<br />87-- 103i)
<br />is sold, transferred or further encumbered without the express or written consent of Beneficiary,
<br />eficiary hey, at it9 ,M1> _ _- __ srl _ec= --d by _ necd _r o be - -diotaly
<br />d.'= '-o4 r e.°leT and proceed to^ the ^reme-di =s a..ail -hie ro i! cam.: +er, he default proria'ons�contaiaed
<br />herela. y
<br />11- Rvants of Default. My of the €olic�r¢ag everts shall be deemed an event of defw�lt hereusd€r;
<br />(a} Trustor shall hav,- failed to sake pa_vsent of any installment of interest,
<br />priaclpa.l or principal and interest_ or ->y other sins secured hereby wham Atm_
<br />(b) There has occurred a breach of or default under any tera. covenant,
<br />agreemmt, condition, provision, re.Vez�srtatioa or warranty contained in this Deed
<br />of Truer., the note or any other loan iusteumeat secured hereby-
<br />(') There has been a default by the Trustor in the payment of any prior or
<br />subsequent lien or encumbrance in respect to all or any part of the property;
<br />(d) Truster shall file a Voluntary petition in bankruptcy or shall be adjudi-
<br />cated bankrupt or insolvent, ar shah salve an assignment for the benefit of creditors
<br />in respect to the property; ;It sn action to enforce any lien or encumbrance or judg-
<br />ments against the property Is commenced.
<br />12. At_ce2erati_ne Rpm Default. :n the evmr of my default. Beneficiary may declare all indebtedneas
<br />secured hereby to be due and payable, and the same shall thereupon become due and payable without any
<br />presentment, demand. Protest or notice of any kindl. Thereafter, Beneficiary ray:
<br />(a) either in person or by agent, with or without bringing any action or pro -
<br />ceeding, or by receiver appointed by a court and without regard to the adequacy of
<br />any security, enter upon and take poasesslcn of the property, or Any part thereof,
<br />to tts awn name or in the name of the Trustee, And do any acts which it deems necessary
<br />and desirable to preserve t"be value, marketability or rentability of the property, or
<br />part thereof or interest thereto_ increase the locust therefrom or protect the -security
<br />hereof and. without raking possession of the property, sue for or othervise collect the
<br />rents, issues and profits thereof, including those past due and unpaid, and apply the
<br />same, less costa and expeases of operation and collection, including attorney fees, upon
<br />any trtdebtedness secured hereby, all in such order as Beneficiary may determine. The
<br />catering upon and taking posses loo of the tryst estate, the collection of such roots,
<br />issues and profits and applfraltat, thereof as aforesaid shall not cure or waive any de-
<br />fault ar notice of dafnuit b-tessdtf -r 1ava11date one act and In respuast to such de-
<br />fault or pursuant to swh notice of default and, notwithstanding the continuance in
<br />poase+tslon of the property or the sollectim. receipt and application of rents, issues
<br />rr ?rafi�„ trustee or Beneficiary may we entitled to exercise every right provided for
<br />to an:° of the loan insrrumoors or 'o= law upon occurrence of day event of default. in-
<br />:ludlcy4 rbe -right ri exercise tar power of sale:
<br />tb) commence an acttoo, to foreclose this '.)eed of Trust as a mortgage, appoint
<br />a rrcetver, or speciftcallr enforce any _f the covenants hereof,
<br />1<llyrr t, ,'rxs :r< s written declaration of default and demand for wale,
<br />and a Kitt'm aot.i :e of default add election to eau a Ttustor's €oterest In the property
<br />to ae ad", vhich mice Tr uster sae11 cage to be duly filed for record in the affic fnl
<br />records of the county I-- r"icn the property to located.
<br />17. Foreclosure by Fever of Sale, S%14 Bene£lctary elect to foreclose by oxerctse of the power
<br />of sale htrein contained, Seaeflciar a_sll matt €p Trustee and shall deposit with Trustee this Deed of
<br />Trust and the mate and soch rerrrtpts and evidence of expenditures made and secured hereby as Trustee
<br />asp require, and urm request of tae Semrficlarv, the Trustee, ahall file for record. to the Relister
<br />of Deeds office to the Cony v vbere the pr.opwrt ion located, a notice of ,lefauit. setting forth the
<br />mama of the z
<br />Trxw r. the hook mow ?age or Document No- of this Deed of Trust as recorded to said
<br />Register of -.Rands <<rrfise. the :eylal drscriptio of uh. above- described real estate and that a breach
<br />of an :do's tgati tr-r whWl said rosl estate was cenvered as sccurlt T. haw ',ocurred, and setting forth
<br />the nature of such bra h mol tt .a.,..tee' �irct .,,., .v se.! then - estate - satisfy the obligation;
<br />And after the lapse of not lesmyt "w :,ae � u'a:at:s, -the Trustee shell give written pot ire of the ism
<br />and place -?f sate which mar t_ i -I man at zos preaises, or at the tourtbouse to
<br />the County -t-rreta such prsperty Is located, describing the propercv to be sold by its legal ;descrip-
<br />tion. said aotice to be putblfshed £° a aewspa., r if y;etxral circulatlon in tue County vberela such
<br />property Is located, once a week :car fir {5) rretsec;tlrr weeks. the lar-t publication to be at least
<br />ten (10) days. but asr more t :w:m t'_ir., fit ±; is -s. ,rir.• tc the sale: and the Trustee -hail then sell
<br />said property at the time and ?lace designated in tae notice, in the sooner provided by iant 1: effect
<br />at the time of filing said ncrite. at peb3lc artioa to the '.Agnes- `tddvr for cash ant shall deliver
<br />to smch purchaser a deed to rbe _Drbperty said, cocslste�t with the :awe in effect at the time.
<br />Upon receipt of the ,rice bid. Trustee to the purchase. Truster'% deed conveying the
<br />property sold- Recitals in the Trvtrer's yerd s'»!! 'e prima facie evidence of the truth of the &t_atc-
<br />memts made roerrin. 'rest— sha11 app". the ;*r cw:,rrdw of the sale In the following order: (a) to all
<br />reasonable costs and expanses of then sale. in=:udisg 'bat net !tatted to. Trustee's fees of not more
<br />than 1 of tSe gross save prize, rea>nasa le attorae- fees and costs of title evidea._; (b) to all
<br />sums -secured be tats »reed of 'rust; and {_; the execs. if any, to the person at persons legally to-
<br />titled tberet,. :a3' Person. :._... =fog 3e n,rf is tare-, mar purchase said
<br />?rinp<Cty at said Rate.
<br />The person t.- .m.:a. --t i. c'.r sa,« mar, for an.r manse tee or she deems expedient, postpone the sale from
<br />time to time a tll it shall fur completed and. in every such case. notice of postponement thali be given
<br />by public declaration t:*ez f � such person at rte time And plat last appointed for the sale; pro-
<br />vided. If the =nee is p—tpcted '... longer t:utc ace S day beyon.' the ,fate destgnated in the notice of
<br />sale, nottce t erec! stall '.0 ;� in it_e same saatner as the original nc „ice of wale.
<br />14- Reft"tea Sot Ezziusive_ Trustee and Beneficiary. And each of r'e. shall be entitled to en-
<br />force parsent dad perform wcs, of any indebtedness ar obligation —cured hereby and to exrrc_iae all sights
<br />And posters under this peed of trust or under ant. loam instrument or other agreement or any laws eov or
<br />bersaftet enforced, m:*twit staawding some or all of tc& indebtedness and obligations secured bereby
<br />which may t_ c- _:area£ ter `.,e ^ «xr -,si se xc,ure.'., zx tier := z,rrtvagr. .1etd .. irur.t. .pledge, tarn. assign_
<br />dent or otherwise. 'we,itaiT the'acceptaaca of this rtDe d of :rust nor Its enforcement, vharbor by court
<br />actloa or pursuant to the power of sale or other pc.aers hereoo contained, shall prejudice or is my
<br />samwer affect Trustee's. ar Beoeficiary's right to realize upon or enforce any other security now or here-
<br />after held by Trustee or Beneficiary, it bet” agreed that Truster And Stneflciarv, and each of than.
<br />sba.11 be entitled to enforce this Deed of Trust and asT other security now or hereafter held by the gene -
<br />flctary or Trustee in tech order and manner as they, or elthen of them, may in their absolute discretion
<br />determine. So remedy :arch conferred upon or reseryed to Trustee or Beneficiary is intended to be ex-
<br />CIUSlvt of aa;.- other rea>nsp hz rein : =r b_, law prvyl4ed -:+r pet- ftted, but mac- -:all t.e Cosolatfve and
<br />shall be in addltlon to every .ether remedy given bereudder or mow r hereafter existing at Taw ar in
<br />equity or by s €an-te_ r_very power or remedy given 'ox day _f tt; ion^. €nstruaeuts to Trustee r Bene-
<br />flcfar'+ or to wtA s: p urer cf r.'xm may Le ._ ?'. herwfs rnttried aav tr ex hied, ,x+ rryntl, ..r lederen-
<br />dsvtiy, from time t_ tSme and as often as may °sx teemed rxpedtent h. ?r ±tend Solari, an..^ eSther
<br />of they mi 9uzsar incsastsreni r? dlea. %.thlnt hefei^ '.. ..c .. -err .a . e- z11111tine +purl iciat�
<br />fray udgsent age. ins rt.< extent u. 11-1—
<br />