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F- <br />g7- 103204 <br />Ir—mlf <br />MORTGAGE MN,'4 Nf;_ L 2d .146 <br />it ALL MEN BY MUSE PRESUAS: Ila Fred W. R-----Ii ark! rsararet L. Rauch, each in his ar4 he <br />awn Xnz qht and as spouse of each otmex, MaftVg '. wbcdm lsm w mm, o% OOB'CIIflan of the Awo of <br />xhirw -Twos V usand Two Hundred Bred Fifty and 1nol10 Q mf. a&c <br />loredto aid an orhy't1beEgrm6kt apes 323 ypdesatm&df <br />mid ASSOCIATIM. CatWxale Na_ L 24,796 ,do haeby yet, ooavey and wartgor unto ft aid ASSOCIATT©N do foAow� <br />dmx&W teal agate. sheered in Nall Comty, Nekma#a- <br />Let Three (3). Claussen Brothers Subdivision, in the City of Grand <br />Island, Hall County, Nebraska, <br />kemba with A dw teoeaeats, herolmossoco s and appm unswas rs ftresmao bdaemam. xxximhog attached Roar oowtimtms, an trriddoa ataamd6 <br />wadew dadm bitsds, moan wwdosn, marmap. hmamtL sw used rarsrc and phambiom cad errata oq q mast mod aoeemrias .pmmops,t9oae� <br />tefripaades, mod other fmaan and aga*wmu soar r bawftem ataacked w m used a oinamma ~call aid tat caste. <br />Pod ahaeam cis arm mwgprm on Armall cad Axe hereby over that the mar pvm shok old wiA pay all tame mod mommommon k%iod OF <br />s odaad a" Said prrarma smell epos tier ig I mad the Nord mcwrd Ownhy belorr the mm doll beomme debw** u: to imam" apptaared <br />atraawrx apor tie l " S om sad pmvmn urasod a tier ruse of s 32, 250.00 payO* to aid A' SQCIATWK mod to ddiwr to aN <br />AS90CIAT f tit pow ft for qd imamrz: art —4 w maaws ne paaarr any wow o rx abort sod pew <br />to Come of detaak as tiro I fat ®t of mmy of the w mgmmd omdamom of this moolprme at tie bowl wowW hemby, the rporlper dat <br />an emdd, be emtskod sec mmmoodorsr P'wro°e of the mKwiamd praetors cad he mortpfgt bereby ashes, Usimoh a mad seta am to to <br />wanpyte aA the rears, tewas om mad movow to be darted from the amsep pd prxwees dariep teak time sm &e mogW w4mboldmomw drd washer <br />aopaid. mod the w mstowe %6A bww the poem to appoaa my Wom err aims a may demo for tie prpow of mepatip aid pwmia+ mod reaGiai <br />the moor mad cobr ug dw cads, resaaaa mod imams. sad a may pay out d %W asrowie so e:p ooft of mepaaaA ad pnaiem mad scarcer!) <br />oommr I mod expeom era, , an reatmR mod mmompam the snare sad of oafka m reatah fkaefmm; &a ba1mmm atadisI Y my. w be <br />apdirul broad The I I It of ooll raise apt +mss, ileit s is nt time mosswc arty be tadrtaaed al myt tomr dnls4 dw exid"m of wlai <br />+Iahelt rmgpoxmir of as" rc®poraty owsm of ge scar_ <br />T'Ycae Etieeats, hers- awi, am apom the t: aam1maon. Thu s` lot ski fMt x thall repay sod kwo on err before Shoe amonky of and obrtss by <br />pmymamc pry raowthly w sold ASSMATKA cd rbe wo m spcssfwd a tit Bond wu" hoeby sm m arm rt and prolopol Coo wd iota. slow blow <br />OR Two9ieth ay +a tam mod �, _ a.—d VW %two A faft pool- pay eta aeon cold esse"Woms mrsed mod Promm SWA as tbsm mwqw <br />call 9109 Road mebaresf thereby, betaft dempaeo", foredo s ostaoa mpas the baidtap therems a air mew of S 32, 250.00 peymble <br />to ad AS50CtA7WNi. ,q" to sod ASSUCIATI(A apes deamasd a' m amwe , bit s pull far soda loan, a dloomou mod ieandareoe Witter'eeaa9 a <br />tie ehere m ham are <sf;sryssM 4801 wbtcb fit>z` -itmcr berrb'y wits ea p",$ tftss au starts as and tsreaoes:kuep modasmply <br />woh am the moss mem. mood a &t. of tie Bored far s 32, 250.00 thus day ors. by the tad tdot opmr to and ASuxuTm. and assmplyt <br />rah mA the rerpmeweazs ere dw Coea;motw mod ByAA%rt od soli ASSMIOLTI Ni. them these peaseats AM bemme owS sell told, udmwm <br />dmfl mosses a foN fu.x std airy be foreckwd it the aprm .,f the tad ASSOCIAY10% after fashmm far dow � to spoke may of armed <br />papwaemSS or be Share ommot3ss a atreart a tarkmg soli motod:, y Viryin mt a, w w keep may vmp3y .rrai a a cad of sera# good <br />and h4wisiom agrecm to base a me ornxr appunssed forthwale to wci loce, ,twe p wxedoWL <br />It that s cop rlrrape d oua9sSbayt d the tell ertre emoeepmnd haew, by ate at otituerrme, these dol roue tem9rdiom rdobtmdmom Newby <br />dosed aiodi. as the opts of The EguaAk bit -Mmes! sad LA= Awmamo o of 9:raard tdamd,keiemoks. baoome maeeae h awe cold p ) 'A rr" , - <br />(Mika Assam, sod lit aeamar Ate aasitr cam bard, and amp other bond for may mdmtiamd odsemoes made ehrowmrdw. mtttdt, food the <br />doe Of 9aeec. of sad aph". Corr amrsm a the maummems kO lase. sod tits ttwtmame may chow be C tua I ro tmtiefp As mtdmat doe sew aid <br />bomd,sad a" otka bald for sddammwt mdawscss, tometber wdb al arm pad by mid The tgaepkke BtddoW mad Loam Amoao-k-so of Gro d !dead. <br />?kWgdcs far, tmmnmod wormoemts.era,$ak•ttracsaomrs -maul comers, with mired dawm, ftaa dal of prymrr9al a efsr maxim m <br />boo 91119. p.;h -d r Bond s -wvd ho&y. ssbak tan msartyp crows to effea the motig"me say hotaftee adsassm mddaaoad Sous to the <br />mdhen do Band _ Of 111 S a Nsese -a _ s+ awn *AM be wuhm the uxumy of this tstortpdr tit aa9 as dw fm6 otimoa&p <br />mcolyd Smosme of pwapd debt art to rsooed n any trntr iht onmasl mmaaat of this mortpme. <br />t ;# dsy June A n_, Iy 87 <br />{ <br />t 7l Nadm�i <br />STATE QF NEBRASKA. } m on tins 1st dap of June <br />COUNTY OF IMU <br />1987 , bdixt me. <br />the anderiewd. a Notary Pubtie m sad for std Coady. Pol y nme <br />fi'r'ed W. Rasher and Margaret L. Rauch, each in his and her awn right �sd as patamf each a <br />other, are <br />m to be Ow adrwtscal paaams whose u oc s are at3tsed to tit ab,m awl 4 eat m mamipom s cad they --ropy <br />atkrr edimsd the cad madissma r to bt their ray �-.t and deed <br />WITNM mw WW wid * wmi Set the dmta <br />.masse aX!41 - di <br />I& VIM <br />'am Es <br />