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_ t— <br />FORM 2930 (Rev. 7-84) <br />Page 1 <br />Q'7_ 10310-1 <br />Tape F Land sattk of Chum& W. .4. JL <br />FINANCING S TATEMENT AND SECURiffY AGREEMENT <br />'F--4 : sar -.s^. ode tat i3 Presented to a tiling s?fitkY $o WbW aursRant <br />t;; the LIANOM Gomaaar=* Code- <br />mss) (IW narne first) and Address(esi: <br />''nfOrth, Donald Dean <br />8-1, Route 2 <br />-_ Wood River, HE 68883 <br />SSO Or IM. 508-56 -2949 <br />No. otAddd f?onal <br />Sham provided: <br />Filing Officer: <br />Secu_rad Party and Address: THE FEDERAL LAND BANK OF OMAHA, 206 S. 191h, Omaha, NE 68102 <br />Osbt w. wtatim one m mare. for consideratimberebY grSnfed to Secured Party a security interest in the folfwtring property, and in aR <br />sietilar Property owned or hereinaNer acpuned, and any and as - Znwlsses, a#Kioru, accessions and substinttlons thereto or thsrsfore, <br />+rawerg err e'ooeatts tt>obot [mere nateer csuad n,e Coz+rmreii_ All wells, pumps, motors, systems, and <br />equipment used for irrigation purposes, in eluding but not limited to: <br />Power Unit Deutz Diesel NIR 5353643; Power Take-off Rockford SIN 527918; Gearhead <br />Amarillo SIN 100 - 106281; Pump western Land Roller SIN KB 75621; Pivot TSL 9 Tower; <br />Power Unit Deutz Diesel NIR 5688786; Power Take -off Rockford SIN 581344; Gearhead <br />Amarillo SIN 100 - 92975; Pump Western Land Roller SIN KB 7871; Pivot T4L 9 Tower; Power <br />Unit Deutz Diesel k!R 5919031; Power 'lake -off Rockford; Gearhead Randolph SIN 97473; <br />Pump Western Land Roller SIN B 76623; Pivot T&L; Three Delavan Hydrolic Pumps; Three <br />Inject -e -inters <br />tf a.ny of the CON OWN hell bees attached re or M to be WMC+ed to reel estate. a descnptwn of the reef estate's as follows- The West Half <br />M) and Southeast Quarter (SEk) except 2.73 acres more or less conveved by deed recorded <br />in Book 1:46 Page 337 and except 1.582 acres more or less, conveyed by deed recorded in <br />Book 172 page 319, and except a tract of land comprising of a part of the Northeast Quarter <br />of the Southeast Quarter (NEILSE110 r.f Section ?9, Township 9 North, Range 11, West of the <br />5th P.H., flail County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows; beginning at a point <br />on the ?north line of said Southeast ')[tarter (SET%); said point being 371.00 feet West of the <br />Northeast corner of said Southeast Quarter (SVO ; thence North 89 degrees 36'00" West for <br />124.00 feet along the North line of said Southeast Quarter (SF3s); thence 50 degrees 54'00" <br />Hest for 437.70 feet; thence South 61 degrees 40'15" East for 249.45 feet; thence South 85 <br />degrees 54'10" East for 241.25 feet to a point on the West R.O.W. line of Highway No.11; <br />thence North 80 degrees 36'14" West for 185.59 feet; thence North 45 degrees 48'00" West for <br />185.82 feet; thence North 1 degree 48'27" West for 412.85 feet to the point of beginning (con - <br />taining 1.718 acres), Section 29, Township Nine (9) !forth, Range Eleven (11) West of the <br />$CpMY4�e pn attaCned -d necessary' 5th P.M. in Hall runty, Nebraska <br />Tine wine of the ntco•d nwne+ d fns raw etsare s 'Lunalrl Dealt. Rainfortlt. <br />tip Warrants mar an -less memea ot!s�s w t* Cooulww -s sue-* os oe- x ma,;: rQi <br />C�tt _ bo�int M= y txrsor at tern& o, ousn o t1s TTrirses <br />but A enaraetd here Al h r tarmmg opwwt -o'n ,? "amed *e, ;,,_,` 'fir t'-S.r em 3pwafeons. and J marked nwe 0 ux Cotunera# n being <br />aCgwled :rtn the procesos ce t,* -,--e -� -. es —C� Sec+,-eu Par!', :: Ay d.5ra:.rse d,rectly to -* SL ,s! of t,* Coliaterat <br />T±ys and ail a.i f >rvst,- remora #s are a :nc. 'se3 "3 St c.u�e pe y win , * 3^ ;±—.- oewedr�eYs a -,.de- eo ny one certarn WOrtussoey mote Wyasie to <br />SeCwea Parry :n the pfocpak acv. n_nxn# a` i _.32- 542_12- _ -_ . _.- - _ --,-- . payaote aceordtng to the terms "uneot, TogetfW ;Amin <br />Via: v iat`.anTS.n ousagmerrer4- S iCh aod1l+.w Uo-S a5: -illy at t?,& ^vpIKA? of the Secwea Party ne advanced to oebtol, sum attances as <br /># a6 �+3rtfe tg+SacitsaG Part' x."�iiers a{treernen# f;1c ire pr,c-.tKlr: of ttte Caiiatara;, any and aft other amounts as snob many manner <br />d` L Pn1v'CErR2nt Gt t y +S � $etri.'t' -� <br />DEBTOR AGREES THAT HEr'SHE HAS READ THIS AGREEMENT AND THAT THIS AGREEMENT <br />INCLUDES AND IS SUBJECT TO THE ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS SET FORTH ON THE REVERSE SIDE <br />14EREOFi THE SAME BEING INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE <br />19 __- DEBTOR( < <br />