87- 1032 1O
<br />MMTG_kr,EI_nAM NO_ L 24,797
<br />Y_wG*- ALL mF,NByTIIMpRMENjS:Tb&jt Burhl iii 1pi-i-I and _MZiOel 1:00uise Gil-pir., --ach in his amJ
<br />1
<br />her owi right all as spouse of each other, MoFtpgm,wbettw one or main. im�of the ram of
<br />-------- DOLLARS
<br />banned to said moor4psoc by The Equitable BuO&w and Lam Associatme ot"Grand Idavd.Neomtka, mongpwe.ugnas 400 *an= of stuck Of
<br />tad ASSOCIATION. Cattficate No, L 24,797 - do bcnet+g vmw. convey and WOF4W unto the UW ASSOCIATION the Waiting
<br />AenrttAd mal estate. in Hag County. -kbwaska
<br />Lots Four (4) and Five (5), in Block Eighty-Eight (88), of Wheeler
<br />and Bennett's Fourth Addit-on to the City of Grand Island, Hal!
<br />County, Nebraska,
<br />saymbor m* ja the temmummu b"odnamsevo and mprosussam thocasto bdonIxq, wxhxmw attached Once covav*L. &I - mado
<br />mod am skwft trlmrdm, moan w"Adows, mwumw. kvmm*. an amodawmaw- and phoulmatt and water equqmwm and accomaxam themso. paxop stoom
<br />mAnrawv%. and otbn fixtures and equWatmem now - bovahm xmad" Tox used in ckmacction wAh smad rc&1 evtmc.
<br />AW abo tbt saw mwtptpur has Avftd and 4.ft hereby Aster that the mmltA" U%Ifl MA wit pay as taxes sod amemomb IGVird I -rd or
<br />masamed a" %W ptertomes and u" the uwmtSW sod the busul sawrcd tbrwbv bt ft the um shol become delinquent; to fortumb aI I a
<br />announce "m the bmMwrpm sod potsen dammed . the mom ots 40,000.00 pay" to said ASSMAIMM and to k 1inet to most
<br />ASSOCIAMM the pabon kw vital mannace. and mat m c wmmmvt ot p"i"a an, -me am. m &b" stud pvtommes.
<br />to we et defash sm dw justor"max at awt, ot the Uuu and coostatoms of the mogVW m the bond woured booby. the mor4W* Ask
<br />um dcomand. be entodett to mmatd*c poommmou of tae morippod pwmxws sod the ummVgm b"cby anoWts, tramfors and acts om to the
<br />srst III f A the vents, revemoss and momw to be 4wmtd fircom the mwVWd I, P , - - damnot; voch two as the , �" andebitagbasts " mounts
<br />tomfool; &*A the macwWoor z5all tow the porno w appovat any aeom oc sIn a way dome kv the Purpose of mpostaft said pwsies Ow msum
<br />time onto and comectme tie mem tricstaft sod mmome. ad a oft pry Ons of and Awassm an twmn of repaimf sad Panama OW , c - —)
<br />aoassotmaoaa sod expenses mc%wvvd m cating mod am thr sman, nod ,4 codeaug motab thmetmem; do bubmam nummidw of my. to be
<br />an*od toward the dodusW of mud a wttVW � SMICIN
<br />defusa of any "Morommy wanes of dw m
<br />Thew Pre eats, I , a, we a" ter t _WLA•_ that d It. sod M--savor *JA rqwY "W but m W termer the nommor" of said dam by
<br />payment. pay mouth!) to m *_SSWI OR 0% +4 eke scan -qwx-,fw4 as the ho4 sr,wad heorby as matexect and pm-A*d on and Was, on at befom
<br />dar Twco-wth 4RY -1 -ac+ and core* vc nxa - I - - gas m, masion the nape
<br />mad the Soudd vowed tbemb!, , hd t � , 1 'uu uwurwir P—� the buddoo tbessum a the sams of S 40, 000, 00 Pay"
<br />so aid ASSMI ATION. cps? to mad ASM X -14 1 Us% v" Jc*wbd ad mm" by a pod Am mach UxeL. annooft us sad assurance with votoost at
<br />the mossummumsto late them- !rumor doe *Pv*mvm 24"d ar" to pay, peseta uo warn asudpmwjowbmp anal amuply
<br />am der) poem by the smadMonpIpm tovand ASSOCIATKOd.sudommoy
<br />w" A the taquateamm-stsa the Consmstatw* *m4 N "um at 5W AS"-IATIGN� then thew presents dmH 1, c 3aa wA cad woad, othevAn[bey
<br />A" trommom m imll rotor and zmaj, be foreclosed ax the o9taia tA the 1 vSSMILAIVON after fin but for dam ammaths to snake any of saut
<br />parsocau w be threr mouth. - m-cm� =x;aW,�d mwt-1v pay—t.. 4v x:r krvp awl am*4 worth the agrtmem and coadmammofsad bond:
<br />SW h1lorippw sprees to new a rs xnet uppoft" fcxlkab as via* ptKvcdmp
<br />It them a may, dumit[ a owurroMM 4)4 tic #cad emirate too wtInpod beacon, by ate or othowmic, thew the eater n=man madebte4mems bemby
<br />mcmd "_ ;m t1w- ootmom 4 The I-AmenAk Swidwe and LAm AmovalmasA t4mad tabotI.ScImmika.boomme mommodustely doe mmdpayahE Wdbow
<br />fwtbcw mot]". and Lin amjuw romm-mamms due %& SWJ Kmk AM xffy 4b" NJOA to may Additional advoom smode ibervander. daL tram the
<br />Amme of &=c= of mud optwo- best macrom as the taxammums kW rase_ ad thm —tgW may tIms be foradomed to mumsty the maximum dam no mud
<br />homml.mad my otbo bad fm addasmad advocates, togethm -30 A saw pod by aid The t4%wtmhic L som! team Anoosixe of Quad Ishad.
<br />'WbMAS for MMMMAMM- 414% and MMCMWAMS mid SbOXACtAg tX%Obmrxl cJMMVPM math MUSMI dwrom, flUffln date Of payment At the
<br />bvd nac-
<br />-AS Plowafed *0 ter &(Aoj Urciree smt,, st wv this morevotpir M=W= m dice[ the mortVW my bcmfta advance mAlamomal ftwA to the
<br />g. tarps *aztic .di the wemd)p of dus rumtow at sawn the fords
<br />stru" tbcmb%, the locto axwom q pgm%:*W Arbi mA to emoved it an imr the c qpmal arnount of the vmiwtW.
<br />Dosed am 1st d" cl j,_-1e
<br />Mb'el 1culse- Gilpin
<br />STATE Of SMAMA_ OF that 1st day of June IV 871 ,baton me,
<br />the undmviod, a Nanny PWAK 0 MW f" and Commy. Personally cum
<br />Burhl Gilpin and Lottaise Gilpin, each in his and her own right XO as spouse each
<br />other, w b. are known to
<br />aw to he the 4 wwal P"s» S whose monec- az"v> Avlmcd 1-!hc zb mumm"I 4m_xqmvn _q and thVY wwmgy
<br />aAnowkoqed the %.d oummiewu to be their Ammmy art and deed.
<br />WITM-NN'" haw M4 "" Scat Ow date afommd
<br />