabte asorno is arareot The Funds she/ be hold in an rts0[ueon, the dkwmu or
<br />80001erbt Of whsh ra onto or 9varanOW by a fsdW* or stoat agency rxalrdrg Bsnalpogry 9ene4ewy shoe am* the Funds to
<br />pay sad tors@. "Ses"N . irrasra "printer+@ and VOWW reds. Berretcxary share not be+egrrr@d M pay Thaw Any moor" or
<br />0 9* ar Mae Fur$. Brasfairy shoe gwe eD rnmW. tea, eat cWr9k an utter accnrrrang of the Fri siaowvag Crecift and
<br />abbot b Oat FamOs art On Parpo@e kW ~ each debt V the Funds sas made. The Fumes are pledged as addbo w secu ry for
<br />Mss W10610an0m scoured by ears Dowd of Trust M lhr rrmi" of Oat Funds held by Sane6ary, rogsthu wA* ow /A" month y
<br />wa MIA"W s of Funds Payable low 10 Mae am daees of hoe& asasessnenfa, vwtrrrtce prwnnums and ground fares . shag exceed the
<br />antaure feaaarcd ID pay said tiaras assom7wes , vrarrance prwnutons acrd ground ter" as May raft due. such excess sjW be. at
<br />TftoW s apM swap pronmety rvprd to PUSMr OF aeracaa AD TMWor aponst More rnonnry costa *heats & Funds It the amount of
<br />F faefiei b eienair�ary site3 rtpr ye srdt3c:arK a pay taxes asaessntena. rtswance pramruns and ground rents as they /alt due.
<br />1'ftW- SW Pay OD Beraekeewyrry FnOWV necessary ro mars top the dwf+Ctency wAnn ovny days ham the 0810 rk -IOCe rs maleil by
<br />ro TnAMVr tegrtsasng Perron Matrtlaf min par-ent M his d as /ndetateaness, 80nek4sty sprat prornpGy refund to
<br />I'Aa *w any FundB held by Bsnaakaary It Ste Misr rtratlaerry is sold under me power Of sate or the Trust Property rs o0wwrse acqured
<br />W Bertaacrry, 9lraaary steal apply, arsrre0tstay pnpr aD fore $ale Of the .'rust Property OF ,'$ acgtxstDOr ty any Funds
<br />rook, by B ry of the mate d ^Whc~ tie a credo agw w the tndebtmdnarsS N Bonehetary executes a wnnen xxe, rW o' Trusty s
<br />OM"o ens -00, errs Paragraph f, Tnsstor c_dre00011 end o9me'v fns pav . b-AXe me Sarre beco ne dehnou&,_ aP tales assessments.
<br />