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i <br />10, That the Mortgagor rill kv.p the buildings upon said premises in good repair. a— neither commit nor permit a e <br />upon +:rid laud, not suffer the said premises to be used for any unlawful purpose. <br />)1. That if the premises, or any part thereof. he condemned under the power of eminent domain. or acquired for it public <br />us, the damages awarded, the proceeds for the taking of. oar the consideration for such a :quisnion, to the extent of the full <br />iednes upon this nnir, gage sad flit i 2; v r t. is is Si;c^ to s ; r; :maining unpaid, are hereby assigned by the <br />khett -p,goi to the Moagagtc, ant: shall be paid forthwith to said Mortgagee to n applied by the Litter on account «t rr r:ex2 <br />xuvr,tig insiallmenis of such iudebtedne,s. <br />fmtrther ,reel `hitt shoxtkt ih:ti mortgage and the note secti.ed hereby not re t �irle for in- <br />u r the t t ! _ :a Housing Act %fief,' `- - a - from cite date hereof (white!t siatementtof and 4gFicer <br />fu t3iYDeptlrtment of Housing and Urban [lest. *pa n or au!bvrizcw agent of the _ a „t.trt . -` ouser_g and U. ban <br />uevrfupment dated sttbsequtnt to ihC4; ; - tame from the date of this tr:ortgas , dtclittind io insure sac d <br />.ate and this miirlsagc. being deemed co:r..lusiat p ea,f of such ineligibility), the Mortgagee or holler of the now <br />T,, ) , at i§s option, declare all sums securred berth, immediately due and payable. <br />f±. That if the Mongagor fails to mak,� any payments of money when the same become due, or faits to conform to and <br />x`uttspt) with any of the conditions or agretmenis coittamed in this mortgage, or the note which it secure,. then the c :tile princi- <br />pal sum and accrued interest %tall at on -t becoalc due and payable, at the election of the Mortgagee. and this mortgage may <br />thereupon be foreclosed immediately for the whose of slid money, interest. month!} payments, costs, ground rents, taxes i-nd <br />the coat of extending the ah iraci of title from the laic o! the+ loan to the time of commencing such forectosuic suit, and a rea- <br />umatde atarne) 's fee, all of %rich +haill tK included in the t# cirte of foreclosure; and the contract embodied in this mortgage <br />4r-S the maie secu ed hereby. +hall in ail respc:ts be gm4crned, construed and adjudged by the law, of Nebraska. where the <br />lie is Made, <br />The covenants herein contained shall bitid. sdj the t,eretit+ and advantages shall insure to, chic respectivc heirs, executors. <br />Wministraturs. wccessors and as %tgm of The panics hereto Whenever used. the singular number shall include the plural, the <br />plural the %itigul.r, and the use of any gender h; i t%c apgsticabk lo all gender, <br />The foregoing conditions, all and unguiu, bring performed according io their natural and legal import, this con%"ance <br />shall he voiil AM +cud premises rclea+ed at the cxpensc of the Mortg tgof. othctwi+e to tic and remain in full force and effect. <br />IN WITNESS AHFRUOF, the \t srtg goq.+t)ti trret moset handnsi the day and year hr%t <br />abovir +:mien. <br />In presence of: <br />1SEAt.1 <br />r <br />r+*' I SF.i t k <br />1SFALI <br />tii At ! <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA. <br />C()U %-7 Y OF <br />CM ihis ` + dal oaf . � � l) .9 . bef,arc me. <br />at.,” ` •- - xtt �.,�! ;,�r s.,w E ,rssnt)_ poser -ally came <br />lobe the identical perian %list%% mime <br />.tl laeu to the .,hot c and fore - <br />&ttlg imtrumnl as \Iwpgor, anti <br />tcknou tcdgtJ the saij i rt,truncniand the <br />e»ution thereof to be' .z} - <br />:1 aid tilrd . for tic pu'poses therein expressed. <br />In testimony %tterea,r, l tc.9 %c l cic.n set cry !a * sR l _ rxc t t y <br />1541.+C' , • <br />alb the day and date! >st ai ose rr;rir =� <br />1( -yy. <br />` <br />Et't` <br />E* Set l-, :W <br />1 Notary Public <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />Filed far record ties d.i_s of <br />A D. tY <br />At o'ciack <br />St. 4aJ cnicred .n Nu.,.crres! Index. and <br />recorded in Book <br />of Mortgage'. 'm <br />Page of <br />Rcgister of t)ccds <br />3 o.c , ;,+y., <br />