10317 •
<br />f!?tii•it::� -: Lf:AN IvL. L, 24,?S
<br />;=Nff-: f MT,-N BY r-HM PM -T-., Cherries Farber, Jr. and' Karen F. Farber, �=q in his and
<br />h� own right and as spouse of each ether, mortmm. vtfetha ore or more, in con dent ian of me =m
<br />Ttti�.''� _ ,cartrt fiitsht t3ttndrecl_, -af�d_ no /100 DOLLARS
<br />loarod se aid tm.tpgm by Toe FAr -.tor_ >amumg ad Loan Asrsaat m of f:rand 1sbnd, Nebnk l*a, k=ortpVe, t Pon 312 of swa of said ASSOCIATION. Catltratt No. L 24,791 , do hereby peat, comes and mortpr moo the scud ASSOCIATMN rise faJionstt --
<br />dtsmird tcd estate, suited in Na§ County. AkMadca. - -`
<br />Lots Fourteen (14) and Sixteen (16), in Block Nine (9), in University
<br />Piave, an Addition to the City of Gmnd Island, Ball County, Nebraska,
<br />and that part of vacated Prospect Street starting at a point at the
<br />Southwest Corner of Lot Sixteen (16), Block Nine (9), University Place,
<br />an Addition to the City of Grand Island, thence East One Dindred - Ihirty-
<br />Nero Feet (E132'1 along the Southerly line of Lot Sixteen (16), to the
<br />Southeast Corner of Lot Sixteen (16), thence South Thirty -Five Feet (S35')
<br />at right angles with the Southerly line of Lot Sixteen (16); thence West
<br />One Mu Bred ?hirty -Two Feet N'132') parallel with the Southerly line of
<br />Lot Sixteen fl6), thence Forth Thirty -Five Feet (N35') to the place of
<br />Beginning.
<br />WVMho .stb A thr tcrrtatots t—'dnsmems gad VrArrnaa rs tbaemda tWuovo,- Kbdodtaw aiuched Root taare mWs A trindor =ems,
<br />voad1 'hadet,triad', sWea .nric .s, srtt ,ha rms- ax:,aJ"m=r,mdpitwmbmg and .rata cquWvene and aaemanm Wrta:o.w�w.atoxes.
<br />'d nos, and mthre fm1mrm mad ogmpmcw nor au txtrattrt aruckot w i. mad w omanertia vrth read teat esttte.
<br />,And ''torte the sad atteolMm tut Weed ad Jots fiw: t mpttr olvt the nxxitaptx shahh and wA pay a9 taxes and aacaammu lerled of
<br />assts I wpm >m p,aamrs and ap m thus mwgPW wo the trnd wc='d thrmb' brfa+rr The same dQu became dekngoem; to fat>orh appttatnd
<br />tauter x a" thr btrMop oa tad ptemoti mooted tt tte over of 3 31, 8W .03 ptrcahk to tad ASSOCIATM and m drki'es to aid
<br />IISSOf1ATIfart thr pnheet dtx sad tmreaaac. and nut to a ammo rr p'a'ne mr tart. +as w ,bum ad premms, _
<br />it pee .d 4dadt as the periwwmm x art my 4 the 14Ytffi Add at thn tmxtpw ter the hoed 'ecWed htsebp. the raortytpee tdr6.
<br />om 4tmwwA_ tt ,aeakd to tmmrdWr poormwe td the rtavrVWd ptrarnan red the omjpjrw hereby amp's, tr=rAm gad mb ones to dw
<br />mmffiWm a@ the mats. tetemea gad vta� to be Jrtt.ed ttata the ion sped ptetnees dam* wr9 tmte as the margw edehta/eea *a aim
<br />ompod. 4md mr manpohrha hww ahr Poore to spprarm era?- aatet oar Wit s o or� Acme tw the ptaptse of repcaaaat tad prasi- gad tra'i't -
<br />dw ranee asd viecsrtt the moss- m" mum and 'dearer. and at uov pay one ..f •sod =mere an eapotm of tepmrfett and prem s and novetrry -
<br />maa�rraa art rWows acwrnd im rco+twp and mosagog the rasa, a" ,4 cnU,esm6 r.a" aienetftron, the beham P, if my, to be
<br />appied ta.ard the desharw of sad mmr1r'W mdr3 tsoLKa. three tgdaa 4 The mw tMme tern he nxrcved at any tuna dw ttt the tt"mm of sad'
<br />drhWt, otrtpc m of avv temptman ran" of the rater.
<br />new Pteoastts, MaWt -t _ at xpva lire C.rmftt. -- Tlrt d thr tad tf.artpapr 3AaL` trpt mA kun un ax befattt the mmmdy at tad theca by
<br />pryme*t. too m Khh ter, %od ASU- XIATICA .d thr cam s}-dwd a thr ft -d wcwed hntbv as mtemm and prmcgWm tad kma. oaw before
<br />ear Toon erh dh of tacit *ad ,sear mrmh. was saved i,a a tags pod, poa a& taus od aaemwms leased apma sad praaaes gad OR this MQr4PV -
<br />A" the sonar tecaeed themb. , ttrtexe Jcitogtr r,' a,-axxsh trpp -. d mo aaaor wpm the Pmktap then -m r the tam of f 31, 800.00 '
<br />ere aid A.SSM- IATKV% trim, i s svd AS"'I'r TUM =cW a ai maws S a pant fcx sock uses, ammummts asd unwamm trio art agaaat
<br />dx mmomr kVd rat, tremor from dau .at fia> torrtt .a8 r Matt' ttultfiatat t e,rbs apart tr pa, permit no waste on std premwmkmp and atrrmdy
<br />,.wki tlrr rpxrrramtt eat c-Arstwa at titer flood ivt i � 1, ��e3. f:a3 rhea Jay pea tw the ad N..attppur tot Mud ASSOCIA'fl4N, gad m.ply
<br />vtth tit mr tigttecmrxtad fir (. astaarton etd 9y isys of tad ASltxYA'fit3N „0tern thew pFooms Aid bftwme net amd v d. odw mm Uey
<br />*4 to tug fo, r sod wav be t vtcicvad ri the opssa of s r sand ASSLW-1A DO% dtet father tar 6#m mamkn to tats nay of gad
<br />payarru .st !r ahtee ''Hanna w artrort a minas std m w"h paymeats, - 1. laxp aad a epic with the agcemeau and ottadkto0a of sad 6md,
<br />aard tiastpptr t¢ces it by e a reeeasrt t wthstlh rs sra-tr #are c pecacetdmp
<br />It siege a tray -ltatpe m-- mmiV,R the €.1 o;Lste oostpecd hrwm. tat sdr - ,dwmm, then the tmur msamat erdeb ka'asby
<br />seed rich- A tbt aptroa or The ktpmabk SmhLat a.d Lam Atsmmtayo..,t t- rand hdmd. `irbrafa, bear mt: mamedwtdy tote mod pmyakke malmot
<br />fmav act”, and thr amm at r,+ma*m doe w Wn sad bwrd, tad � Aho taro d for nay addaxmW adeaam made ttrterr ,e shat, fttaa the
<br />door of euraaw trf tad ,:opt mom. boo, one" at tbt mas_--ntm iepttt rata, ,sac a#ra aaaurtpepe :may than be fomckmd to rarefy the amoaat doe an sat;
<br />ism4.r�+asa ,>.r. � fox zdrdas� a+. *. �.�+ -� r;�+ sp try �' � �-a Tbr F:ps:.�;e thtttt ari i.+sm •-'- _. -.:.'- �C,raad fdtad,
<br />rfiekomii far aatr>nae, casts awd traestaar»ts -and aE+ara'stras rstera,axs = #ss*pr', .Hb natter ttrsecrt, from doe of pay=s' m the oaratmma
<br />As pror»ted E the 8 d trcotrd hmt+y. t.ouk tfatt swarttrafe ttraauo . cftect the mwtpge my hereafter 'damn addamth moms N the
<br />amen -.d' sad pond, dot rx >e t a-tatan n aart , --+. trans 1hk tx arts, the >tcwrar at that motttapr toe sear as the No&
<br />mv-d tteaebw. the taxer Amcor'sd prmwmi &*A mr to rLwe i a t tame tt- -mmmai at€ttrmt of the martmW
<br />sttn
<br />26th Ass _ !far
<br />Ras R. Farber
<br />flriTF 0- ai€WASKA,
<br />a ton ttxsbt d !fay 19 t3'+ ,behae me,
<br />t`CX."iY fif ;TALI
<br />rte atdersomcd, a `«usry 112biu as sad tax tad (bwnty, penowaVyramr
<br />C- ..arles Farber, 3r. adtd far F. Farber, eiv^h In nds and 'ter err, ri ) i and as s of
<br />-ach other, . , are er ,,,
<br />tar m be the 4entxAj tvrt.e 5 +Smw yrse c ;7-r. afT t« abr s;o' ti- artmuy
<br />tot thr and matrateat to r i r #sxact act mf 4-4
<br />ahTNfSS my hand .d - m Sad IN, Qatar a±,'
<br />aty G•>mm>va� rs -swFCe i) 1'1 i
<br />-
<br />.eaexxt - ..�.... :i
<br />