<br />TRM DEED 87- 103237
<br />T li -1 a -M.-i— 19 S7
<br />4 f4AS 1*,E 0 0* 47KL:iSi� made and cotteted immi —d--- .4 -
<br />tj Ave FAZR ',IM '�10 -_Tjuaor.anj
<br />R
<br />Be-f'c—,
<br />w-pyNESSE-l-+ That t--- Trustor does by these presents granL bargain and sdL convey and confirm %-Ith Power of Sale unto the
<br />T-:?fte eftc inliloinng descrihed Red Estate including ails buddhvs, unprovernerim and fixtures of every kind now of hereafter tiected or
<br />plaieed on the read estar. situated in RAT T County, in the State of lmiwaska-
<br />&%d passewmilf said prenrd--s is rkA* delivered until said Truster:
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the umic, with all nghts, pm lkees. and appurtenances thereto belonging unto the Trustee, his emcutom
<br />adMuramom heirs, And asugm kwx-%vr And the T iruslcw tieretil c%pmssh wmves, releases. and relinquishes unto the Trustee all right.
<br />jole-ijam intemsL bent and estate whateler, in and uN the Axl%r-descnbeil premises and each and evmy pan thereat. which is given
<br />by or results fiviiin all laws A the State A %&xaska patairAng to the c%cmpix-4 4 tKwocste44- AW the Trustor civveriants with the Trustee
<br />dW larmill katioes sarram and defend the title to 1hc,;.unca@tww the lawful claims of all persons whomwevet.
<br />IN TRUST HOWEVER. tot the fAk-lnr dc%&-lexd purtsrsseN, To secure full and prompt peff(hrrmwe 4 all the terms and coindi-
<br />UMS at that
<br />0 Rciit*vng Loan .agreement 4 even date tx-rrth iincluding punt ularl%, but not exciumNicb. MIMPt PA)MCnt Of all sums
<br />lbtwh am or rata) Decor -.- pa%at4c W-m 'Inv WUMV 1hcMun&— ) And stn} CNIcawmr, xne%aK mcidjfic�timn cir tefinancings, thered,
<br />iMuch Re%olving Loan Apecrocrit LVAW81cs Beftfican� *ubwcl to the trindlitions stated iltemus. to 3d%-;m cc to Trustor up to
<br />S — - phis finance and kvber c►it (4m)
<br />fj Matt eI even dose henwrth in etc pntkttv3 suer at L 5 S 5191-17111 panable in mIxulth m-stailments of principal
<br />mW interest with the tiatanct *A the ande-stedness. at -" Axsncr twd, due and pasable on Tung Rely .19 97 ,
<br />h IS 291"d b.V And between partw% hemW that urt,-'� fii4niit ri 'Awc A Default, the Trustor "I I I V M all P-M%tnt and (Utun!
<br />tam mood ALI&Ssments, genet WW Vectai aptrist %al-d MjVM bdisrc-!hc same bectsines delinquent Q) keep an improve-
<br />v at% against kwN in fix and other bazaf& casuafties
<br />meaft envied on the land Insured as, qu) he required ft,11- -'rnlr 10 TMV k� nt-mficy Y t
<br />and comuigenemm in such AnvvuntN and i-,t nerissa, as are real v,**e and ma) be nNuimd in twwfvctant MW to keep all policies
<br />of s imuancce in kNce sw effr,t upcm lk- p==—r—; herein do--r%bod st-Warlit, ANI-411Cd A011 ddlWMJ to herbL(scur_%; t3) pa) and
<br />ctiaiipti oub all the terms And c-xiindgxxr, A ax.- ;ern. attfn x 4rkk-bitctlrscvs that inas he senior to tK LAr procetleme ow this Trust
<br />Det4 As skmin as an) such pavnient .V or M jxn -if Trustor to keep
<br />_ lag-, �,4 "I hecome due, and uvKwt failure t
<br />jla?t Siud agmerr-IMS. bcmficia� eta) ;AN such :A'L fidr k*! s4JcP InWrAIX0 -W M t-of .uch 11"M L-4 clam's (W indebtedness as the caw
<br />WA" be_ and the nixie) so evVeride#1 with interest at wt, per Annum- shall be secured to this Trust Dct& and ih-- Trustur agrees ki rem
<br />t �' tl-c ittal-hed fu,tc hall hecome immcdtatcf� dM aW Mable at the
<br />Sec maw upon demand- Ars.4 upoin WtArz W �kl VQW-c 4 1
<br />option 4 the benctictAo. ti) spetilft,,lh confer upvn the Tmstrc :*• cr .,! %jk- as Pn)%kkd in Nebraska IA-A. t 5 retain ricissession
<br />-f the Vmmises and Mkxct the rents and -rvitntm- -xielt-,vi
<br />L pm miirwal of All The 8urn,,&-C-umd N this Trust DectI 1tv lkwjkiAr% hail request the Trustee loirctmkc) the FMWO) MW
<br />ikAg voicadet this Trust Deed and all -icte% c%iderictni; irsdct riles,scxurrd h) this Trust L)etd to the lrusttn Truster %hall Mciulve)
<br />Aft aitt "-I vk-arritm.s to the JV'iswor. -sr persisr%S kpj-: Meth lhenv.* tut 11 sieiault tse m&k In tile pa)mem of said note to
<br />Aus part thMMA (sr ante to the int-cres! n aid agreements M--V&
<br />,. jbtxtv� %Ixr �-Jjx or t -- ?Is, fauh1w, Perlcirmaalcr L4 an) �Mr either 4 s a lus as alb
<br />them the -*hole tit said nine 4tw-11 Jue And tic Nul is fw-rrmaftcr mmided, 4n this deed shall remain .n fumcc: the Trustee or
<br />6 t JsCj�q dC'sLI bed A 0 bi C
<br />j%jt� 11 .� �4' 0,c Ti Tj usitc (em r i u
<br />116 AW�W, -.� PiCll�eCj
<br />Awturit, to the highest bidder. f cash 1jc-.irvcT. Ox =j vat herrm o mcrrc%j urNs he Trustee shall axrt be cxzrorcl ants! 1 I
<br />dot Trusice Shan inu flic AX MckWAL in the kilrWe ot the regtsita c* acids cY each count) wherein the trout PPVW) sit same pan im
<br />VWPC4 thereof isssttrated a, none <4 defAu . iilermCvm; the Trustee t� s;ittmig the names to the TrusW ubd roams therein and gt"
<br />OebwA and PAW Whem The %&me rsrmjo .A reap ,e� u. anobhptim
<br />for tihich the enact pmpcn) isms , omt-, vd As secu-1) Anti seling it•fin the nature of 'uch r'rrach and of his cleelikV to
<br />iA (v cause us be scud %ucb pnipert) to %") the t"4W1-- and I -'? 4tw the 'IAVSC 0 MA IC%% than Arne fW)nth- the IrUsICC shall 91%e
<br />no&x el sale as pto%*ded toy *wtiraslia law after rkxtcc A jefaul, And *oc 4 nq less than one ummik the Wove hall gitc written
<br />"PbM of the lanx am place 4 %ak f—t-licuiArly 'k-.-rtr%jW ati;e MVer, le, he %t46 ti) puNicatumi iii such iustwr- at least f',%r times.
<br />he sa 11 '4 M,
<br />�MC A ViVOIL for f1VC CkW1%4rkWrW WeCkX !hlr 1W rMNICAIUM W 'T At jCASt M dl&yS hat exit MLVC than ��O daps Pfklr to 1 - 'C' T - )
<br />hmsfispe, 1--* ;. 17, 'r, Which. the rrispm� '-:' be s( -4d. Air skmnc Part lhem't- N 'auxed Ursriti such
<br />sale, thr Trust" "I rvxcuslc arid &msrl A 4e--d .4 the pt+.Tcny v,W %A, the qu;vha%er,,t rur hAcx, thereof and all)
<br />IAA Aenbent'w recital (9 fact m such deed in -rtallon to OW--cmisir .*( the rxwv'-( sale ind sale of thx rrorerl% de,,;-.tvd thetrul. "'ClUding
<br />*rim .4'Werntrif Am mead sett '.Wr*VW a. - j4r - .
<br />d 4 !he M4�CC Ot jCtAUft 1, rrM!1t!'g A1111 Ih-- M,%4LJ1-n Jild fN)s11I19
<br />'4 r*AKC 4 sale. A-mi Ilse Ci*idtxl .4 "Jr. 410 'huh M AA, PTITTW fic'e is t d-nCe "t 'uch '('1*1114time 'VI'do'liclulNe e% idence
<br />ftft�A m fj-,r 4 N)T-j f'xk rlurchAsers A-ki UO 'AWC Alld Wflti"Uz r'ailc Mc ITI.,wr, dre't 'h-Oi orrd!e
<br />