i6 dA 87— 103181
<br />10, That the Mortgagor will key, the buildings upon said premises in good repair,ai- neither commit nor permit waste
<br />spun said land, nor s„ der the said premised to be used for any unlawful purpose.
<br />11. That if the premises, or any Not thereof. he condemned under the power of eminent domain, or acquired for a public
<br />use- the damages awarded, the proceeds for the tat" of. or the consideration for such acquiition, to the extent of the full
<br />:,W,3t � 'A ind-al-Acdnes uprin this mortgage and the note 3 +kh --it iz giwii to sc: urc remaining unpaid, art h,---xby assigned by the
<br />Moat ,;4por W i:x- Mortsagec, and shaii M Fazo lorrivivirn to saki Mortgagee to he applied by the latter on account of the next
<br />awurmesix�afhnents of such indebtedness.
<br />Tice 110c further allect- tha g1k I dkii mor%W and the note secin-d hereliv now be elkVikik- for in-
<br />,si- the National Housing Act wiihjn�" from the date heroof (written statement of -,"y officer
<br />-41 the- Depa"Ancul of Housing and Urban Dc,,vkW---w :r auth,,rized zw_trit of the Sceioeia4 of fix tR and Urban
<br />Development dated subsequent 14) the 9C.) Days- -IMe from the date of this iwtgagv. declining let insure said
<br />f%ott and this MOngW. being deemed eKXXL-AI.V prmA of such ineligibility), the Mortgagee or holder of the note
<br />may, as its option. 4tchare all sums securred hereby immediately due and payable.
<br />13. That if the Mortgagor fails to make any payments of money when the same become due, or faits to conform to and
<br />comply with any of the conditions or agreemenh contained in this mong26-t, or the note which it scum, then the entire princi-
<br />pal swim and accrued inwreu shad at onc, become due and payithk, at the election of the Mortpgce: and this mortgage may
<br />tbcreVm be foreclosed immediately for the %ibok of said money, interest, monthly payments. costs. ground rents. taxes and
<br />the c of extending the absmaci of title from the due of this loan to the time of commencing such foreclosure suit, and a rea-
<br />sonable arvorney's fee, 4 of which shall he it in the decree of foreclosure; and the contract embodied in this mortgage
<br />.vW the time secured hereby, shaft in afi rc%pecu be governed. construed and aJMgt:,J by the laws of Nebraska, where the
<br />umt- i-, made_
<br />The covesmul, herein contained shall bubiL MW the benefits and advantages shall insure to, the respective heirs. executors,
<br />ad-winisuawes. and a%mgft of the panw% berao. Whenever used, the sir%rular number shalt include the plural, the
<br />phoal the siqpidw. and the use of any gemki, -,bA be appiliailik to all genders.
<br />The lunrWing conilitions, an and ungu6r. be* performed according to their natural and legal unpon, this conveyance
<br />AA IV VOW ,ndaw premises released at the C%pr*,C of time Mortgagor; otherwise to be and remain in full force wtJ etfect.
<br />IN WTTNESS WHEREOF. the 1l xtgag xtst hdFr hefeunto5c, thp.ir - Naikit') the JAY and Ytaf fir'l
<br />..hovc Written
<br />10 presence of:
<br />ctx;hqy OF
<br />SEAL
<br />SEAL
<br />;L SEAL
<br />O*N�� 7 ;04CF W i I SON
<br />SEAL
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<br />.A 1) 1; ,bcforcone.
<br />A#WAQ! ".fw (uun�ptj Canis
<br />per-may to me kna
<br />be tie ideMica person whose pyc A*Xej to the Aeve and fore-
<br />w4ft MM"NUM as and --now lCI*j the Uw ir-trumm and the
<br />execulloo thereof two be .4guourt ictand d1ti, for the purposes theleta cjkpnes%tj.
<br />h
<br />In tcswwany whereof. I have bereama act =1 hand and at xed by se r
<br />am the day and due Lim above
<br />wool
<br />us Una a, JML IL IM r ""I" Pvbk'
<br />FOW for record din da) of
<br />Ak 0*ciock
<br />fteaded in Book
<br />P14P at
<br />A. D. 19 .
<br />M- and entered in Numefical Index, and
<br />of Monpgcs, 04
<br />RcCiijer of L)ccds
<br />--jo 1j: „ I'm 19 "1 -
<br />